
在2019年3月26日 (二) 19:07由李彥廷對話 | 貢獻所做的修訂版本

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This video was talking about what space-time means for gravity.First,acceleration was mentioned.If you add gravity,The speed of the things in space-time will be faster. Second,The movie discuss how to make up the space-time.There must have a lot of patches of space time transformed by different amounts.When fragments was assemble like a quilt,space-time has shaped.

When we are discuss space-time,we must think of Einstein.He can describe precisely how each patch is stretched and squashed according to nearby mass and energy.He found that the presence of stuff curves the space-time,and curving space-time moves the stuff around.This is gravity and space-time that Einstein explained.

Einstein's theory reversed older theories where space-time and gravity were separated.When combining piece of space-time,there have wrinkles in the space-time material.These are called gravitational waves.Einstein proved that gravity is relating to space-time.

