怪咖少女事件簿 Dork Diaries p.56-123重點整理

在2020年1月7日 (二) 15:17由吳文瀚對話 | 貢獻所做的修訂版本

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  1. managed to設法
  2. recognize認出
  3. type根據
  4. incurable治療
  5. apparently顯然的


  1. I know I should have studied more.
  2. I guess you could call it a bug problem.
  3. They completely froze and just stared at me in horror with their mouths wide open.
  4. Although,to be honest,it was a big deal.
  5. I didn't have the slightest idea what shs was talking about.


  • trampled 踐踏
  • upset 煩亂
  • personally 親自
  • mailed 郵寄
  • imagine 想像


  • But could you really say it was MY fault 但是你真的可以說這是我的錯
  • But I had a feeling in my gut they were still out there.但是我有一種感覺,他們仍然在那裡。
  • I think I'm suffering from no cellphone phobia我想我沒有手機恐懼症
  • i've had the most horrible week were! 我度過了最恐怖的一周!
  • I just clutched the napkin over my heart and sighed 我只是把餐巾捂在心上,嘆了口氣