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*behind (n)名詞 後面 <span style='color:brown'>behind在這裡不當名詞使用,而是介係詞。</span>
*behind (prep) 介係詞  後面     Suddenly , they heard a voice behind them . 突然他們聽到身後有個聲音。
*My dog is behind the tree.我的狗在樹後面。
*both (adj)形容詞 兩 We both like some tea.我們都要點茶。
*both (adj)形容詞 兩 We both like some tea.我們都要點茶。
*calabash (要圖照) (n)名詞 葫蘆 I have one calabash in my home.我家裡有顆葫蘆。
*calabash (要圖照) (n)名詞 葫蘆 I have one calabash in my home.我家裡有顆葫蘆。
*carried (v) 動詞 攜帶 <span style='color:brown'>請標示是哪個動詞變化。請寫出原型。</span>
*carried (v)   動詞 攜帶   He carried some beers to the school yesterday. 他昨天搬了一些啤酒到學校。
Please carried your book next time.下次請你把書帶來。<span style='color:brown'>祈使句要以原形動詞造句。改過來。</span>
*delicious (n) 動詞 美味 I think beef is delicious.我覺得牛肉很好吃。
*delicious (n) 動詞 美味  
*I think cow is delicious.我覺得牛肉很好吃。<span style='color:brown'>牛肉叫做beef。cow指的是乳牛,我想你應該不覺得乳牛好吃吧!</span>
*dig (v) 動詞 挖 Dogs like to dig, aren't they?狗狗喜歡挖,對吧?
*dig (v) 動詞 挖 Dogs like to dig, aren't they?狗狗喜歡挖,對吧?
*found (v) 動詞 找到 I found my book in my bag.我在我的包包裡找到我的書。
*found     (v) 動詞 找到     I found the things I buried ten years ago last week.上個星期我找到我十年前埋的東西
*gobble (v) 動詞 吞併 My dog gobble my shoes again.我的狗又啃掉我的鞋子了。
*gobble   (v) 動詞 吞併   My friend always gobbles the things on the floor .我的朋友總是吞併在地上的東西
*peeled (adj) 形容詞 去皮 I want peeled strawberry, please.我要草莓剝皮,謝謝。
*peeled   (adj) 形容詞 去皮 The paint on the wall has peeled off . 牆上油漆已經剝落了。
*piece (n) 名詞 片 I have a piece of pizza.我有一片披薩。
*piece (n) 名詞 片 I have a piece of pizza.我有一片披薩。
*sailing (n) 名詞 帆船 We need a sailing to across the river.我們需要一條帆船來過河。
*sailing   (v) 動詞 帆船   The ship was sailing at 35 Kilometer . 那艘船正以三十五公里的速度航行。
*stewed chicken (要圖照) (n) 名詞 燉雞 I like to eat stewed chicken.我喜歡吃燉雞。
*stewed chicken (要圖照) (n) 名詞 燉雞 I like to eat stewed chicken.我喜歡吃燉雞。
*spade (要圖照) (n) 名詞 鏟 I need a spade, please.請把鏟子拿給我。
*spade (要圖照) (n) 名詞 鏟 I need a spade, please.請把鏟子拿給我。
[[File:Shovel black.jpg|500px]]
[[File:Shovel black.jpg|500px]]
*thought (n) 名詞 想 I thought you can pass this test.我想你可以通過這場考試。
*thought   (v) 動詞 想 I think the same of him as you do . 我對他的看法和你對他的看法一樣。
*tree root (要圖照) (n)名詞 樹的根 Do you want some tree root ?你想吃點樹根嗎?
*tree root (要圖照) (n)名詞 樹的根 Do you want some tree root ?你想吃點樹根嗎?
[[File:HK Mid-levels 香雪道 Hornsey Road stone wall tree root Feb-2011.JPG|500px]]
[[File:HK Mid-levels 香雪道 Hornsey Road stone wall tree root Feb-2011.JPG|500px]]
*[Abby] [[unfolded]] the paper and her [voice] [[filled]] the empty classroom.
*The [teacher] [[pointed]] at the raised-relief globe.
*[He] [[worked]] for his father every day after school, and the [shop] would be [[open]] for [[at]] least another hour.
*Why [[are]] [you] [[standing]] on your head?" [[asked]] [Frog].
*[Frog] [[said]], "Would [you] [[like]] me to [[tell]] you a story, Toad?"
*No,Sadeed didn't think rite a letter to America is a good idea.
#The/This car is too old to drive.
#My jacket is too small to wear any more.
#He is too surprised to believe it.
#This test is too hard for me to get good grades/marks.
#Taipei is too big/large for us to find him.
#The water is so dirty that we can't drink it.
#My jacket is so small that I can't wear it any more.
#He is so surprised that he can't believe it.
#This/The test is so hard for me that I can't get good grades/marks.
#Taipei is so big/large that we can't find him.
*enough 前所接的形容詞,是 too 後所接形容詞的相反詞。
*在兩句的代換中,因 ... enough to ... 句型中,所使用的形容詞是相反詞,故有加 not。
[ 回... too ... to ... 和 ... so ... that ... 的用法 ]
*#I can't hear what they are talking about.
*#I have understood how he went to Taipei.
*#We still don't know when we will start.
*#Can you see what are on the blackboard?
*#The teacher teaches us what we can't do.
*#Have you known where her child works?
*#Can you ask Mr. Wang if/whether that man is our new English teacher?
*#Please tell me if/whether Jack left the town last night.
*#He didn't know where he could go.
*#Do you remember how old she is?
*#Tell us how that/the basketball game is.
*#John asks his brother why he takes/took away his glasses.
*#Does she say when she will come?
*#I don't know if/whether Father will play soccer with us.
*#Do you know who will arrive at the right time?
*#Try to remember who opens the door.
*#You can ask Tom if/whether he will go to the supermarket tonight.
*#I have forgotten what I will buy at this/the department store.
*「他自己的」翻譯成 he own ;「你自己的」翻譯成 you own。

