
在2016年10月11日 (二) 15:51由許皓程對話 | 貢獻所做的修訂版本

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week 35: 8/29-9/04

  • count on me
    1. stuck卡住
    2. middle中間
    3. sail帆
    4. guide指南
    5. cause原因
    6. supposed應該
    7. asleep睡著
    8. remind提醒

week 36: 9/05-9/11

  • Take a bow
    1. applause 掌聲
    2. round 回合
    3. ovation 歡呼
    4. apologize 道歉
    5. entertaining 有趣
    6. grab 抓
    7. faithful 可信

week 37: 9/12-9/18

  • My Way
    1. least 最小
    2. awake 甦醒
    3. faced面對
    4. removed 去除
    5. way 辦法
    6. far 遠

week 38: 9/19-9/25

  • Clocer
    1. issue 問題
    2. broke 打破
    3. closer接近

week 39: 9/26-10/02

  • We Don't Talk Anymore
  • heard 聽說
  • been 是
  • would 將
  • cause 原因
  • easily 容易
  • dress 打扮

week 40: 10/03-10/09

  • Say You Won't Let Go
  • met 遇見
  • though 雖然
  • enough 不足
  • shoulder 肩膀
  • chest 胸部
  • scared 害怕
  • held 保持
  • lit 發光

week 41: 10/10-10/16

  • sugar

I'm hurting baby, 我飽受傷害 寶貝 I'm broken down 瀕臨崩潰 I need your loving, loving 需要你的熱愛 你的呵護 I need it now 現在就來吧 When I'm without you 當我失去你 I'm something weak 渾身彷彿不對勁 失去元氣 You got me begging, begging 你讓我求神問天 I'm on my knees 跪地問神 I don't wanna be needing your love 我不想要 讓愛你只是需求

I just wanna be deep in your love 我只想要 愛你深切入心 And it's killing me when you're away 你不在時 感覺生不如死啊 Ooh baby, 'cause a bullet don't care where you are 噢寶貝 我是個硬漢 我才不介意你去哪裡 I just wanna be there where you are 反正妳去哪兒 我就跟到那兒 And I gotta get one little taste 而我想要 來點

Sugar 甜頭 Yes please 是的 拜託 Won't you come and put in down on me 何不來我懷抱 撲上我吧 Oh right here, 'cause I need 直接來吧 因為我好缺 Little love and little sympathy 缺點熱愛和憐憫 Yeah you show me good loving 你讓我見識 何謂真愛 Make it alright 讓一切 完美無缺 Need a little sweetness in my life 人生就是需要一點 甜蜜情趣 Sugar 甜心 Yes please 是的 拜託 Won't you come and put in down on me 何不來我懷抱 撲上我吧

My broken pieces 生命破碎的環節 You pick them up 是你填補的 Don't leave me hanging, hanging 你不會 離我而去 晾我一人吧?? Come give me some 過來滿足我吧 When I'm without ya 失去你 I'm so insecure 令我手足無措 You are the one thing, one thing 你就是唯一目標 唯一要素 I'm living for 督促我存活

I don't wanna be needing your love 我不想要 讓愛你只是需求 I just wanna be deep in your love 我只想要 愛你深切入心 And it's killing me when you're away 你不在時 感覺生不如死啊 Ooh baby, 'cause a bullet don't care where you are 噢寶貝 我是個硬漢 我才不介意你去哪裡 I just wanna be there where you are 反正妳去哪兒 我就跟到那兒 And I gotta get one little taste 而我想要 來點

Sugar 甜頭 Yes please 是的 拜託 Won't you come and put in down on me 何不來我懷抱 撲上我吧 Oh right here, 'cause I need 直接來吧 因為我好缺 Little love and little sympathy 缺點熱愛和憐憫 Yeah you show me good loving 你讓我見識 何謂真愛 Make it alright 讓一切 完美無缺 Need a little sweetness in my life 人生就是需要一點 甜蜜情趣 Sugar 甜心 Yes please 是的 拜託 Won't you come and put in down on me 何不來我懷抱 撲上我吧

Yeah, I want that red velvet 想要 紅絲絨的高貴柔軟 I want that sugar sweet 渴望 糖果的甜蜜甘美 Don't let nobody touch it 我不准讓任何人觸碰你 Unless that somebody is me 除非那個任何人 是我 I gotta be a man 我想要成為 真正的男人 There ain't no other way 成為的途徑 別無他條 就是占有你 'Cause girl you're hotter than southern California bae 因為女孩你阿 比加州南部的任何妹都還要火辣

I don't wanna play no games 我才不要 毫無花樣把戲 I don't gotta be afraid 我才不會 畏懼退縮 Don't give all that shy shit 別給我來 害羞那招 No make up on 少做作了 That's my 這就是我

week 42: 10/17-10/23

week 43: 10/24-10/30

week 44: 10/31-11/06

week 45: 11/07-11/13

week 46: 11/14-11/20

week 47: 11/21-11/27

week 48: 11/28-12/04

week 49: 12/05-12/11

week 50: 12/19-12/25

week 51: 12/26-01/01

week 01: 01/02-01/08

week 02: 01/09-01/15

week 03: 01/16-01/22