
在2014年3月19日 (三) 12:11由張繡蕾對話 | 貢獻所做的修訂版本

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  • 3. Word list to study
  • Please cope the word list below and look up the dictionary to see what they mean.
  • There are four things you need to do in this section:
    1. Write down the Chinese meaning of each word you check, some words may have more than one meaning. You can just write one of them.
    2. Give the word a picture if it is neeeded.
    3. Make a sentence in English for each word.
    4. Translate (翻譯) the sentence into Chinese.


  1. 後面
  2. I‘m behind my mom.
  3. 我在我媽媽後面


  1. 兩者、雙方
  2. You both are smart.
  3. 你們兩個都很聰明

calabash (要圖照)

  1. 葫蘆
  2. I have a special calabash.
  3. 我有一個很特別的葫蘆


  1. 提、拿
  2. I carried my pencil box everyday.
  3. 我每天都會攜帶我的鉛筆盒


  1. 美味的、可口的
  2. This cake is delicious.
  3. 這個蛋糕很美味


  1. I dug the treasure in the mound.
  2. 我在土堆挖到寶藏


  1. 找到
  2. I found a bear in the forest.
  3. 我在森林找到一直熊


  1. 狼吞虎嚥
  2. She gobble eat lunch.gobble和eat都是動詞。可以把gobble改為副詞來修飾動詞eat,或者將eat去掉,換上up,因為gobble up something就是狼吞虎嚥得吃的意思。
  3. 她狼吞虎嚥的吃午餐


  1. 剝皮、削皮
  2. The apple need to peeled
  3. 蘋果不會自己做削皮這個動作,所以要用被動式,be V + P.P就是英文被動式的句型結構。因此,peeled前面要加上be喔。
  4. 蘋果在這裡是單數the apple所以動詞need要有變化。請加上去。
  5. 蘋果需要削皮


  1. There are many puzzle of pieces.
  2. 可以把piece想成一個單位,在英文裡單位名稱會放在前面,如很多杯咖啡叫做many cups of coffee而非many coffee of cups。因此說很多片拼圖,英文說many pieces of puzzle而非many puzzle of pieces了。
  3. 那裡有好多片拼圖
  4. 這句話的英文是倒裝句,英文得主詞應該要在句首後面接著動詞。因為倒裝所以主詞跑到動詞後面了,如果你這樣想就會比較清楚,Many puzzle pieces are there。倒裝後變成There are many puzzle pieces。
  5. 延伸造句:這家寵物店裡(pet shop)有好多狗。試著造這格句子看看。


  1. 航海
  2. Many people like to sailing.
  3. 以like來說喜歡做些什麼事的英文有兩種,like to + 動詞原型或是like + Ving現在動詞,改過來。
  4. 很多人喜歡航海

sdewed chicken (要圖照)

  1. 燉雞
  2. The sdewed chicken is good dish.
  3. 燉雞是一盤好吃的菜

spade (要圖照)

  1. 鏟子
  2. I need the spade to dug a mound.
  3. 我需要鏟子去挖土堆


  1. I thought this is good idea.


tree root (要圖照)

  1. 樹根
  2. Most of tree roots are very strong.
  3. 大部分的樹根都很強壯