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  • 物聯網分為哪三層?舉一個例子說明這三層的作用。物聯網心得
  1. 感測層
  2. 網路層
  3. 應用層
  4. 心得:我看完影片我覺得物聯網是一個很好的東西,因為這樣可以讓生活變的更便利,可是我覺得有一個缺點是自己在做什麼,搞不好別人都會知道,所以還是要小心的才行。
  • 電波編碼基本流程。並舉兩個工具的例子。
  1. 人聲-電波-電台-收音機-喇叭-資訊-編碼-發送-接收-還原資訊
  • 摩斯電碼的「SOS」連頭帶尾怎麼打?
  1. ...---...
  • 什麼是「天安門母親」?為什麼會有這件事。
  1. 是前中國人民大學哲學系的副教授,六四事件死難者家屬丁子霖等人發起的聯同一群在六四天安門事件中受難者的母親組成的,要求中國共產黨平反八九民運的組織。
  • 台灣行政區填圖
  • 台灣六個直轄市是哪六個?
  1. 新北市
  2. 台北市
  3. 桃園市
  4. 台中市
  5. 台南市
  6. 高雄市
  • 請依指標圖,寫出此指標圖所含意思
    1. TWHW1a.svg  Ans:一號國道的第一條支線
    2. TW PHW61b.svg  Ans:六一號省道的第二條支線
    3. TW CHW101a.svg  Ans:一○一縣道第一條支線
    4. TW THWnt47-1.png  Ans:南投縣四七號鄉道第一條支線
  • 此次600公里環半島活動,我們騎乘的道路,主要是經由哪2條省道?
  1. 台2
  2. 台9
  • 國道1號、國道3號,俗稱是什麼?
  1. 國道1號:中2高
  2. 國道3號:2高
  1. 盧安達大屠殺
  2. 因為他看到每個人都在他面前死去,他感到很悲哀。
  1. 蕾莉安
  2. 因為當時薩爾加多身體不適,所以他們決定回到他生長的那個地方,回去之後卻發現樹林全都死了,所以蕾莉兒提議說"我們把樹種回去吧!"
  1. 候選國:東帝文


  • 目前東南亞裡哪個國家的經濟最為進步?又是以那些行業為主?
  1. 新加坡
  2. 服務業,金融業,航運業,物流業,旅遊業
  • 東南亞有哪兩個國家盛行住在高腳屋?高腳屋有什麼作用?
  1. 非洲,寮國
  • 印尼駕車靠哪側行駛?
  1. 左側
  • 鴨仔蛋是哪一個國家的特色食物?
  1. 越南
  2. 中國地圖填圖,標出秦嶺淮河、山東、江蘇、廣東、四川。


  • 以秦嶺淮河為界、北方、南方的主食各吃什麼?
  1. 北方:麵食
  2. 南方:米食
  • 在中國影響較大的是哪四大菜系?各是哪四個省份的地方菜?各菜系的特色是什麼?各菜系特色與當地環境有什麼關係?
  1. 魯菜
  2. 川菜
  3. 奧菜
  4. 蘇菜
  • 五味是指哪五種味道?


  • 請說明舞蹈的定義。
  1. 用身體和表情表現出來的一種藝術。
  • 請列舉舞蹈的三要素。
  1. 表情
  2. 節奏
  3. 構圖
  • 八大藝術是哪八個?
  1. 文學
  2. 音樂
  3. 美術
  4. 雕塑
  5. 舞蹈
  6. 建築
  7. 戲劇
  8. 電影
  • 中國舞蹈有一個明顯的特點,這個特點是什麼?請詳細說明。
  1. 是構圖的對稱性。左邊的人做了一個動作,右邊的人做相應的動作。


