
在2017年9月4日 (一) 10:40由郭麗熒對話 | 貢獻所做的修訂版本

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  • Wait.Slow down.NO one's brothers are staying here.等等 慢一點 沒有人的哥哥要住在這裡
  • No one is getting married. --Wait,what?沒有人要結婚 --等等 什麼?
  • May I talk to you,please.Alone.我可以跟你談談嗎? 麻煩 單獨
  • No.Whatever you have to say,不 不管你要說甚麼
  • you....you can say to both of us.你..你都可以跟我們倆一起說
  • Fine.You can't marry a man you just met.好 你不能嫁給一個剛認識的人
  • You can if it's true love.可以 如果那是真愛呢
  • Anna,what do you know about true love?Anna你又懂什麼是真愛呢?
  • More than you.All you know is how to shut people out. 比你懂 你所知道的就是如何拒人於外
  • You asked for my blessing,but my answer is no.你要求我的祝福 但我的回答是不
  • Now,Excuse me.好了 告辭了
  • Your Majesty,if may ease your.... 陛下 如果我可以讓你安...
  • No,you may not.And I-I think you should go.不 你不可以 而我..我想 你該走了
  • The party is over.Close the gates. --Yes,Your Majesty.宴會結束了 關上大門 --是的陛下
  • What?Elsa,no.No,wait!什麼?Elsa不 不 等等
  • Give me my glove!把我的手套給我



  • Elsa,please.Please.I can't live like this anymore.--...Then leave.Elsa求求你我不能再像這樣過日子了 --那就離開吧
  • What did I ever do to you?! --Enough,Anna.我有曾經對你做什麼嗎? --夠了Anna
  • No.Why?Why do you shut me out?!不 為什麼? 你為何拒我於外?
  • What are you so afraid of?! --I said,enough!你為何拒這世界於外?
  • What are you afraid of?! -- I said,enough 你是在怕什麼? --我說夠了
  • Sorcery.I knew there was something dubious going on here.巫術 我就知道這裡有可疑的事發生
  • Elsa...? --There she is. --Yes,it is her.Elsa? Queen Elsa.她在那裡 --對 那是她 Elsa皇后
  • Our beautiful Queen. Your Majesty? Are you all right?我們美麗的皇后 陛下? 你還好嗎?
  • There she is!Stop her!她在那裡 攔住她
  • Please,just stay away from me.Stay away!拜託 離我遠一點 離遠一點
  • Monster...Monster!--Elsa! Elsa...wait,Please!Elsa,Stop!怪物...怪物.. --Elsa Elsa 等等求求你Elsa 停下來
  • Anna!(No.)The Fjord. --Snow?--Yes,snow!Anna(不)峽灣 --- 雪? --是的雪
  • Are you all right? (No.)Did you know? (No.)還好嗎? (不) 你之前知道嗎?(不)
  • Look! It's snowing! It's snowing!看 下雪了 下雪了
  • The Queen has cursed this land!皇后對這塊土地下了詛咒了
  • She must be stopped! You have to go after her...--Wait,no! 她必須受到阻止 你必須去追她 --等等 不



  • You!Is there sorcery in you,too?你 你也有巫術嗎?
  • Are you a monster,too?你也是個怪物嗎?
  • No.No. I'm completely ordinary.不 不我完全是平凡的
  • That's right she is. ...In the best way.沒錯她是的... 一種好的平凡
  • And my sister's not a monster.還有我姐姐不是怪物
  • She nearly killed me.她差點就殺了我
  • You slipped on ice.. --Her ice!你在冰上滑了一跤...--她的冰
  • It was an accident.She was scared.那是個意外 她當時很害怕
  • She didn't mean it.She didn't mean any of this...她不是有意的 這一切她都不是有意的
  • Tonight was my fault. I pushed her.今晚 是我的錯 我逼她的
  • So I'm the one that needs to go after her.--What?--Yeah.所以我才是必須去追她的人 --什麼? --是的
  • Bring me my horse,please.請帶我的馬來
  • Anna,no.It's too dangerous.Anna不 這太危險了
  • Elsa's not dangerous.I'll bring her back,And I'll make this right.Elsa不危險我會帶她回來然後我會矯正這件事
  • I'm coming with you...我跟你去
  • No,I need you here to take care of Arendelle.---On my honor. 不 我需要你在這裡照顧Arendelle --以我的名譽保證




