
在2018年11月30日 (五) 20:12由吳芸真對話 | 貢獻所做的修訂版本

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第六章 Where are the Tourist Attractions


  1. Can you tell me the opening times of the museum/ palace? 你可以告訴我博物館/皇宮的開放時間嗎?
  2. Sure. It’s open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 可以。開放時間從早上九點到下午五點。
  3. Is it open on the weekend? 週末開放嗎?
  4. Yes, it is. It’s open every day except public holidays. 有的。每天都有開放,除了公定假日。
  5. When will the exhibition take place? 展覽什麼時候開始?
  6. It will start on May 10. 五月十日開始。


  1. How much is the entrance fee? 門票多少錢?
  2. It costs 15 dollars per person. 一個人15元。
  3. Is there a discount for students? 這裡對學生有打折(優惠)嗎?
  4. There is a discount for students and children under 12. 這裡對學生、十二歲以下小孩有折扣(優惠)。


  1. Is there a tour guide? 請問這裡有沒有導遊?
  2. Would you mind taking a photo of us? 你介意幫我們照一張相片嗎?
  3. Am I allowed to take a picture? 我可以照相嗎?
  4. Don’t touch the exhibits/objects. 勿觸摸展品/物品。
  5. No photography allowed. 禁止拍照。

第七章 Let’s Eat Out


  1. How can I help you? / What can I get you? 您想要點什麼?
  2. Can I have a hamburger? / I’d like a hamburger. 我想要一個漢堡。
  3. Can I have a burger minus onion? 一個漢堡不要洋蔥。
  4. Can I have extra cheese and ketchup? 我要多加起司跟番茄醬。
  5. Would you like something to drink? 你需要飲料嗎?
    beverage/ drink飲料
  6. Can I have a cup of tea with no sugar? / I’ll have a cup of tea with no sugar? 我想要一杯無糖的茶。
    black tea 紅茶 Fanta 芬達 milk shake 奶昔 tap water 自來水 bottled water 瓶裝水 mineral water 礦泉水
  7. For here or to go? 要內用還是外帶?


  1. Can we have the bill, please? 我可以買單了嗎?
  2. Of course. Here’s your bill/check. 當然可以,這是你的帳單。
  3. Would you like to pay by cash or credit card? 請問你要付現還是刷卡?
  4. Does this include the service charge? 這有包含服務費嗎?
  5. Yes, the service charge is included. 有包含服務費。


  1. Excuse me, where is the Money Exchange/ Banking Service/ ATM/ battery recharge service?
    money exchange外幣兌換 banking service 銀行 ATM 提款機
    battery recharge service 充電站
  2. Please tell me how to connect to a wireless internet connection.
    wireless internet connection 無線網路 terminal 航廈
    information counter 服務台 transfer 轉機
    international arrival/ departure 國際入境/出境
    domestic arrival/ departure 國內入境/出境


  1. Could you please help me with my luggage?
  2. Could I get one more pillow, please?
    pillow枕頭 blanket 毯子
  3. Please keep your seatbelt fastened while seated.
    seatbelt 安全帶 fasten 繫、綁
  4. Could you check for me if the lavatory is vacant, please?
    lavatory 洗手間 vacant 空的 occupied 使用中

第三章 入境


  1. What’s the purpose of your visit to the United States?
    purpose 目的
  2. I am here on vacation/ business.
  3. What’s the port of your last departure? 來這個國家之前你去了哪個國家? (認識)

二、海關 Customs

  1. Anything to declare? (認識)
  2. Did you pack by yourself?


  1. I’d like to get a SIM card.
  2. May I see your driver’s license or passport, please?
  3. Do you have a SIM card with an unlimited data plan?
    unlimited data plan 網路吃到飽
  4. Could you help me activate the SIM card? 你可以幫我開通sim卡嗎?
    activate 開通

第四章 住宿


  1. We require a credit card number for a deposit. (認識)
  2. Do you charge for extra beds?
    charge 收費 extra beds 加床
  3. I’d like to check out a day earlier.
  4. Can I stay for two more nights?


  1. The refrigerator isn’t working. Could you send someone to fix it?
  2. There is something wrong with the air conditioner.
  3. The hot water in the shower isn’t working.
  4. We are out of toilet paper.
    refrigerator 冰箱 fix 修理 air conditioner 空調

第五章 問路


  1. Could you tell me how to get to British Museum?
  2. Just go straight for two blocks and turn right on Bank Street.
    straight 直的 opposite 對面
  3. Is there any landmark near the museum?
    landmark 地標
  4. Can you show me the location on the map?
    location 位置


  1. 十個常用破冰句子
  2. 開始對話認識新朋友
  3. 十句機場常用英文
  4. 海關



against 對抗 long for 渴望 belong to 屬於 thought 想法
dwell 居住 strive 努力 forth 向前 path 路徑 swift 快速的
bend 彎折 encouraging 鼓勵的 identity 身分、認同 establish 建立
involve 跟…有關 exist 存在 aspect 方面 quality 品質
priority 優先順序


  1. 句子的連接、對等連接詞
  2. 形容詞子句的合併與拆解

三、文本 (英翻中、閱讀理解)

  1. On Children
  2. Who Am I

四、寫作 Something about My (家庭、朋友、寵物…)