2014年4月30日 (三) 21:28的最新修訂版本


  • behind (prep) 介係詞 後面 Suddenly , they heard a voice behind them . 突然他們聽到身後有個聲音。
  • both (adj)形容詞 兩 We both like some tea.我們都要點茶。
  • calabash (要圖照) (n)名詞 葫蘆 I have one calabash in my home.我家裡有顆葫蘆。


  • carried (v) 動詞 攜帶 He carried some beers to the school yesterday. 他昨天搬了一些啤酒到學校。
  • delicious (n) 動詞 美味 I think beef is delicious.我覺得牛肉很好吃。
  • dig (v) 動詞 挖 Dogs like to dig, aren't they?狗狗喜歡挖,對吧?
  • found (v) 動詞 找到 I found the things I buried ten years ago last week.上個星期我找到我十年前埋的東西
  • gobble (v) 動詞 吞併 My friend always gobbles the things on the floor .我的朋友總是吞併在地上的東西
  • peeled (adj) 形容詞 去皮 The paint on the wall has peeled off . 牆上油漆已經剝落了。
  • piece (n) 名詞 片 I have a piece of pizza.我有一片披薩。
  • sailing (v) 動詞 帆船 The ship was sailing at 35 Kilometer . 那艘船正以三十五公里的速度航行。
  • stewed chicken (要圖照) (n) 名詞 燉雞 I like to eat stewed chicken.我喜歡吃燉雞。


  • spade (要圖照) (n) 名詞 鏟 I need a spade, please.請把鏟子拿給我。


  • thought (v) 動詞 想 I think the same of him as you do . 我對他的看法和你對他的看法一樣。
  • tree root (要圖照) (n)名詞 樹的根 Do you want some tree root ?你想吃點樹根嗎?



  • [Abby] unfolded the paper and her [voice] filled the empty classroom.
  • The [teacher] pointed at the raised-relief globe.
  • [He] worked for his father every day after school, and the [shop] would be open for at least another hour.
  • Why are [you] standing on your head?" asked [Frog].
  • [Frog] said, "Would [you] like me to tell you a story, Toad?"


  • No,Sadeed didn't think rite a letter to America is a good idea.
  • attend
    1. v
    2. 參加,出席
  • tolerate
    1. v
    2. 忍受
  • barely
    1. adv
    2. 貧乏的


  • 形容詞。
  1. The/This car is too old to drive.
  1. My jacket is too small to wear any more.
  1. He is too surprised to believe it.
  1. This test is too hard for me to get good grades/marks.
  1. Taipei is too big/large for us to find him.
  • 形容詞。
  • 子句。
  • 沒有。
  1. The water is so dirty that we can't drink it.
  1. My jacket is so small that I can't wear it any more.
  1. He is so surprised that he can't believe it.
  1. This/The test is so hard for me that I can't get good grades/marks.
  1. Taipei is so big/large that we can't find him.
  • enough 前所接的形容詞,是 too 後所接形容詞的相反詞。
  • 在兩句的代換中,因 ... enough to ... 句型中,所使用的形容詞是相反詞,故有加 not。
  • 不定詞。

[ 回... too ... to ... 和 ... so ... that ... 的用法 ]


  • 合併下列各句
    1. I can't hear what they are talking about.
    2. I have understood how he went to Taipei.
    3. We still don't know when we will start.
    4. Can you see what are on the blackboard?
    5. The teacher teaches us what we can't do.
    6. Have you known where her child works?
    7. Can you ask Mr. Wang if/whether that man is our new English teacher?
    8. Please tell me if/whether Jack left the town last night.
  • 翻譯下列各句
    1. He didn't know where he could go.
    1. Do you remember how old she is?
    1. Tell us how that/the basketball game is.
    1. John asks his brother why he takes/took away his glasses.
    1. Does she say when she will come?
    1. I don't know if/whether Father will play soccer with us.
    1. Do you know who will arrive at the right time?
    1. Try to remember who opens the door.
    1. You can ask Tom if/whether he will go to the supermarket tonight.
    1. I have forgotten what I will buy at this/the department store.


  • ves。
  • 「他自己的」翻譯成 he own ;「你自己的」翻譯成 you own。