
在2014年5月2日 (五) 00:07由張繡蕾對話 | 貢獻所做的修訂版本

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Group A and Group B


  • 接下來的12周要做什麼?
    1. 課堂上以維持學英文的熱情為主。
    2. 以主題帶出生字與句型。
    3. 未來上課要多增加語文上的活動。
    4. 閱讀力提升:英文閱讀系統與獎勵,這部分會請仁益爸爸益詮協助。
    5. 學生會有第二份英文回家作業,此份作業必須是由學生訂定作業計畫,家長同意並由家長監督進行。

Group A

  • Group Activity: The Longest Sentence
  • Extra Credit: P.55 ~ P.57 (the letter)
  • Words:
    1. permit: allow: promise (v.)
    2. pale: light (adj.)
    3. own: belong: have (something especially you bought it)(v.)
  • English Song

Group A Assignment

  • Read through Chapter Seven and make a list of ten words that you want to memorize in mind on 英文/XXX (維基個人頁面)
  • Discuss with your parents the assignment that you made on your own.

Group B

  • Group Activity: Who's stronger
  • Story Book:P. 40 ~ P45
  • Words:
    1. bathing suit= swimming suit: 泳衣
    2. put on (動詞片語)= wear 穿上
    3. until: (conj.連接詞)= 直到
    4. fun (n.)--> funny(adj.)
    5. peek (v.): (at something) to look at something quickly and secretly偷看
    6. splash (v.): (of liquid) to fall noisily onto a surface 嘩啦嘩啦濺灑出
    7. riverbank (n.): 河堤
    8. should 應該;助動詞(後面要接原形動詞)
  • Read P. 40 ~ P. 45 to the teacher
  • The plan on second assignment

Group B Assignment

  • Read to your parents the story from p. 40 to p. 45.
  • Discuss with your parents the assignment that you made on your own.
  • Study [thttp://write.scu.edu.tw/view.php?bd=mistake&no=12 until用法]