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Verb Form
Verb Form
第 25 行: 第 25 行:
<th width=20%>Present singular第三人稱單數</th></tr>
<th width=20%>Present singular第三人稱單數</th></tr>
<tr><th width=20%>助動詞後+或不定詞to+</th><th width=20%>用於過去式</th><th width=20%>被動式(Be+)和完成式(have+)</th><th width=20%>進行式(Be+)</th><th width=20%></th><th width=20%>用於現在式</th></tr>
<tr><th width=20%>助動詞後+或不定詞to+</th><th width=20%>過去式</th><th width=20%>被動語態(Be+)、完成式(have+)和分詞構句</th><th width=20%>進行式(Be+)和分詞構句</th><th width=20%>解釋</th><th width=20%>現在式</th></tr>
<tr><th width=20%>bet</th><th width=20%>bet</th><th width=20%>bet</th><th width=20%>betting</th><th width=20%>打賭</th><th width=20%>bets</th></tr>
<tr><th width=20%>bet</th><th width=20%>bet</th><th width=20%>bet</th><th width=20%>betting</th><th width=20%>打賭</th><th width=20%>bets</th></tr>

2014年1月28日 (二) 16:05的修訂版本

Jendo Cinema

  • Time 9:00 ~ 11:50
  • Date 15 January 2014

  • Finish the report and then get the free ticket to see Percy in the big screen!!!

  • What's the report about?
  • Group A: Talk about Sarah Noble - Teacher's note
  • Group B: Talk about some one you know - Teacher's note

  • What do you need?
    1. Write down sentences
    2. Speak out loud in front of the camera and parents who join the class that day
    3. Keep up your courage!

Verb Form

Base formP.T.過去式P.P.過去分詞現在分詞中文 Present singular第三人稱單數