
跳轉到: 導覽搜尋
第 1 行: 第 1 行:
*Frog jumping all over cute(青蛙跳來跳去的真可愛)
*The frog is cute jumping hear and there.(青蛙跳來跳去的真可愛)
*Toad riding motorcycle(蟾蜍在騎摩托車)
*The golden frog is on a leave.(金色的蟾蜍正在葉子上)
[[File:Bufo periglenes1.jpg|300px]]
*Japanese-style porch(日式門廊)
*Japanese-style porch(日式門廊)
<span style='color: brown'>句子沒完成。</span>
*Here someone in the river boat(河裡有人在划小船)
*This is a long, narrow river(這是一條又細又長的河)
*Twinkling stars in the sky blooms(閃爍的星星在天空綻放)
*Twinkling stars in the sky bloom(閃爍的星星在天空綻放)
*Cups with coffee(杯子裡裝了咖啡)
*The cup is filled with coffee.(杯子裡裝了咖啡)
One _____________, Toad sat up in bed. “I have many _____________ to do”, he said. “I will __________ them all __________ on the list so that I can _____________ them.” Toad wrote on a __________of paper A __________of things to do today
Then he wrote Wake up. Wake up. “I’ve done that,” said toad. And he crossed out Wake up. Then Toad wrote other things on the _____________.
Eat breakfast
_____________ _________________
Go to Frog’s house
________ __________ with Frog
Eat lunch
____________ _____________
____________ ______________ ___________ Frog
Eat _____________
__________ ________ _________________
“Blah,” said Toad. “Now my day is all _________ down.” He got out of the bed and had ______________to eat. Then Toad ________________ ___________ Eat breakfast. Toad ________ a piece of clothes out of the cupboard and put them on. Then he crossed out Get dressed. Toad ___________ the list _______ his ________________ . He opened the door and walked out _______ the morning. Soon Toad was ____ the Frog’s front door and he crossed out Go to frog house.
*Jordan loved to eat yams. One day, he took his speed and dug and dug He took a nice, fat yam. He took his fat yam down to the River Danzo And washed it ________, clean, clean
"Hum...", thought Jordan, "this would taste _________ with a nice _______ of brown _________ ________ The River Danzo snatched his yam out of his hand and ________ it away. And Jardan put his hand on his hips and cried, ...(as it was written)
The River Danzo gave him a big, fat ______. Jordan walked home with his big, fat fish. "Hum...", thought Jordan, "this will taste nice with some boil bananans. A black hawk swooped down and snatch his big, fat fish at his hand and carried it away. Jardan put his hand on his hips and cried, ...
A hawk gave Jordan a __________ tail feather. Jordan walked home with his ________. "Hum..., thought Jordan, "I _______ imagine this would taste ______, but it looks nice and feels soft. I'll give this to my mom." The ______ blew harder and harder, snatch his feather out of his ______ And Jardan put his hand on his hips and cried, ...
The wind gave Jordan a multi-colored _______. "Hum..., thought Jordan, "I can't eat the leaf. I know. I'll _______ it in a book." The goat snatched the leaf out of his hand and _______ it up. And Jardan put his hand on his ______ and cried, ...
The ______ let Jordan milk her. He had a _________ for the fresh, creamy milk. Jordan walked _______ with milk
"Hum...", he thought, "I love goat milk. I'll share this with my ______ and _______." But, he __________ see the ________ _________ growing out of the ground. And before he could stop himself. He was tumbling and falling. And the calabash was _________ through the air. they _______ landed crush. And Jardan put his hand on his hips and cried, ...
The tree looked hard ___ Jordan and said, "back behind me." Jordan looked _________ the tree and found a _______. "Dig there", the tree said. So, Jordan dug and ____. And what do you think he found?
A yam! A nice, fat yam which he took to the River Danzo and washed clean, clean, clean. He ran all the way home and handed it to his mother, who ______ it and cooked it and gave it to him as a brown stewed chicken. Delicious!!
She behind Stand alone.
She had both brother
*calabash 葫蘆 (要圖照)
This calabash Special
*carried 進行
She is in carried  a plan
*delicious 美味
6.MOM Cook is the most delicious.
*found 發現
8.I found a big secret.
*gobble 狼吞虎嚥
She gobble eating a appies.
*peeled 剝皮
Eat Some things need peeled.
He put the man into pieces.
*sailing 帆船
This sailing is in color
*sdewed chicken雞
sdewed chicken will Cluck
* [[檔案:雞]]
spade Is used to Excavator
Her thoughts so unique
*tree root樹的跟
The root of the tree is really rough
5.in front of

2014年4月6日 (日) 16:01的最新修訂版本




  • 青蛙
  • The frog is cute jumping hear and there.(青蛙跳來跳去的真可愛)

青蛙.jpg 2.

