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(新頁面: ===作業=== ====20 Feb. 2014===== frog(s) toad(s) porch(es) river(s) star(s) cup(s) One _____________, Toad sat up in bed. “I have many _____________ to do”, he said. “I will _...)
20 Feb. 2014=
第 1 行: 第 1 行:
====20 Feb. 2014=====
====20 Feb. 2014====
第 43 行: 第 43 行:
go to sleep片語;睡覺
go to sleep片語;睡覺
====25 Feb. 2014=====
====25 Feb. 2014=====
====04 Mar. 2014=====
====04 Mar. 2014=====

2014年3月4日 (二) 14:24的修訂版本


20 Feb. 2014

frog(s) toad(s) porch(es) river(s) star(s) cup(s)

One _____________, Toad sat up in bed. “I have many _____________ to do”, he said. “I will __________ them all __________ on the list so that I can _____________ them.” Toad wrote on a __________of paper A __________of things to do today Then he wrote Wake up. Wake up. “I’ve done that,” said toad. And he crossed out Wake up. Then Toad wrote other things on the _____________. Eat breakfast _____________ _________________ Go to Frog’s house ________ __________ with Frog Eat lunch ____________ _____________ ____________ ______________ ___________ Frog Eat _____________ __________ ________ _________________ “Blah,” said Toad. “Now my day is all _________ down.” He got out of the bed and had ______________to eat. Then Toad ________________ ___________ Eat breakfast. Toad ________ a piece of clothes out of the cupboard and put them on. Then he crossed out Get dressed. Toad ___________ the list _______ his ________________ . He opened the door and walked out _______ the morning. Soon Toad was ____ the Frog’s front door and he crossed out Go to frog house. Words to learn take a walk 動詞片語;散步 written 動詞;寫的過去分詞 into 介係詞; took 動詞;拿的過去式 morning 名詞;早晨 paper 名詞;紙 in 介係詞;在…裡 supper 名詞;晚餐 (英式用語) remember 動詞;記得 piece 名詞;一張 list 名詞;明細表 write … down 片語;寫下… something 代名詞;某物 take a nap片語;睡午覺;小睡一會兒 get dressed片語;著衣 crossed …out片語;刪掉 put動詞;放 in介係詞;在…裡面 play games with…片語;和…玩遊戲 pocket名詞;口袋 go to sleep片語;睡覺 things名詞;東西的複數型

25 Feb. 2014=

04 Mar. 2014=