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*#Translate (翻譯) the sentence into Chinese.
*#Translate (翻譯) the sentence into Chinese.
*#behind背後  The apple is behind alex蘋果在鄭為綸的背後
*#behind背後  The apple is behind alex.蘋果在鄭為綸的背後
*#both兩個      we both have a pad我們兩個都有平板
*#calabash (要圖照)葫蘆 This calabash is beautiful這個葫蘆好漂亮[[檔案:葫蘆123.jpg|500px]]
<span style='color:brown'>英文人名第一個字母要大寫。</span>
*#carried進行     Regular inspections are carried out at the prison在監獄裡進行定期檢查
*#both兩個      we both have a pad.我們兩個都有平板
*#delicious美味  This seafood is delicious這海鮮真是美味
*#calabash (要圖照)葫蘆 This calabash is beautiful.這個葫蘆好漂亮[[檔案:葫蘆123.jpg|500px]]
*#dug挖  He dug in he house他在自己家裡挖掘
*#found發現  I found a book我找到一本書
*#(a)Mary carries her baby in a cradle to the office every day.<span style='color:brown'>寫中文意思:</span>
*#gobble 狼吞虎嚥  dont gobble Or you'll choke to不要狼吞虎嚥不然會噎到
*#(b)Regular inspections are carried out at the prison.在監獄裡進行定期檢查
*#peeled剝皮  eat bananas has to peeled吃香蕉前要先剝皮
*#delicious美味  This seafood is delicious.這海鮮真是美味
*#piece片斷  I gust can remember some piece我只能想起一些片斷
*#dug挖  He dug in he house.他在自己家裡挖掘
*#sailing帆船  The sailing was sail on the sea帆船航行在海上
*#stewed chicken (要圖照)燉雞 The sdewed chicken are so yummy這燉雞真是好吃[[檔案:燉雞雞.jpg|500px]]
<span style='color:brown'>動詞改現在式第三人稱單數;他自己叫做himself拼錯,去改。</span>
*#spade (要圖照)鏟  I spade some mud我鏟了一些土[[檔案:鏟鏟.png|500px]]
*#thought思想  His thought is so weird他的思想好奇怪
*#found發現  I found a book.我找到一本書
*#tree root (要圖照)樹根  The tree root is so sturdy這樹根好粗壯[[檔案:樹根根.jpg|500px]]
*#gobble 狼吞虎嚥  dont gobble Or you'll choke.不要狼吞虎嚥不然會噎到
<span ttyle='color:brown'>句首要大寫。</span>
*#peeled剝皮  eat bananas has to peeled吃香蕉前要先剝皮<span style='color:brown>在...前面介係詞叫做before。</span>
*#piece片斷  I just can remember some piece.我只能想起一些片斷
<span style='colore:brown'>piece要改複數</span>
*#sailing帆船  The boat was sail on the sea.船航行在海上
<span style='color:brown'>be verb + v-ing為進行式,意思是在做什麼事情。所以sail要改成現在分詞,就是v-ing。</span>
*#stewed chicken (要圖照)燉雞 The sdewed chicken are so yummy.這燉雞真是好吃[[檔案:燉雞雞.jpg|500px]]
*#spade (要圖照)鏟  I spade some mud.我鏟了一些土[[檔案:鏟鏟.png|500px]]
*#thought思想  His thought is so weird.他的思想好奇怪
*#tree root (要圖照)樹根  The tree root is so sturdy.這樹根好粗壯[[檔案:樹根根.jpg|500px]]

2014年3月21日 (五) 11:32的修訂版本



  • The boy is run over by a tank。。。
  • One morning, Toad sat up in bed. “I have many things to do”, he said. “I will write them all down on the list so that I can remember them.” Toad wrote on a pieces of paper A tist of things to do today Then he wrote Wake up. Wake up. “I’ve done that,” said toad. And he crossed out Wake up. Then Toad wrote other things on the paper. Eat breakfast Get dress Go to Frog’s house Take walk with Frog Eat lunch Take nap Play games with Frog Eat supper Go to sleep “Blah,” said Toad. “Now my day is all really down.” He got out of the bed and had something to eat. Then toad crossed out Eat breakfast. Toad to a piece of clothes out of the cupboard and put them on. Then he crossed out Get dressed. Toad put the list in his pocket . He opened the door and walked out in the morning. Soon Toad was walk the Frog’s front door and he crossed out Go to frog house.


  • 3. Word list to study
  • Please cope the word list below and look up the dictionary to see what they mean.
  • There are four things you need to do in this section:
    1. Write down the Chinese meaning of each word you check, some words may have more than one meaning. You can just write one of them.
    2. Give the word a picture if it is neeeded.
    3. Make a sentence in English for each word.
    4. Translate (翻譯) the sentence into Chinese.

    1. behind背後 The apple is behind alex.蘋果在鄭為綸的背後


    1. both兩個 we both have a pad.我們兩個都有平板
    2. calabash (要圖照)葫蘆 This calabash is beautiful.這個葫蘆好漂亮葫蘆123.jpg
    3. carried(a)攜帶(b)進行
    4. (a)Mary carries her baby in a cradle to the office every day.寫中文意思:
    5. (b)Regular inspections are carried out at the prison.在監獄裡進行定期檢查
    6. delicious美味 This seafood is delicious.這海鮮真是美味
    7. dug挖 He dug in he house.他在自己家裡挖掘


    1. found發現 I found a book.我找到一本書
    2. gobble 狼吞虎嚥 dont gobble Or you'll choke.不要狼吞虎嚥不然會噎到


    1. peeled剝皮 eat bananas has to peeled吃香蕉前要先剝皮在...前面介係詞叫做before。
    2. piece片斷 I just can remember some piece.我只能想起一些片斷


    1. sailing帆船 The boat was sail on the sea.船航行在海上

be verb + v-ing為進行式,意思是在做什麼事情。所以sail要改成現在分詞,就是v-ing。

    1. stewed chicken (要圖照)燉雞 The sdewed chicken are so yummy.這燉雞真是好吃燉雞雞.jpg
    2. spade (要圖照)鏟 I spade some mud.我鏟了一些土鏟鏟.png
    3. thought思想 His thought is so weird.他的思想好奇怪
    4. tree root (要圖照)樹根 The tree root is so sturdy.這樹根好粗壯樹根根.jpg