
在2014年4月7日 (一) 09:54由張繡蕾對話 | 貢獻所做的修訂版本

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25 Feb. 2014 Lesson Two

Group A

  • Answer these questions. You may open your book to check up.
  • Chapter one In the hills above Kabul
    1. What did Sadeed think his teacher would tell him when he was asked to go to the headman's house?
    2. What does "bazaar" mean in the story?
    3. According to the story, what is not about Hassan Jaji?
      • (1) He is a regular customer to Sadeed's father.
      • (2) He had fought in a war with Soviet Union.
      • (3) He got his right hand blown off.
      • (4) In the meeting, he is the first one to speak out after Sadeed's teacher.
    4. Give the number to each peron their thought in the story.
      • Sadeed ( )
      • Hassan Jaji ( )
      • Mahmoon ( )
      • Akbar Khan ( )
      • (1)Sadeed should write the letter to Abby because his English is the best of all in the school.
      • (2)Their tradition woiuld not accept a boy to write a girl.
      • (3)He would be given a scholarship and study in one of the best school in the capital city.
      • (4)Sadeed should help and guide his siter to write to Abby but he could not sign for his sister, Amira.
  • Chapter two In the hills above Linsdale
    1. Put letter a~ e in the correct paraphraph in which it talks about.
      • a. It shows that Abby practiced her rock climbing indoors.
      • b. Abby found a bump or a crack above her and tried to get hold of it but failed.
      • c. Abby was thinking how to get to the top.
      • d. Abby found a hole to grip.
      • e. Abby rubbed a hand with chalk powder and made a successful grip
      • Paragraph 3 ( )
      • Paragraph 4 ( )
      • Paragraph 5 ( )
      • Paragraph 7 ( )
      • Paragraph 8 ( )
    2. Not only did Abby like to climb, but many of them did the same thing. According to the story, give F as it is faulse and give a T as it is true.
      • ___ The story Abby's brother, Tom, has told scared her a lot.
      • ___ People knew Tom's stories were not really true as he told.
      • ___ Tom has ever climbed to the top of the tallest silo.
      • ___ The climbing wall at school was settled after Thanksgiving.
      • ___ Abby has tried to beat the ledge for three times and could not succeed, but she still love to do it in her Gym class.

    1. According to the story, Abby had never seen a real mountain with her own eyes, because...

  • ___________________________________________________________

  • ___________________________________________________________

    1. Abby felt a pressure in her sixth grade. What was that?

  • ___________________________________________________________

  • ___________________________________________________________
  • Song to listen

Group A Assignment

  • Read Chapter four and check up words you don't know if necessary.
  • Answer the following question:
    1. The author told us that Abby's sixth year would be deja vu... what does it mean when you say something is deja vu?
    2. In your words, why the author said that?
  • Study the idioms you picked in the first class.
    1. Read the sentences and translate them into Chinese.
    2. Think if there are any Chinese saying (or idioms) that is just like the English idiom. If there is one, please write it down in your notebook or on your pad.

Group B

  • Answer the following questions:
    1. What is Toad's friend?
 *(1) a snake
 *(2) a frog
 *(3) a snale
    1. Why Frog went to Toad's house?
  • (1)Because Toad invited Frog to visit him.
  • (2)Because Toad was having a party.
  • (3)Because Frog want to spend the summer time with his friend,Toad.
    1. In page 4 and 5, what did Frog tell Toad about spring? Please write them down as below

  • Frog said, "____________________________________________________________________

  • ____________________________________________________________________"

    1. Where was Toad when Frog went into his house? Write them down.

  • ________________________________________________________________

  • ________________________________________________________________
    1. What did Toad do when Frog pushed him to the front porch? Write them down.

  • _________________________________________________________________

  • _________________________________________________________________
    1. Frog says three things that he can do with Toad in spring. What are they? Write them down.

  • _________________________________________________________________

  • _________________________________________________________________
    1. Since when has Toad been asleep?
  • (1)He has been asleep since mid May.
  • (2)He has been asleep since November.
  • (3)He has been asleep since April.
    1. When does Toad ask Frog to come and wake hime up? Write them down.

  • _________________________________________________________________

  • _________________________________________________________________
    1. How does Frog feel when Toad said he didn't want to wake up and want to go back to sleep?
  • (1)He will be lonely.
  • (2)He will be happy.
  • (3)He will be sad.
    1. In the end, what did Frog do to wake up Toad? Write them down.

  • __________________________________________________________________

Group B Assignment

  • Check up the following words and put them into your wiki, just as we did it last time.
  • Word list
    1. blow(請寫上動詞變化)
    2. knock(請寫動詞變化)
    3. look (請寫動詞變化)
    4. say(請寫動詞變化)
    5. take (請寫動詞變化)
    6. run (請寫動詞變化)
    7. catch(請寫動詞變化)
    8. field (請寫名詞複數)
    9. hill (請寫名詞複數)
    10. dark (請寫形容詞比較、最高級)
    11. cry (請寫動詞變化)
    12. long (請寫形容詞比較、最高級)
  • Watch this video. Frog and Toad Together- A list- Part two
  • Read it on your own.

Toad knocked at the door. “Hello,” said Frog. “Look at my list of things to do,” said Toad. “Oh,” said Frog, “that is very nice.” Toad said, “My list tells me that we will go for a walk.” “All right,” said Frog. “I am ready.”

Frog and Toad went on a long walk. Then Toad took the list from his pocket again. He crossed out: Take walk with Frog Just then there was a strong wind. It blew the list Out of Toad’s hand. The list blew high up into the air. “Help!” cried Toad. “My list is blowing away. What will I do without my list?” “Hurry!” said Frog. “We will run and catch it.” “No!” shouted Toad. “I cannot do that.” “Why not?” asked Frog. “Because,” wailed Toad, “running after my list in not one of the things that I wrote on my list of things to do!” Frog ran after the list. He ran over hills, and he ran over fields, but the list blew on and on. At last Frog came back to Toad. “I am sorry,” gasped Frog, “but I could not catch your list,” “Blah,” said Toad.”I cannot remember any of the things that were on my list of things to do. I will just have to sit there and do nothing,” said Toad.

Toad sat and did nothing. Frog sat with him. After a long time Frog said, “Toad, it is getting dark. We should be going to sleep now.” “Go to sleep!” shouted Toad. “That was the last thing on my list!” Toad wrote on the ground with a stick: Go to sleep. Then he crossed out: Go to sleep. “There,” said Toad. “Now my day is all crossed out!” “I am glad,” said Frog. Then Frog and Toad went right to sleep.