
在2014年3月31日 (一) 21:52由黃志翔對話 | 貢獻所做的修訂版本

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  • behind (prep) 介係詞 後面 Suddenly , they heard a voice behind them . 突然他們聽到身後有個聲音。
  • both (adj)形容詞 兩 We both like some tea.我們都要點茶。
  • calabash (要圖照) (n)名詞 葫蘆 I have one calabash in my home.我家裡有顆葫蘆。


  • carried (v) 動詞 攜帶 He carried some beers to the school yesterday. 他昨天搬了一些啤酒到學校。
  • delicious (n) 動詞 美味 I think beef is delicious.我覺得牛肉很好吃。
  • dig (v) 動詞 挖 Dogs like to dig, aren't they?狗狗喜歡挖,對吧?
  • found (v) 動詞 找到 I found the things I buried ten years ago last week.上個星期我找到我十年前埋的東西
  • gobble (v) 動詞 吞併 My friend always gobbles the things on the floor .我的朋友總是吞併在地上的東西
  • peeled (adj) 形容詞 去皮 The paint on the wall has peeled off . 牆上油漆已經剝落了。
  • piece (n) 名詞 片 I have a piece of pizza.我有一片披薩。
  • sailing (v) 動詞 帆船 The ship was sailing at 35 Kilometer . 那艘船正以三十五公里的速度航行。
  • stewed chicken (要圖照) (n) 名詞 燉雞 I like to eat stewed chicken.我喜歡吃燉雞。


  • spade (要圖照) (n) 名詞 鏟 I need a spade, please.請把鏟子拿給我。


  • thought (v) 動詞 想 I think the same of him as you do . 我對他的看法和你對他的看法一樣。
  • tree root (要圖照) (n)名詞 樹的根 Do you want some tree root ?你想吃點樹根嗎?



  • [Abby] unfolded the paper and her [voice] filled the empty classroom.
  • The [teacher] pointed at the raised-relief globe.
  • [He] worked for his father every day after school, and the [shop] would be open for at least another hour.
  • Why are [you] standing on your head?" asked [Frog].
  • [Frog] said, "Would [you] like me to tell you a story, Toad?"


  • No,Sadeed didn't think rite a letter to America is a good idea.
  • attend
    1. v
    2. 參加,出席
  • tolerate
    1. v
    2. 忍受
  • barely
    1. adv
    2. 貧乏的