
在2014年3月19日 (三) 16:16由張繡蕾對話 | 貢獻所做的修訂版本

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  • Find the picture through the Internet for each word below and make a sentence for it. Each sentence should be more than four words and don’t forget to write down its meaning in Chinese!
  • frog(s)青蛙(複數)
    1. 英文造句:
    2. 意思:這隻青蛙又毒又可怕。
  • toad(s)蟾蜍(複數)
    1. 英文造句:
    2. 意思:蟾蜍跟青蛙長地很像,千萬不要被牠的樣子給騙了!
  • porch(es)門廊
    1. 英文造句:
    2. 意思:青蛙跳過門廊。
  • river(s)河流(複數)
    1. 英文造句:
    2. 意思:這條河流又寬又長。
  • star(s)星星(複數)
    1. 英文造句:
    2. 意思:美麗的星星在天空上閃爍。
  • cup(s)杯子(複數)
    1. 英文造句:
    2. 意思:有人要拿杯子喝水。

Dictation聽寫 Frog and Toad are together- Part one Frog and Toad are together- Part one One _____________, Toad sat up in bed. “I have many _____________ to do”, he said. “I will __________ them all __________ on the list so that I can _____________ them.” Toad wrote on a __________of paper A __________of things to do today Then he wrote Wake up. Wake up. “I’ve done that,” said toad. And he crossed out Wake up. Then Toad wrote other things on the _____________. Eat breakfast _____________ _________________ Go to Frog’s house ________ __________ with Frog Eat lunch ____________ _____________ ____________ ______________ ___________ Frog Eat _____________ __________ ________ _________________ “Blah,” said Toad. “Now my day is all _________ down.” He got out of the bed and had ______________to eat. Then Toad ________________ ___________ Eat breakfast. Toad ________ a piece of clothes out of the cupboard and put them on. Then he crossed out Get dressed. Toad ___________ the list _______ his ________________ . He opened the door and walked out _______ the morning. Soon Toad was ____ the Frog’s front door and he crossed out Go to frog house. Words to learn take a walk 動詞片語;散步 written 動詞;寫的過去分詞 into 介係詞; took 動詞;拿的過去式 morning 名詞;早晨 paper 名詞;紙 in 介係詞;在…裡 supper 名詞;晚餐 (英式用語) remember 動詞;記得 piece 名詞;一張 list 名詞;明細表 write … down 片語;寫下… something 代名詞;某物 take a nap片語;睡午覺;小睡一會兒 get dressed片語;著衣 crossed …out片語;刪掉 put動詞;放 in介係詞;在…裡面 play games with…片語;和…玩遊戲 pocket名詞;口袋 go to sleep片語;睡覺 things名詞;東西的複數型


  • 作業一
  • Read the third and fourth story from the book of Frog and Toad are Friends. 請讀第三和第四個故事。
    1. Please watch Words and Pictures- Give Me My Yam. Please fill in the missing words. Some words have already showed in today's word list. You can watch it through the following link.請看words and pictures節目,裡面有一個故事叫Give Me My Yam把芋頭環給我,請聽故事並填空。
  • Give Me My Yam

Jordan loved to eat yams. One day, he took his ________ and dug and dug He ________ a nice, fat yam. He took his fat yam down to the River Danzo And washed it ________, clean, clean
"Hum...", thought Jordan, "this would taste _________ with a nice _______ of brown _________ ________ The River Danzo snatched his yam out of his hand and ________ it away. And Jardan put his hand on his hips and cried, ...(as it was written)
The River Danzo gave him a big, fat ______. Jordan walked home with his big, fat fish. "Hum...", thought Jordan, "this will taste nice with some boil bananans. A black hawk swooped down and snatch his big, fat fish at his hand and carried it away. Jardan put his hand on his hips and cried, ...
A hawk gave Jordan a __________ tail feather. Jordan walked home with his ________. "Hum..., thought Jordan, "I _______ imagine this would taste ______, but it looks nice and feels soft. I'll give this to my mom." The ______ blew harder and harder, snatch his feather out of his ______ And Jardan put his hand on his hips and cried, ...
The wind gave Jordan a multi-colored _______. "Hum..., thought Jordan, "I can't eat the leaf. I know. I'll _______ it in a book." The goat snatched the leaf out of his hand and _______ it up. And Jardan put his hand on his ______ and cried, ...
The ______ let Jordan milk her. He had a _________ for the fresh, creamy milk. Jordan walked _______ with milk
"Hum...", he thought, "I love goat milk. I'll share this with my ______ and _______." But, he __________ see the ________ _________ growing out of the ground. And before he could stop himself. He was tumbling and falling. And the calabash was _________ through the air. they _______ landed crush. And Jardan put his hand on his hips and cried, ...
The tree looked hard ___ Jordan and said, "back behind me." Jordan looked _________ the tree and found a _______. "Dig there", the tree said. So, Jordan dug and ____. And what do you think he found?
A yam! A nice, fat yam which he took to the River Danzo and washed clean, clean, clean. He ran all the way home and handed it to his mother, who ______ it and cooked it and gave it to him as a brown stewed chicken. Delicious!!

  • 作業二:查單字


  • 每個單字都要有這四樣東西:
    1. 英文單子
    2. 英文單字的中文意思,如果單子有一個以上的意思,可以寫跟故事最相近的意思就行了。
    3. 有關這個單字的英文造句
    4. 有關這個句子的中文翻譯(或意譯)
  • 如果單字後面有寫要圖照的話,那就請找一張cc授權的圖照放在頁面上。你要自己照也可以。
  • 單字表如下:

    1. behind
    2. both
    3. calabash (要圖照)
    4. carried
    5. delicious
    6. dug
    7. found
    8. gopple
    9. peeled
    10. piece
    11. sailing
    12. sdewed chicken (要圖照)
    13. spade (要圖照)
    14. thought
    15. tree root (要圖照)