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#"Why are you standing on your head?" asked Frog. (這句有兩個主詞與三個動詞)
#"Why are you standing on your head?" asked Frog. (這句有兩個主詞與三個動詞)
#Frog said, "Would you like me to tell you a story, Toad?" (這句有兩個主詞與三個動詞)
#Frog said, "Would you like me to tell you a story, Toad?" (這句有兩個主詞與三個動詞)

2014年3月31日 (一) 20:38的修訂版本



  1. If you get the picture,you undurstand what's happening in a situation.

summary of C3

  1. One day Mrs.Carmody told Abby she wanted to talk with Abby after break. Then Mrs.Carmody said to Abby the teachers think it might be best if Abby repeat sixth grade next year. And Abby said she want to tell this to her parents by herself. That night she told her parents the bad news. Her parents were very disappointed, they thought she shouldn’t have to repeat a grade, and even if there no way to bring her grade up enough to get promoted this year, the way she treats her schoolwork has got to change anyway, starting right here. So she worked really hard, she thought she’s not going to be left back.


  • behind (prep) 介係詞 後面 Suddenly , they heard a voice behind them . 突然他們聽到身後有個聲音。
  • both (adj)形容詞 兩邊的 Both teams have shown good sportsmanship . 兩隊的隊員都展現出了運動家精神。
  • calabash (要圖照) (n)名詞 葫蘆 He removed the small stopper from the calabash, and as the sweet water gurgled into it .他從葫蘆取出小塞子,和甜水汩汩進去。
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  • carried (v) 動詞 攜帶 He carried some beers to the school yesterday. 他昨天搬了一些啤酒到學校。
  • delicious (adj) 形容詞 美味的 The cake I ate yeaterday was very delicious.我昨天吃的那個蛋糕很美味。
  • dug (v) 動詞 挖 When you're weeding , you must dig up the roots . 斬草除根。
  • found (v) 動詞 找到 I found the things I buried ten years ago last week.上個星期我找到我十年前埋的東西
  • gobble (v) 動詞 吞併 My friend always gobbles the things on the floor .我的朋友總是吞併在地上的東西
  • peeled (adj) 形容詞 去皮 The paint on the wall has peeled off . 牆上油漆已經剝落了。
  • piece (n) 名詞 片 He tear a piece of the book to fold a airplane.他撕掉書上的一張紙來折飛機。英文句子有誤,要改。
  • sailing (v) 動詞 帆船 The ship was sailing at 35 Kilometer . 那艘船正以三十五公里的速度航行。
  • stewed chicken (要圖照) (n) 名詞 燉雞 Today's dinner is my favorite stewed chicken今天的晚餐是我最喜歡的燉雞
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  • spade (要圖照) (n) 名詞 鏟 She used a tiny spade to dig yam.她用一把小鏟子來挖芋頭
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  • thought (v) 動詞 想 I think the same of him as you do . 我對他的看法和你對他的看法一樣。
  • tree root (要圖照) (n)名詞 樹的根 My classmate always stumbles by the tree root.我的同學常常被樹根絆倒。
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  1. Abby unfolded the paper and her voice filled the empty classroom. (這句有兩個主詞與兩個動詞)
  2. The teacher pointed at the raised-relief globe. (這句有一個主詞與一個動詞)
  3. He worked for his father every day after school, and the shop would be open for at least another hour. (這句有兩個主詞與三個動詞)
  4. "Why are you standing on your head?" asked Frog. (這句有兩個主詞與三個動詞)
  5. Frog said, "Would you like me to tell you a story, Toad?" (這句有兩個主詞與三個動詞)
