
在2016年11月21日 (一) 21:07由郭麗熒對話 | 貢獻所做的修訂版本

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一、 填入單字

  1. The important thing is that she is eating ___________________ (normal).
  2. I had an ___________________ (enjoy) vacation in Singapore.
  3. She was awarded a scholarship for her ___________________ (achieve).
  4. I love ___________________ (observe) animals in nature.
  5. Christianity, Islam and Buddhism are the major ___________________of the world.
  6. A sale is being held to raise ___________________ for the school.
  7. The ___________________(觀眾)enjoyed every minute of the performance.
  8. I’m trying to vary the children’s ___________________(飲食) as much as possible.
  9. When preparing meals, you need to take ___________________ (vary) into consideration.
  10. In___________________, animals can think and talk like human beings.
  11. Aesop’s Fables are animal stories with ___________________ lessons.
  12. Detroit is a famous ___________________ (industry) city.
  13. It is ___________________ (moral) to keep what doesn’t belong to you.
  14. The chair___________________ the result of the vote.
  15. There are several different ___________________about how brain works.
  16. I can’t ___________________the two cases.
  17. I have two daughters–Judy and Mary. The former is outgoing, while the ___________________is shy.
  18. I haven’t seen the latest ___________________of the magazine.
  19. Ex: Do you know the ___________________of the human body?
  20. The aircraft carries three hundred and seventy-nine people, including the ___________________.
  21. The hotel provides ___________________(hour) shuttle bus service.
  22. We’re running out of time. ___________________ (obvious), we need more help.
  23. Living in a city has many___________________, such as good schools and nice restaurants.
  24. The museum was completely ___________________by fire.
  25. Staying at the hotel, you can enjoy the spa with no___________________ (addition) charges.
  26. The email contains ___________________instructions about how to register.
  27. The flight attendants will ___________________to your needs.
  28. People ___________________ to sleep less as they get older.
  29. He writes a weekly ___________________ for The Taipei Times.
  30. The herbs should be stored at low ___________________.
  31. He was sent on a dangerous___________________.
  32. He ___________________that he had been in prison several times before.
  33. Read the first three ___________________as your homework.
  34. It’s not ___________________to put your elbows on the table when you eat.
  35. Are you sure of the ___________________of God?

二、 造句

  • 1. suffer


  • 2. feature


  • 3. unless


  • 4. chapter


  • 5. attempt


  • 6. style


  • 7. due


  • 8. approach


  • 9. propose


  • 10. somewhat


三、 文法

  • 1. transitive verb (vt)中文意思是什麼? 可以直接接受詞嗎? 請舉例。

_______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________

  • 2. intransitive verb,(vi. ) 中文意思是什麼? 可以直接接受詞嗎? 請舉例。

_______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________


  • 1. obligate:
  • 2. lame:
  • 3. potluck:
  • 4. scrabble:
  • 5. brought it up:
  • 6. pathetic:
  • 7. hit it off:
  • 8. black out:
  • 9. hang out:
  • 10. take for granted
  • 11. She used to be my “unicorn”. What does the word “unicorn” mean in the film?

_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  • 12. And every time I saw her,“butterflies”. What does the word “butterflies” mean in the film?

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  • 13. How many stages are there in this film? Write down it.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

四、 假設語氣翻譯

  • 1. 如果Tom現在有空,他會來拜訪我們。(提示: 與現在事實相反)


  • 2. 如果我是你,我就可以嫁給有錢人了。(提示: 與現在事實相反)


  • 3. 如果當時你有認真讀書,就可以通過考試了。 (提示: 與過去事實相反)


  • 4. 就算太陽從西邊出來 我也不會改變我的心意。(提示: 與未來事實相反)


五、 片語填充

  1. Of course I ________ ________ ________Kenny. He’s my best friend.
  2. Cathy__________________me in age by two years.
  3. My sister ________ three years ________ ________ you in age.
  4. My brother ________ ________ ________ I am by two years.
  5. People always want to ________themselves ________others.
  6. Learning English is ________difficult ________ ________.
  7. Mary always ________her wealth ________to others.
  8. My father ________ ________ a computer company.