Group A
- Group Activity- Review the sentences you have made:
- 禾/懷/祥/桓/益:Today is a cloudy day, (and) it is not a good idea to play outside, so I play LOL, cytus, minecraft, AVA, CSO, TOS, Kirby, PMXY, HH, CC, 2048, Asphalp 8, Blitz-Brigade, at home, and I play with some team member, kill the enemies and break the defence towers to win the game and buy some heroes to use them in the game of LOL, and watch the movies or videos of heroes of using the skill to enhance the technique/ that use the skill to enhance the technique.
- What do we do to make a longer sentence?
- 用連接詞and, or, so等
- 用不定詞表示目的
- What do we do to make a longer sentence?
- 安/典/澧/綸/甄/檸/育:If you want to have a healthy lifestyle, you should eat fruits and vegetables, drink four glasses of water at least on day, exercise twice each week, go to bed early and wake up early; if you want to change the world, maybe you are the hero, you can do that!
- What do we do to make a longer sentence?
- 用and
- 用副詞子句: if 子句等
- Group Activity- The longest sentence:
- 安/典/澧/綸/甄/檸/育:
- 禾/懷/祥/桓/益:
- How to make two or more sentence into one long sentence?
- Monthly Exam: speaking
- Extra Credit 的插圖,看圖說故事
- 上次月考的圖,看圖說故事
- 回答老師的問題
- 考試時如果有問題的話,也可以當場問老師
- Final Report:
- Extra Credit P.186: 檸/懷/廷/翔
- Extra Credit P.187(upper one):育/益/桓/禾/甄
- Extra Credit P.187(lower one):澧/典/綸/安
Group A Assignment
- 查下列單字:
- barn:詞性/英文意思/中文意思
- entire:詞性/英文意思/中文意思
- 查下列用法:
- niether(A) nor(B),(A)與(B)兩者都不...與其他相關用法。
- both of (A) and (B)...,(A)與(B)兩者都...與其他相關的數量不定代名詞用法。