
在2014年4月7日 (一) 09:59由張繡蕾對話 | 貢獻所做的修訂版本

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  • Song to listen

Everything is awesome

One thing

  • Grammar to learn
    1. Parts of Speech
    1. An adverb comes after a verb ==> V + adverb
      • S V ==> Frog ran fast.
      • S V ==> Toad and Frog eat together at the cafe.
    1. Frequency adverbs come before a verb ==> adverb + V
      • S V ==> Frog sometimes ran fast.
      • S V ==> Toad and Frog always eat lunch together in the cafe.

Group A

  • Words to study for today:
    1. continue(Alex:綸)
    2. struggle(Alex:綸)
    3. dismiss(Alex:綸)
    4. faith(Andy:益)
    5. sign(Andy:益)
    6. promise(Andy:益)
    7. interest(Charlie:澧)
    8. safe-keeping(Charlie:澧)
    9. remember(Charlie:澧)
    10. expect(David:懷)
    11. overhear(David:懷)
    12. accept(David:懷)
    13. attend(Eagle:翔)
    14. tolerate(Eagle:翔)
    15. barely(Eagle:翔)
    16. especially(Ellie:育)
    17. allow(Ellie:育)
    18. borrow(Ellie:育)
    19. novel(Jackson:安)
    20. shall(Jackson:安)
    21. should(Jackson:安)
    22. lower(Jerry:廷)
    23. heave(Jerry:廷)
    24. resume(Jerry:廷)

Group A Assignment

  • Please write a paragraph about your-self in your exercise book. Imagine that you just know a foreigner and want to make a friend with him/ her.請在英文練習本裡寫一段介紹自己的短文。想像自己剛認識一位外國人且想要與他交朋友。

Group B

  • Sentence Patterns: 不僅僅..., 而且(還)
    1. not only..., but (also)...
    2. 倒裝句= Not only..., but (also)

  • Words to Study for today
    1. across(Brian:宏)
    2. meadow(Brian:宏)
    3. woods(Brian:宏)
    4. along(Brian:宏)
    5. back(Candy:宜)
    6. hurt(Candy:宜)
    7. buttons(Candy:宜)
    8. jacket(Candy:宜)
    9. worry(Eva:欣)
    10. find(Eva:欣)
    11. begin(Eva:欣)
    12. grass(Eva:欣)
    13. pocket(Ivy:羲)
    14. sparrow(Ivy:羲)
    15. hole(Ivy:羲)
    16. dark(Ivy:羲)
  • Game to play: preposition
    1. Where is the cat?
    2. The cat is on the hat.

Group B Assignment

  • 請為以下介係詞造句並寫在英文作業本裡:
  • (1)要寫Where開頭的問句;(2)要寫不同的主詞;(3)要寫不同的地方。
    1. behind
    2. between
    3. beside
    4. in
    5. in front of
    6. inside
    7. on
    8. outside
    9. under