
在2015年8月9日 (日) 14:21由孫紹傑對話 | 貢獻所做的修訂版本

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  • 第一頁
    1. stormy 暴風雨
    2. tap 踏
    3. voice 聲音
    4. poncho 雨衣
    5. pajamas 睡衣
    6. flashlight 手電筒
    7. held 保持
    8. nut 堅果(罵人用詞:瘋了)
    9. seem 似乎
  • 第二頁
    1. leave 離開
    2. cozy 舒適
    3. sneaker 運動鞋
    4. grab 抓
    5. back-pack 書包
  • 第三頁
    1. slip 滑
    2. into 直到
    3. chilly 寒冷
    4. damp 潮濕
    5. eased up 緩和
    6. gently 平緩
    7. ground 地面
    8. glistened 發光
    9. beam 光束
    10. Creek 溪
    11. shaking 發抖
    12. wiped 抹
    13. wonder 懷疑
  • 第四頁
    1. rope 繩
    2. ladder 階梯
    3. shined 照
    4. empty 空
    5. gasp 喘氣
    6. scruffy 邋遢
  • 第五頁
    1. actually 其實
    2. whimpered 嗚咽
    3. gaze 凝視
    4. fancy 幻想


  • 單字
    1. viewers 觀眾
    2. group 小組
    3. stage 舞台
    4. souvenir 紀念品
    5. interview 專訪
    6. realise 實現
    7. frequently 頻繁
    8. moments 時刻
    9. strike 罷工
    10. develop 發展
  • 句子
    1. Katowice 2015 Pick’em Challenge. 卡托維茲2015年Pick'em大獎挑戰賽
    2. At the start of the season. 在本賽季的開始
    3. Man of the Match 本場最佳
    4. There’s a lot to learn in every version 還有很多要學習的每一個版本
    5. To get players up to speed quickly 為了讓玩家能夠快速上手
    6. You'll see the difference 你會看到其中的差別
    7. We’ve highlighted some excellent resources 我們已經強調了一些優秀的資源
    8. If you’re interested in getting your work presented here 如果你有興趣在這裡讓你的工作中提出
    9. Positioning and Scoping with the AWP 定位和範圍界定與AWP
    10. I guess time will tell 我想時間會證明一切



  • Community COTW
    1. Can you put the demo links in description next time? 你可以把描述下一次演示環節?
    2. That first guy deserves the medal of honor! 這第一個男人應有的榮譽勳章!
  • Dreamhack Winter 2014 CS:GO
    1. I don't understand how this is a "sport" 我不明白這是怎麼一個“運動”
    2. Does anyone know what pc's they use and the specs? 有誰知道他們使用的電腦和規格?
  • Ultimate FAIL Round
    1. Are those skill only for the commercials or can you actually use them? 那些只為廣告技巧,或者你可以實際使用它們?
    2. He did good. He killed an asshole 他做得很好。他殺死了一個混蛋
  • FASTEST Aces!
    1. This is what happens when you "RUSH B DON'T STOP" 這是當你“RUSH B DON'T STOP”會發生的事
    2. Tweeday uploaded a fastace video today too. Tweeday今天上傳了一張王牌快過視頻


  • Hack or Luck #53
    1. first one - def hacks. second one - random lucky 64tick headshot. 第一個-開掛 第二個幸運的打中
    2. This is inhuman reactions 這是個不人道的反應
  • Even PROS Luck Out!
    1. Can anyone help me with this problem? 誰能幫我解決這個問題?
    2. I would think: God damn lag again 我想:該死LAG重來一次
  • Negev | Loudmouth Gameplay
    1. And I'm here still waiting for the day that a covert M249 is released 而我在這裡仍然在等待一個隱蔽的M249被釋放的日子
    2. Love the Negev, best gun in the game 我喜歡Negev,最好的槍在遊戲中
  • FromZero - I HAVE LOST MY RANK!!!!!!
    1. no, i fanboy send me skins 不,我想說我送我的造型
    2. Where do you stand to see the enemies without seeing you ? 你在哪裡站看到敵人沒有看到你?
  • Cheaters Make Games Interesting
    1. I have my profile private because I don't like people stalking me. 我的個人資料是私有的,因為我不喜歡別人加我好友。
    2. I have a friend whose profile is private to anyone who isn't added 我有一個朋友,他的個人資料是不添加任何人
  • 125 Case Opening and Trade Up Contract
    1. what condtion was your last asimov 什麼情況下你最後能抽到asimov
    2. You do 125 cases at one time and I do like 2 cases ever 3 months 你125箱子在同一時間,我喜歡2種箱子案件曾經3個月
    1. any person can get 2 awp dragon for 10 m4a1 knight 任何人可以得到2 AWP龍10 M4A1騎士
    2. OMG the first guy is so scary WTF when he opens his mouth . 第一個人當他打開他的嘴真是太嚇人了
    1. A silver IV got a stattrak m4a4 howl 一個銀四得到了stattrak M4A4咆嚎
    2. If you don't want those knives you can give it to me 如果你不希望這些刀,你可以把它給我


  • FromZERO - LE to LEM in less then 24 hours!
    1. Something i said has top comment? 上面的評論我覺得?
    2. I feel so special! 我感覺很特別
  • The Nade That Saved My Rank
    1. Just started playing CS:GO but we are enjoying it so far 我們剛開始玩csgo就很享受了
    2. Better love story than Twilight 美好的愛情故事像是暮光之城
  • New Favorite Map? DE_OVERPASS!
    1. Does anybody feel like Nick's bullets are stronger than ours? 有沒有人覺得nick的子彈比我們強?
    2. Silver wait time for overpass 5 minutes. 白銀等待overpass要5分鐘
  • How to WIN with 0 kills
    1. you made a team kill to make
    2. I've won a comp with - 1 kills once 我有一次贏了-1殺
  • NA Can Be Toxic
    1. Complains team isn't acting smart 抱怨隊伍不像是聰明事
    2. Tell them you'll give them a knife and shut up 告訴他們:我給你們一把刀然後閉嘴
  • CS:GO - AK47 | Nightmare Gameplay
    1. How can you play workshop skins? 你是怎麼得到這造型的
    2. How can I watch the demo of deathmatch? 我要怎麼樣才可以看死鬥?
  • CS:GO Knife Painting: Karambit | Marble Fade
    1. No near perfect but turned out pretty ok I guess. 沒有很完美,但我很確定它已經很OK了
    2. How many karambits do you have? 這把爪刀要多少?
  • Basic Flipping karambit
    1. This guy must be a global elite 這傢伙一定是個菁英
    2. 90% of the watchers are here, because of CS GO 90%的觀眾在這是因為CSGO


  • CS:GO - ESL One Cologne 2015 Asian Qualifier
    1. Renegades are doing a awesome job! 叛徒很認真的在工作!
    2. You know who the best person in the world is? 你知道誰是最好的人在世界上是?
  • CS:GO - ESL One Cologne 2015 NA Qualifier
    1. Love your Videos! Keep it up! 愛你的影片!繼續努力吧!
    2. Wait so which 2 NA teams won? 所以在na中哪一隊贏了?