
在2014年4月2日 (三) 09:52由張繡蕾對話 | 貢獻所做的修訂版本

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4 Mar 2014 Lesson Three

Group A

  • Book: Chapter 5
  • Words to study
    1. Review words: suppose /recommend/ disappoint
    2. excite

I heard that the superstar is coming to Taiwan next week. I am so excited about it!

    1. annoy

I keep asking my parents what my birthday they are going to buy for me, but they won't tell me. It annoys me a lot! My mom felt the same way. She said that I am annoying.

    1. bad, worse, rotten
    2. Deja vu: it's french, meaning, have seen.
    3. Link (Lawrence)
  • Book: Chapter 5
  • More words to remember
  • deja vu

Group A assignment

    1. Please read chapter 5 and write the following sentences in your practice book in a correct order.請讀第五章,並將下列句子依照順序排列出來,寫在練習本裡。

  • She dicided to write to someone who lived in village of the hill above the capital city of Afghanistan, Kabul, becasue Abby likes mountains around and that's all what it has.
  • Mrs. Beckland wrote different things that she would like Abby to do.
  • After a while, Abby picked one piece of paper out of the box to be her Extra Credit.
  • It got the name of her project which is called Project Pen Pal and the steps to complete the project.
  • Mrs. Beckland asked Abby to put her hand into the box and chose one project description out of them.
  • Before she start, Mrs. Beckland wanted her to chose a foreign pen pal.
  • Abby went to room 131 with Mrs. Beckland to get her project which lay inside a shoe box with a hole on its top and the words of Extra Credit on its side.
  • so when her fingers traced on a raised-relief globe
  • She wrote and sent her first letter very soon after her decision.
  • She gave her a globe to search which country she want her pen pal come from.

  • 2. Words and Pictures- Give Me My Yam- Please fill in the missing words. Some words have already showed in today's word list.

Give Me My Yam
Jordan loved to eat yams. One day, he took his ________ and dug and dug He ________ a nice, fat yam. He took his fat yam down to the River Danzo And washed it ________, clean, clean
"Hum...", thought Jordan, "this would taste _________ with a nice _______ of brown _________ ________ The River Danzo snatched his yam out of his hand and ________ it away. And Jardan put his hand on his hips and cried, ...(as it was written)
The River Danzo gave him a big, fat ______. Jordan walked home with his big, fat fish. "Hum...", thought Jordan, "this will taste nice with some boil bananans. A black hawk swooped down and snatch his big, fat fish at his hand and carried it away. Jardan put his hand on his hips and cried, ...
A hawk gave Jordan a __________ tail feather. Jordan walked home with his ________. "Hum..., thought Jordan, "I _______ imagine this would taste ______, but it looks nice and feels soft. I'll give this to my mom." The ______ blew harder and harder, snatch his feather out of his ______ And Jardan put his hand on his hips and cried, ...
The wind gave Jordan a multi-colored _______. "Hum..., thought Jordan, "I can't eat the leaf. I know. I'll _______ it in a book." The goat snatched the leaf out of his hand and _______ it up. And Jardan put his hand on his ______ and cried, ...
The ______ let Jordan milk her. He had a _________ for the fresh, creamy milk. Jordan walked _______ with milk
"Hum...", he thought, "I love goat milk. I'll share this with my ______ and _______." But, he __________ see the ________ _________ growing out of the ground. And before he could stop himself. He was tumbling and falling. And the calabash was _________ through the air. they _______ landed crush. And Jardan put his hand on his hips and cried, ...
The tree looked hard ___ Jordan and said, "back behind me." Jordan looked _________ the tree and found a _______. "Dig there", the tree said. So, Jordan dug and ____. And what do you think he found?
A yam! A nice, fat yam which he took to the River Danzo and washed clean, clean, clean. He ran all the way home and handed it to his mother, who ______ it and cooked it and gave it to him as a brown stewed chicken. Delicious!!

  • 3. Word list to study
  • Please cope the word list below and look up the dictionary to see what they mean.
  • There are four things you need to do in this section:
    1. Write down the Chinese meaning of each word you check, some words may have more than one meaning. You can just write one of them.
    2. Give the word a picture if it is neeeded.
    3. Make a sentence in English for each word.
    4. Translate (翻譯) the sentence into Chinese.

