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=Dork Diaries p.188-p.242=
=Dork Diaries p.188-p.242=
==<b>一、Read Aloud 老師指定書中段落,請同學朗讀,並簡單翻譯 </b>(3題,每題10%,共30%)==
==一、Read Aloud 老師指定書中段落,請同學朗讀,並簡單翻譯(3題,每題10%,共30%)==
*p.189_1-3 I should...
*p.189_2-3 But Brianna...
*p.192_2-5 Whenever...
*p.192_3-5 For some reason...
*p.198_1-3 the inside of...
*p.198_1-2 The inside of...
*p.213_1-2 I'm starting...
*p.213_1-2 I'm starting...
*p.215_1-2 Trying to ...
*p.215_1-2 Trying to ...
第 13 行: 第 13 行:
==二、字彙 寫出中文意思 (考 10題,共20%)==
==二、字彙 寫出中文意思 (考 10題,共20%)==
#attend v.
#attend ''v.'' 參加
#offer v.
#offer ''v.'' 提供
#agree v.
#dress up ''v.'' 打扮
#dress up v.
#charge ''v.'' 收費
#charge v.
#suffer from 因...而受苦
#suffer from
#instead ''adv.'' 代替
#instead adv.
#a bunch of 一些
#entrance n.
#be used to 習慣於
#emergency n.
#ignore ''v.'' 忽略
#a bunch of
#survive ''v.'' 生存
#be used to
#disturb ''v.'' 打擾
#ignore v.
#jealous ''v.'' 嫉妒
#survive v.
#flush ''v.'' (馬桶)沖水
#disturb v.
#get rid of 擺脫
#jealous v.
#bruise ''n.'' 瘀青
#flush v.
#attack v.
#get rid of
#anniversary n.
==三、讀課文找單字 (考 6題,共6%)==
==四、英翻中(選 5題考,每題 5%,共15%)==
==三、讀課文找單字 (考 6題,共12%)==
*p.188_ She offered me $10 to take Brianna to the movie in her place, Since I was broke, I agreed to do it.
*p.192_ Whenever we stopped at a red light, a bunch of people would point, stare, ans laughNot at me, at our roach.
<br>Brianna and I were waiting near the '''main entrance''' for Mom to pick us up.  However, when I saw Dad '''pull up''' in his Maxwell's Bug Extermination van, I got a really bad '''feeling'''Although, that creepy-looking roach bolted to the top of his van gave most people a really bad feeling...<br>
*p.192_ To avoid serious injury or death, please keep plastic away from very young children.
<br>My dad '''glanced at''' his watch and '''frown'''ed.  "Sorry, but I don't have time to swing by the house.  This '''customer''' is hysterical and has '''agree'''d to pay my '''emergency''' rates. She's hosting some kind of big shindig later today and says her house is '''crawl'''ing with bugs inside and out.  Hundreds of'em just showed up out of the blue this morning.<br>
*p.219_ Practically everyone in the cafeteria was staring at us, but I ignore them and kept right on working.
*p.229_ It was pretty cool hanging out with them, and they were not mean or snotty like we thought they'd be.
==五、中翻英( 3題全考,每題3%,共9%)==
==四、英翻中(每題 5%,共15%)==
*p.188_ I have the most horrible headache and it's all Brianna's fault.
*p.188_ She offered me $10 to take Brianna to the movie in her place. Since I was broke, I agreed to do it.<br>她(我媽)給我十元,(要我)代替她帶我妹去看電影。因為我最近很窮,所以答應了。
*p.218_ Anyway, today I could hardly wait for lunchChloe and Zoey were even more excited than I was.
*p.192_ Whenever we stopped at a red light, a bunch of people would point, stare, and laughNot at me, at our roach.<br>每次我們遇到紅燈停下來,就會有些人看著我們指指點點,然後哈哈大笑,對象當然不是我,而是那隻蟑螂。
*p.230_ We're supposed to be doing this as a group project.
*p.192_ To avoid serious injury or death, please keep plastic away from very young children.<br>為避免嚴重傷害或死亡,請讓幼童遠離塑膠袋。
*p.219_ Practically everyone in the cafeteria was staring at us, but I ignore them and kept right on working.<br>實際上整個餐廳的人都在看我們,可是我不管他們,繼續工作。
*p.229_ It was pretty cool hanging out with them, and they were not mean or snotty like we thought they'd be.<br>跟他們一起混還蠻酷的,其實他們並不像我們以前想的那麼壞心眼或驕傲自大。
==六、寫作 Essay Questions(20%):請任選兩題,註明題號作答。每題至少用五句英文,其餘可用中文論述。中英文內容儘量不重複,每題總字數至少100字。(一題10%)==
#Tell about something any of your family did or said that helped you more than they'll ever know.
*p.188_ 我頭痛得可怕,全都是Brianna的錯。<br>I have the most horrible headache and it's all Brianna's fault.
#Describe something you like to do with your father or mother (or both of them).
*p.218_ 總之,今天我等不及午餐時間快到。Chloe和Zoey甚至比我還興奮。<br>Anyway, today I could hardly wait for lunch.  Chloe and Zoey were even more excited than I was.
#What is the most crazy or dangerous thing you've done with your friendsDid anyone tried to stop you from doing it? OR, have you ever tried to stop any of your friends from doing something crazy, dangerous, or illegal? What happened then?
*p.230_ 我們應該把這件事當成小組計畫來做。<br>We're supposed to be doing this as a group project.
==六、寫作 Essay Questions(14%):請任選兩題,註明題號作答。每題至少用2句英文,其餘可用中文論述。中英文內容儘量不重複,每題總字數至少50字。(一題7%)==
#Have you ever made a plan to celebrate your family’s or friends’ anniversary or birthdayPlease describe how you did it.<br> '''OR''', what would you like your family or friends to do for you to celebrate your anniversary or birthday?
#For the past years, what has been one of the most important events that has had a great influence on you?<br>Please describe it and tell us what you have learned from it.

