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*3 Sept. 2014英文作業:寫Project 2作業單(標記日期的地方)
*5 Sept. 2014英文作業:上傳照片到「該做的事」裡的「My Family」,並且像George一樣介紹自己的家人,你可以上傳一張全家福介紹,或是幾張照片分別介紹家人。下禮拜二(9/9)交。
*9 Sept. 2014英文作業:寫下自己的英譯名字和英譯地址。
*12 Sept. 2014英文作業:複習上課日誌。

2014年9月13日 (六) 11:36的最新修訂版本


  • 記帳
  • 碳足跡
  • 大型強子對撞機的圓心經緯度及半徑的計算過程
  • 觀賞「地心毀滅」影片
  • 能量轉換
  • 動能計算
  • 電腦使用約定
  • 帶上她的眼睛故事大綱和心得
  • 一個資料夾
  • 3 Sept. 2014英文作業:寫Project 2作業單(標記日期的地方)
  • 5 Sept. 2014英文作業:上傳照片到「該做的事」裡的「My Family」,並且像George一樣介紹自己的家人,你可以上傳一張全家福介紹,或是幾張照片分別介紹家人。下禮拜二(9/9)交。
  • 9 Sept. 2014英文作業:寫下自己的英譯名字和英譯地址。
  • 12 Sept. 2014英文作業:複習上課日誌。


I can. Can you?

  • 生字:
    1. ice hockey:冰上曲棍球
    2. divide:(v.)分割to separate;(數學)除
      • 詞類變化:division (n.)區塊;除法
    3. throw:(v.)丟;擲
      • 動詞片語:throw up嘔吐
    4. meter:單位詞公尺
  • 句子:
    1. Can you play the piano?
    2. Can you speak Japanese?
    3. Can you swim?
    4. Can you play ice hockey?
    5. Can you write with both hands?
    6. Can you throw a ball 50 meters?
    7. Can you spell your name in English?
    8. Can you divide sixty-eight by four?
  • 文法:
    1. 回答疑問句時,要用Yes/No開始。如:Yes, I can. NO, I can't.
    2. can是助動詞,後面的動詞要用原形,不會家-s/-es或-ed/-ing等字尾。is/am/are等be動詞的原型是be,所以在助動詞後面要用be。
    3. 例如:She cries a lot of the time, but sometimes she can be calm, too.
  • 同學們提供的單字:
    1. cello: 大提琴
    2. triathlon: 鐵人三項(游泳、馬拉松、自行車)
    3. alto: 中音笛
    4. grenade: 手榴彈
    5. wash dishes: 洗碗;wash為動詞。
    6. unicycled: 獨輪車;a unicycle非an unicycle,因為u雖為母音但是在發音上它是/ju/,所以要用a。


  • 鱷魚組Crocodile:
    1. LTingho:I can read Japanese. Can you read Japanese?
    2. Saman: I can paint. Can you paint?
    3. Vivian: I can play the games. Can you play the games?
    4. Yi Chieh: I can wash clothes. Can you wash clothes?
    5. Andy: I can play the piano. Can you play the piano?
    6. Laurence: I can play Minecraft? Can you play Minecraft?
  • 海龜組Sea Turtle:
    1. Brain: absent
    2. Ivy: I can play the cello. Can you play the cello?
    3. Julia: I can play the cello. Can you play the cello?
    4. Charlie: I can play the electric guitar. Can you play the electric guitar?
    5. Tiffany: I can play the violin. Can you play the violin?
    6. Allen: I can wash dishes. Can you wash dishes?
  • 楓凜組:
    1. Shiny: I can play the alto. Can you play the alto?
    2. Jackson: I can throw a grenade. Can you throw a grenade?
    3. Candy: I can play the piano. Can you play the piano?
    4. James: I can play Jazz? Can you play Jazz?
    5. Chester: I can do the triathlon. Can you do the triathlon?
  • 飛龍組Flying Dragon:
    1. David:I can use Minecraft map editor. Can you use Minecraft map editor?
    2. Cindy: I can play the piano. Can you play the piano?
    3. Jerry: I can ride a unicycle. Can you ride a unicycly?
    4. Victor: I can ride a unicycle. Can you ride a unicycly?
    5. Timmy: I can speack Japanese. Can you speak Japanese?
    6. Jessica: Ican swim. Can you swim?