    1. behind
    2. both
    3. calabash (要圖照)
    4. carried
    5. delicious
    6. dug
    7. found
    8. gobble
    9. peeled
    10. piece
    11. sailing
    12. sdewed chicken (要圖照)
    13. spade (要圖照)
    14. thought
    15. tree root (要圖照)
  • 4. Please preview Chapter Six and look up words you don't know.

Group B

  • Reading Comprehension- The Story, Frog and Toad are Friends
  • Please write the answer for each questions in your exercise book.
    1. What did Toad do after Frog got into Toad's bed?
    2. What did Frog like to do while he was resting?
    3. What did Toad do to help him to think of a story?
    4. What happened to Toad after he did those things to help him to think of a story?
    5. In your words, what's Frog's story about?
    6. What did Toad do after Frog finished his story?

Group B Assignment

  • Read the third and fourth story from the book of Frog and Toad are Friends. 請讀第三和第四個故事。
    1. Please watch Words and Pictures- Give Me My Yam. Please fill in the missing words. Some words have already showed in today's word list. You can watch it through the following link.請看words and pictures節目,裡面有一個故事叫Give Me My Yam把芋頭環給我,請聽故事並填空。
  • Give Me My Yam

Jordan loved to eat yams. One day, he took his ________ and dug and dug He ________ a nice, fat yam. He took his fat yam down to the River Danzo And washed it ________, clean, clean
"Hum...", thought Jordan, "this would taste _________ with a nice _______ of brown _________ ________ The River Danzo snatched his yam out of his hand and ________ it away. And Jardan put his hand on his hips and cried, ...(as it was written)
The River Danzo gave him a big, fat ______. Jordan walked home with his big, fat fish. "Hum...", thought Jordan, "this will taste nice with some boil bananans. A black hawk swooped down and snatch his big, fat fish at his hand and carried it away. Jardan put his hand on his hips and cried, ...
A hawk gave Jordan a __________ tail feather. Jordan walked home with his ________. "Hum..., thought Jordan, "I _______ imagine this would taste ______, but it looks nice and feels soft. I'll give this to my mom." The ______ blew harder and harder, snatch his feather out of his ______ And Jardan put his hand on his hips and cried, ...
The wind gave Jordan a multi-colored _______. "Hum..., thought Jordan, "I can't eat the leaf. I know. I'll _______ it in a book." The goat snatched the leaf out of his hand and _______ it up. And Jardan put his hand on his ______ and cried, ...
The ______ let Jordan milk her. He had a _________ for the fresh, creamy milk. Jordan walked _______ with milk
"Hum...", he thought, "I love goat milk. I'll share this with my ______ and _______." But, he __________ see the ________ _________ growing out of the ground. And before he could stop himself. He was tumbling and falling. And the calabash was _________ through the air. they _______ landed crush. And Jardan put his hand on his hips and cried, ...
The tree looked hard ___ Jordan and said, "back behind me." Jordan looked _________ the tree and found a _______. "Dig there", the tree said. So, Jordan dug and ____. And what do you think he found?
A yam! A nice, fat yam which he took to the River Danzo and washed clean, clean, clean. He ran all the way home and handed it to his mother, who ______ it and cooked it and gave it to him as a brown stewed chicken. Delicious!!

  • Word list to study
  • Please cope the word list below and look up the dictionary to see what they mean.
  • There are four things you need to do in this section:
    1. Write down the Chinese meaning of each word you check, some words may have more than one meaning. You can just write one of them.
    2. Give the word a picture if it is neeeded.
    3. Make a sentence in English for each word.
    4. Translate (翻譯) the sentence into Chinese.

    1. behind
    2. both
    3. calabash (要圖照)
    4. carried
    5. delicious
    6. dug
    7. found
    8. gobble
    9. peeled
    10. piece
    11. sailing
    12. sdewed chicken (要圖照)
    13. spade (要圖照)
    14. thought
    15. tree root (要圖照)

13 March 2014 Monthly Exam Preparation

Group A and B

  • Song to share:
    1. Group A Great Calls
      • wind
      • unwind
      • proof
    2. Group B What makes you beautiful
      • ...Every one in the room can see it
      • Every one but you
      • You don't know
      • You don't know that you're beautiful
      • That's what makes you beautiful...

Lesson One


Lesson Two


Lesson Five


Lesson Six