  • 蟾蜍
  • The golden frog is on a leave.(金色的蟾蜍正在葉子上)



  • 門廊
  • Japanese-style porch(日式門廊)

句子沒完成。 日式門廊.jpg


  • This is a long, narrow river(這是一條又細又長的河)



  • 星星
  • Twinkling stars in the sky bloom(閃爍的星星在天空綻放)



  • 杯子
  • The cup is filled with coffee.(杯子裡裝了咖啡)



One _____________, Toad sat up in bed. “I have many _____________ to do”, he said. “I will __________ them all __________ on the list so that I can _____________ them.” Toad wrote on a __________of paper A __________of things to do today Then he wrote Wake up. Wake up. “I’ve done that,” said toad. And he crossed out Wake up. Then Toad wrote other things on the _____________. Eat breakfast _____________ _________________ Go to Frog’s house ________ __________ with Frog Eat lunch ____________ _____________ ____________ ______________ ___________ Frog Eat _____________ __________ ________ _________________ “Blah,” said Toad. “Now my day is all _________ down.” He got out of the bed and had ______________to eat. Then Toad ________________ ___________ Eat breakfast. Toad ________ a piece of clothes out of the cupboard and put them on. Then he crossed out Get dressed. Toad ___________ the list _______ his ________________ . He opened the door and walked out _______ the morning. Soon Toad was ____ the Frog’s front door and he crossed out Go to frog house.


  • Jordan loved to eat yams. One day, he took his speed and dug and dug He took a nice, fat yam. He took his fat yam down to the River Danzo And washed it ________, clean, clean

"Hum...", thought Jordan, "this would taste _________ with a nice _______ of brown _________ ________ The River Danzo snatched his yam out of his hand and ________ it away. And Jardan put his hand on his hips and cried, ...(as it was written) The River Danzo gave him a big, fat ______. Jordan walked home with his big, fat fish. "Hum...", thought Jordan, "this will taste nice with some boil bananans. A black hawk swooped down and snatch his big, fat fish at his hand and carried it away. Jardan put his hand on his hips and cried, ... A hawk gave Jordan a __________ tail feather. Jordan walked home with his ________. "Hum..., thought Jordan, "I _______ imagine this would taste ______, but it looks nice and feels soft. I'll give this to my mom." The ______ blew harder and harder, snatch his feather out of his ______ And Jardan put his hand on his hips and cried, ... The wind gave Jordan a multi-colored _______. "Hum..., thought Jordan, "I can't eat the leaf. I know. I'll _______ it in a book." The goat snatched the leaf out of his hand and _______ it up. And Jardan put his hand on his ______ and cried, ... The ______ let Jordan milk her. He had a _________ for the fresh, creamy milk. Jordan walked _______ with milk "Hum...", he thought, "I love goat milk. I'll share this with my ______ and _______." But, he __________ see the ________ _________ growing out of the ground. And before he could stop himself. He was tumbling and falling. And the calabash was _________ through the air. they _______ landed crush. And Jardan put his hand on his hips and cried, ... The tree looked hard ___ Jordan and said, "back behind me." Jordan looked _________ the tree and found a _______. "Dig there", the tree said. So, Jordan dug and ____. And what do you think he found? A yam! A nice, fat yam which he took to the River Danzo and washed clean, clean, clean. He ran all the way home and handed it to his mother, who ______ it and cooked it and gave it to him as a brown stewed chicken. Delicious!!


  • behind背後

她背後站了一個人 She behind Stand alone. 2.

  • both兩個

她有兩個哥哥 She had both brother 3.

  • calabash 葫蘆 (要圖照)

這個葫蘆真是特別 This calabash Special

  • 葫蘆.jpg


  • carried 進行

她正在進行一個計劃 She is in carried a plan 5.

  • delicious 美味

6.MOM Cook is the most delicious. 媽媽煮的東西是最美味的

  • dug八哥


  • found 發現

8.I found a big secret. 我發現了一個大祕密

  • gobble 狼吞虎嚥

She gobble eating a appies. 她狼吞虎嚥吃了蘋果 9.

  • peeled 剝皮

Eat Some things need peeled. 吃有些東西需要剝皮 10.

  • piece碎塊

He put the man into pieces. 她把那個人切成碎塊 11.

  • sailing 帆船

This sailing is in color 這個帆船是彩色的 12.

  • sdewed chicken雞

sdewed chicken will Cluck 雞會咕咕叫


鏟子是用來挖土的 spade Is used to Excavator

  • thought思想

她的思想真特別 Her thoughts so unique 15.

這個樹的跟真粗 The root of the tree is really rough


1.behind 2.between 3.beside 4.in 5.in front of 6.inside 7.on 8.outside 9.under