    • 板塊運動歐亞、非洲、美洲地形的影響。
    • 辨識重要的大地形:歐亞大地形全球大地形(彩色)自轉地球全球大地形(黑白)
      1. 青藏高原
      2. 伊朗高原
      3. 地中海
      4. 愛琴海
      5. 裡海
      6. 黑海
      7. 亞洲南邊三大半島之中南半島
      8. 亞洲南邊三大半島之印度半島
      9. 亞洲南邊三大半島之阿拉伯半島
      10. 歐洲南邊三大半島之巴爾幹半島
      11. 歐洲南邊三大半島之意大利半島
      12. 歐洲南邊三大半島之伊比利半島
      13. 東非大裂谷
      14. 落磯山
      15. 安地斯山
    • 重要的水域
      1. 太平洋
      2. 大西洋
      3. 印度洋
      4. 地中海
      5. 愛琴海
      6. 黑海
      7. 裡海
      8. 北美五大湖
      9. 維多利亞湖
      10. 底格里斯河
      11. 幼發拉底河
      12. 尼羅河
      13. 印度河
      14. 黃河
      15. 長江
      16. 密西西比河
      17. 亞馬遜河。
    • 歐亞與美洲山脈走向對其歷史的影響。
    • 歐亞大陸文明東核心的中心與特色。
    • 歐亞大陸文明西核心的中心與特色。
    • 東西核心成敗勝負的關鍵事件。
    • 五階段九個帝國。
  1. 波斯帝國
  2. 亞歷山大帝國
  3. 羅馬帝國
  4. 秦漢地國
  5. 阿拉伯帝國(大食帝國)
  6. 隋唐帝國
  7. 蒙古帝國
  8. 土耳其帝國
  9. 大清帝國
    • 第一次東西大交流。
    • 第二次東西大交流。


  • 畫出中國良渚文化玉琮的「簡化獸紋」。
  • 說明玉琮的用途。
  1. 祭地
  • 孕育良渚文化背後的大河與重要湖泊。
  1. 大河:長江
  2. 湖泊:泰湖
  • 推測良渚人的主食。
  1. 稻米


  • 簡述佛陀的故事。
  1. 佛陀一開始是一位王子,他每次看到生老病死,他都在想能不能免除死亡。後來他遇到一位沙門,他就出家變成佛陀。
  1. 羅馬帝國盛世。伊朗高原為安息帝國。印度北部為貴霜帝國。印度為百乘帝國。中國是東漢,上面是匈奴。
  • 說明貴霜帝國富裕的原因。
  1. 此帝國坐落在絲綢路上而十分富裕。
  • 甚麼是犍陀羅?為什麼早期佛教不用人像代表佛陀,而是自犍陀羅開始給予佛陀人的形象並製造佛像?
  1. 他被希臘亞歷山大帝國佔領過。
  • 貴霜帝國第三任國王迦膩色伽一世為什麼要大力支持和宣揚佛教?
  • 佛教是如何傳入中國的。
  1. 透過絲路傳入中國的。
  2. 百品報告/刻有約拿故事羅馬時期棺柩
    • 簡述約拿的故事。
  3. 亞述帝國是猶太人不共載天的敵國,尼尼微是亞述帝國的首都。亞述人曾起兵滅掉猶太王國,大肆屠殺並燒毀耶路撒冷及其他城邑。
    • 怎麼知道「刻有約拿故事羅馬時期棺柩」此棺柩的主人是基督教徒。
    • 簡述基督教在羅馬帝國三個階段的發展。
    • 刻有約拿故事羅馬時期棺柩的製作時期羅馬帝國正由「軍事無政府狀態」轉變到「四帝共治制」,請解釋羅馬的「四帝共治制」。
  4. 百品報告/鳩摩羅笈多一世金幣
    • 請簡述鳩摩羅笈多一世金幣上,牡馬的故事,並說明牡馬是公馬還是母馬?
    • 請說明[西元440年的世界局勢]。
    • 貨幣有哪些功能?要具有這些功能,貨幣必須有什麼特性?
    • 古代王室為什麼要發行貨幣?
  5. 農園課觀看的影片:你在浪費食物嗎,想一想有什麼方法可以解決片中糧食浪費的問題,請寫出四種。



1. Middle East respiratory syndrome(MERS)                                                  11. 天橋                                                 
2.outbreak 12. 轉角處
3. quarantine 13. 道路標示
4. Busan 14. 地下鐵入口
5. insufficient 15. 公車站牌
6. face mask 16. 加油站
7. scold 17. 斑馬線
8. surge in 18. 路燈
9. World Health Organization( WHO) 19. 紅綠燈
10. prevent 20. 人行道


  • 1. How much hours are there in a day?

How many hours are there in day?

  • 2. What time do Lisa usually get up?

What time does Lisa usually get up?

  • 3. I play computer games seldom.

I seldom play computer games.

  • 4. She is late always.

She's always late.

C. 翻譯

  • 1. Mary 需要多少糖呢?

How much sugur does Mary need?

