
在2014年3月31日 (一) 15:55由張繡蕾對話 | 貢獻所做的修訂版本

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27 March 2014 Group A

  • Chapter six
  • until用法
  • Practice:下面的兩個用法,選擇一個來造句,如果兩個用法都有造句那更好。
  • ... until...到...為止
    1. 廷:Sadeed wrote letters to Abby until his teacher told Headman. 一直到村長告訴薩迪德,她才知道要寫信給艾比。
    2. 桓:英文:Abby didn't know she have to reapeat sixth grade until her teacher told her.中文:艾比不知道她要重讀六年級直到她的老師告訴她為止。
    3. 益:英文:中文:請補起來
    4. 懷:英文:中文:請補起來
    5. 檸:請補起來英文:中文:直到老師告訴她要重讀六年只為止,她總是很開心地上攀岩課。
  • ... not... until...直到...,才
    1. 禾:Abby care about her schoolworks until the warning letter sent to her home.直到警告信件寄到她家,她才開始在乎到她的功課。
    2. 育:She didn't finish her work until her mother got home.
    3. 育:Abby didn't like to go to school until she got extra credit.直到艾比去做extra credit,艾比才喜歡上學。
    4. 綸:Abby didn't know anything about the extra credit until her teacher told her about it.直到老師告訴艾比,艾比才知道extra credit的事情。
    5. 翔:Abby didn't know she wouldn't pass schoolwork until her teacher told her.一直到老師告訴她學校成績不會過,她才知道這件事。
    6. 安:Abby couldn't do rock climbing until her parents
    7. 典:Abby didn't know she had to repeat the six year until her teacher told her. 直到老師告訴艾比,她才知道他要重讀六年級。
    8. 澧:Until her teacher came for her, Abby didn't know her schooolwork was worse.直到她的輔導人員來找她,艾比才知道她的分數很差。
    9. Abby didn't care about homework and was always happy until the teacher told her she couldn't graduate from the school as every one did.直到老師告訴她有可能不能和大家一起畢業,她才開始關心起她的回家作業。
    10. 甄:Abby supposed that her parents would blame her when she handed them the warning letter. Until she handed the warning letter to her parents, she couldn't realize her parents hoped she could do what she said.艾比以為她給爸爸媽媽看那封警告信時她爸媽會責怪她。直到她拿信給她爸媽看,她才知道她爸媽希望她能做到她說的事情。
    11. 懷:英文:中文:請補起來
    12. 益:英文:中文:請補起來

Group A Assignment

  • Answer the questions below and write them down on your exercise book.
    1. Do you think Sadeed likes to teach his sister writing the letter to the girl who lives in America? Why?
  • Read Chapter Eight
  • Words to study:(3/31公佈,每人選三個單字)
    1. continue
    2. struggle
    3. dismiss
    4. faith
    5. sign
    6. promise
    7. interest
    8. safe-keeping
    9. remember
    10. expect
    11. overhear
    12. accept
    13. attend
    14. tolerate
    15. barely
    16. especially
    17. allow
    18. borrow
    19. novel
    20. shall
    21. should
    22. lower
    23. heave
    24. resume
    25. mind
    26. drift
    27. brilliant
    28. paste
    29. either
    30. address
    31. twice
    32. arrange
    33. prepare
    34. avoid
    35. stuck
    36. perfect
    37. sincerely
    38. photograph
    39. cling
    40. pretend

Group B

  • Parts of Speech =詞類變化
    1. 名詞= n. =noun,一般為有形體的東西。有些無形體如氣體或學說等也算名詞。
    2. 動詞= v. =verb,一般為能做出的動作。有些外在沒有很明顯變化的動作也算。如想think、聽hear、研究research、熱愛love等等。
    3. 代名詞= pron. =pronoun
    4. 形容詞= adj. =adjective
    5. 副詞= adv. =adverb
    6. 介係詞= prep. =preposition
    7. 連接詞= conj. =conjunction
    8. 感嘆詞= interj. =interjection
    9. Mind Mapping of parts of speech
  • 舉例
    1. air (n.)空氣 a colorless, odorless, tasteless, gaseous gases
    2. air (v.)aired, airing, airs 使通風 to be broadcast on television or radio

  • Frog would like Toad to go out of the room for fresh air. ==>air can be a noun
  • This program will air at 9:00 on Friday night. ==> air can be a verb

  • I drink water every day. ==> water as a noun
  • I water flowers every day. ==> water as a verb

  • Recognition of a subject and verb
  • Draw a line under the noun and two lines under the verb

Group B Assignment

  • Read the rest of story (讀小書第三和四個故事)
  • Words to Study (3/31公佈,每人選三個)Spring
    1. blink
    2. count
    3. been
    4. half
    5. lonely
    6. calendar
    7. climb
    8. world
    9. summer
    10. rest
    11. stood
    12. could
    13. pour
    14. more
    15. if
    16. meadow
    17. raccoon
    18. mine
    19. trouble
    20. sewed
    21. shelf
    22. evening
    23. bathing suit
    24. crawl
    25. catch a cold
    26. drip
    27. lizard
    28. mouse
    29. clothes
    30. unhappy
    31. letter
    32. mail
    33. envelop
    34. please