
跳轉到: 導覽搜尋
第 8 行: 第 8 行:
*Toad riding motorcycle(蟾蜍在騎摩托車)
*Toad riding motorcycle(蟾蜍在騎摩托車)
[[File:Bufo periglenes1.jpg|300px]]
第 26 行: 第 26 行:
*Cups with coffee(杯子裡裝了咖啡)
*Cups with coffee(杯子裡裝了咖啡)
One _____________, Toad sat up in bed. “I have many _____________ to do”, he said. “I will __________ them all __________ on the list so that I can _____________ them.” Toad wrote on a __________of paper A __________of things to do today
One _____________, Toad sat up in bed. “I have many _____________ to do”, he said. “I will __________ them all __________ on the list so that I can _____________ them.” Toad wrote on a __________of paper A __________of things to do today

2014年2月25日 (二) 14:34的修訂版本




  • 青蛙
  • Frog jumping all over cute(青蛙跳來跳去的真可愛)

青蛙.jpg 2.

  • 蟾蜍
  • Toad riding motorcycle(蟾蜍在騎摩托車)



  • 門廊
  • Japanese-style porch(日式門廊)

日式門廊.jpg 4.

  • Here someone in the river boat(河裡有人在划小船)

河.jpg 5.

  • 星星
  • Twinkling stars in the sky blooms(閃爍的星星在天空綻放)

星星.jpg 6.

  • 杯子
  • Cups with coffee(杯子裡裝了咖啡)



One _____________, Toad sat up in bed. “I have many _____________ to do”, he said. “I will __________ them all __________ on the list so that I can _____________ them.” Toad wrote on a __________of paper A __________of things to do today Then he wrote Wake up. Wake up. “I’ve done that,” said toad. And he crossed out Wake up. Then Toad wrote other things on the _____________. Eat breakfast _____________ _________________ Go to Frog’s house ________ __________ with Frog Eat lunch ____________ _____________ ____________ ______________ ___________ Frog Eat _____________ __________ ________ _________________ “Blah,” said Toad. “Now my day is all _________ down.” He got out of the bed and had ______________to eat. Then Toad ________________ ___________ Eat breakfast. Toad ________ a piece of clothes out of the cupboard and put them on. Then he crossed out Get dressed. Toad ___________ the list _______ his ________________ . He opened the door and walked out _______ the morning. Soon Toad was ____ the Frog’s front door and he crossed out Go to frog house.