
在2014年3月3日 (一) 20:50由丁禾對話 | 貢獻所做的修訂版本

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Abby's teachers told to Abby that her needed very high marks on all the rest of test and quizzes to got promoted to seventh grade, and they couldn't even sure could that got worked.Abby said she wanted to gone to summer school.But there was no academic summer school in there district for her.Abby felt every disappointed.She ask teachers to help her. So, her teachers told she needed to done three things.First, she needed to done all homeworks of every subjects.Second, she needed to got every tests and quizzes at least strong B.The last, the importantest one, because her social studies were too worse, so she need to joined a special project for extra credit and done it great job.It's not easy to got her homeworks up and done project well, but Abby accepted it, for her academic grade.