  • 2. 箱子裡有幾罐咖啡?

How many cans of coffee are there in the box?

  • 3. 廚房裡有兩杯奶昔、一顆南瓜和五盤炒麵。

There are two cups of milk shake, a pumpkin and five plates of fried noodles in the kitchen.

  • 4. 那些孩子們從沒有使用過筷子。

Those children never use chopsticks.

  • 5. Nancy 經常在七點前回到家。

Nancy usually gets home before 7:00.

  • 6. 我們有網路,但我們很少上網。

We have the Internet,but we seldom use it.

D. 依劃線部分造原問句

  • 1. There are three plates of fried rice on the table.

How many plates of friends are there on the table?

  • 2. She drinks two cups of coffee every day.

How much coffee does she drink every day?

  • 3. Jenny has two bags of sugar in her bag.

How many bags of sugar does Jenny have in her bag?

  • 4. I have ten cans of juice.

How much juice do you have?

E. 填充

  • (A)

Sandra: Andrew, do you still remember that I borrowed you a book three days ago?
Andrew: Oh! Right. I always forget it all.
Sandra: That's fine. Could you return it to me tomorrow? I need to review for my test next week.
Andrew: Sure, I'll get it back to you.

  • (B)

Bella: Where did you go for your last vacation?
Rose: I went to Kenting (墾丁).
Bella: Really? How did you get there?
Rose: I took a bus.
Bella: How much time did you spend going there?
Rose: It took me nearly an hour to be there.

F. 閱讀理解,根據文章段落大意,以英文回答問題。

     Physicist Bruce Banner is on the run. He has been chased around the world by General Ross, a military leader who wants something that Banner has something that Banner is. While Banner looks like a mile-mannered scientist, when he gets emotionally stressed he becomes a giant green monster with super strength—the Incredible Hulk.

  • Q1: Why Bruce Banner is on the run?

Bruce Banner is on the run because He has been chased around the world by General Ross, a military leader who wants something that Banner has something that Banne is.

     In the United States, many people think fortune cookies are a Chinese invention. That is because they are served in nearly every Chinese restaurant from New York City to New Mexico. However, they actually originated in the 19th century in Kyoto, Japan. There, chefs would slip a tiny slip of paper into the bend of the cookie, containing a random prediction of things to come.

  • Q2: Where did the fortune cookies originate in?

They actually originated in the 19th century in Kyoto, Japan.

     The sandwich has been around for centuries, but it got its name in the mid-1700s in England. It was named after John Montagu, the Earl of Sandwich. The earl liked to play cards, and he hated to be interrupted by meals. Therefore, while he played, he dined on meat stuck between slices of bread. This eating method got rid of the need to use forks and knives. Soon, this food gained popularity and came to be called the "sandwich."

  • Q3: What did the Earl of Sandwich do while he played cards?

While he played cards, he dined on meat stuck between slices of bread.

     Decades later, another earl gave his title and name to a popular drink─Earl Grey tea. According to one story, Earl Charles Grey, Britain's prime minister from 1830 to 1834, was given a package of orange-scented tea leaves. Grey later gave the tea recipe to a London tea company, which marketed the tea to the public with great success.

  • Q4: Who gave the tea recipe to a London tea company?

Grey later gave th tea recipe to a London tea company.

     The World Health Organization said the disease is likely to spread in South Korea. More than 1,100 schools have suspended classes to prevent students from getting infected. The Health Ministry is verifying two suspected MERS patients in Busan, the second largest city.

  • Q5: How many schools have suspended classes?

More than 1,100 schools have suspended classes to prevent students from getting infected.

G. 回答問題

  • 1. What are the names of the 7 days?

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

  • 2. What day is it today? (根據事實回答)

Today is Monday.

  • 3. What are the names of the months?

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November December.

  • 4. How many weeks are there in a month?

There are four weeks in a month.

  • 5. Which school did Janet graduate?

She graduated from MIT.

  • 6. What did Janet eat in Cambodia?

She ate chicken butt in Cambodia.

  • 7. Which languages could Janet speak when she came to Taiwan?

She could speak Taiwanese when she came to Taiwan.

  • 8. What did Janet do in Queensland?

She flew a sea plane in Queensland.

  • 9. Does Janet want to be a doctor?

Yes, she wants to be a doctor.

  • 10. How often do you play basketball? (根據事實回答)

I play basketball once a week.