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Jendo Cinema
第 4 行: 第 4 行:
*Time    9:00 ~ 11:50
*Time    9:00 ~ 11:50
*Date    15 January 2014

2013年12月17日 (二) 11:19的修訂版本

Jendo Cinema

  • Time 9:00 ~ 11:50
  • Date 15 January 2014

  • Finish the report and then get the free ticket to see Percy in the big screen!!!

  • What's the report about?
  • Group A: Talk about Sarah Noble
  • Group B: Talk about some one you know

  • What do you need?
    1. Write down sentences
    2. Speak out loud in front of the camera and parents who join the class that day
    3. Keep up your courage!