2020年5月25日 (一) 13:08的最新修訂版本

Dork Diaries p.188-p.242

一、Read Aloud 老師指定書中段落,請同學朗讀,並簡單翻譯(3題,每題10%,共30%)


  • p.189_2-3 But Brianna...
  • p.192_3-5 For some reason...
  • p.198_1-2 The inside of...
  • p.213_1-2 I'm starting...
  • p.215_1-2 Trying to ...
  • p.228_4-5 Mrs. Peach...
  • p.231_1-3 I used to...

二、字彙 寫出中文意思 (考 10題,共20%)

  1. attend v. 參加
  2. offer v. 提供
  3. dress up v. 打扮
  4. charge v. 收費
  5. suffer from 因...而受苦
  6. instead adv. 代替
  7. a bunch of 一些
  8. be used to 習慣於
  9. ignore v. 忽略
  10. survive v. 生存
  11. disturb v. 打擾
  12. jealous v. 嫉妒
  13. flush v. (馬桶)沖水
  14. get rid of 擺脫
  15. bruise n. 瘀青

三、讀課文找單字 (考 6題,共12%)

Brianna and I were waiting near the main entrance for Mom to pick us up. However, when I saw Dad pull up in his Maxwell's Bug Extermination van, I got a really bad feeling. Although, that creepy-looking roach bolted to the top of his van gave most people a really bad feeling...

My dad glanced at his watch and frowned. "Sorry, but I don't have time to swing by the house. This customer is hysterical and has agreed to pay my emergency rates. She's hosting some kind of big shindig later today and says her house is crawling with bugs inside and out. Hundreds of'em just showed up out of the blue this morning.

四、英翻中(每題 5%,共15%)

  • p.188_ She offered me $10 to take Brianna to the movie in her place. Since I was broke, I agreed to do it.
  • p.192_ Whenever we stopped at a red light, a bunch of people would point, stare, and laugh. Not at me, at our roach.
  • p.192_ To avoid serious injury or death, please keep plastic away from very young children.
  • p.219_ Practically everyone in the cafeteria was staring at us, but I ignore them and kept right on working.
  • p.229_ It was pretty cool hanging out with them, and they were not mean or snotty like we thought they'd be.


  • p.188_ 我頭痛得可怕,全都是Brianna的錯。
    I have the most horrible headache and it's all Brianna's fault.
  • p.218_ 總之,今天我等不及午餐時間快到。Chloe和Zoey甚至比我還興奮。
    Anyway, today I could hardly wait for lunch. Chloe and Zoey were even more excited than I was.
  • p.230_ 我們應該把這件事當成小組計畫來做。
    We're supposed to be doing this as a group project.

六、寫作 Essay Questions(14%):請任選兩題,註明題號作答。每題至少用2句英文,其餘可用中文論述。中英文內容儘量不重複,每題總字數至少50字。(一題7%)

  1. Have you ever made a plan to celebrate your family’s or friends’ anniversary or birthday? Please describe how you did it.
    OR, what would you like your family or friends to do for you to celebrate your anniversary or birthday?
  1. For the past years, what has been one of the most important events that has had a great influence on you?
    Please describe it and tell us what you have learned from it.