怪咖少女事件簿 Dork Diaries p.56-123重點整理:修訂版本之間的差異

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#I know I should have studied more.
#I know I should have studied more.我知道我因該多讀書。(P.90)
#I guess you could call it a bug problem.
#I guess you could call it a bug problem.我猜你可以稱之為錯誤問題。(P.84)
#They completely froze and just stared at me in horror with their mouths wide open.
#They completely froze and just stared at me in horror with their mouths wide open.他們完全凍結,只是驚恐地張開嘴盯著我。(P.111)
#Although,to be honest,it was a big deal.
#Although,to be honest,it was a big deal.雖然,老實說,這是一件大事。(P.96)
#I didn't have the slightest idea what shs was talking about.
#I didn't have the slightest idea what she was talking about.我一點也不知道她在說什麼。(P.110)

2020年1月13日 (一) 15:34的最新修訂版本



  1. managed to設法
  2. recognize認出
  3. type根據
  4. incurable治療
  5. apparently顯然的
  6. geeked興奮的
  7. envy嫉妒
  8. worship崇拜
  9. sulk生悶氣
  10. grilk烤肉架


  1. I know I should have studied more.我知道我因該多讀書。(P.90)
  2. I guess you could call it a bug problem.我猜你可以稱之為錯誤問題。(P.84)
  3. They completely froze and just stared at me in horror with their mouths wide open.他們完全凍結,只是驚恐地張開嘴盯著我。(P.111)
  4. Although,to be honest,it was a big deal.雖然,老實說,這是一件大事。(P.96)
  5. I didn't have the slightest idea what she was talking about.我一點也不知道她在說什麼。(P.110)


  • trampled 踐踏
  • upset 煩亂
  • personally 親自
  • mailed 郵寄
  • imagine 想像


  • But could you really say it was MY fault 但是你真的可以說這是我的錯
  • But I had a feeling in my gut they were still out there.但是我有一種感覺,他們仍然在那裡。
  • I think I'm suffering from no cellphone phobia我想我沒有手機恐懼症
  • i've had the most horrible week were! 我度過了最恐怖的一周!
  • I just clutched the napkin over my heart and sighed 我只是把餐巾捂在心上,嘆了口氣


  • beyond 超越
  • jock 運動員
  • pattern 圖案
  • angle 角度
  • assign 分配
  • overhear 不小心聽到
  • scholar學者
  • relative 親戚
  • out of the blue 意外地
  • snag獲取


  • But I just played along and pretended to be as thrilled about it as they were.不過我還是附和她們,假裝我也跟她們一樣開心到不行(p.64)
  • Then everyone in the class turned around and stared at me.接著,教室裡每個人都轉過頭來看著我(p.74)
  • Which,strangely enough,always seems to make me feel a lot better.說也奇怪,這麼做似乎總是會讓我覺得心情平復不少(p.80)
  • I can only imagine how happy and excited they were for me when they opened their letters.我只能想像他們打開信封後,會多麼為我感到開心和興奮(p.88)
  • I guess a few people sitting near me must have overheard.我想坐在我附近的一些人應該都聽到了(p.91)


  • P.56 Siamese twins 連體雙胞胎
  • P.59 falling 下降
  • P.64 pretended 假裝
  • P.68 geometry 幾何學
  • P.71 wondering 想知道
  • P.75 mistaken 錯誤
  • P.79 ridicule 嘲笑
  • P.83 absolute 絕對
  • P.94 solemn 鄭重的
  • P.120 devastate 擊垮,壓垮


  • P.57 And boy,did she get upset when he blew her off like that. 哇,他這樣不把她放在眼裡,可真讓她氣死了。
  • P.66 I Could NOT believe Zoey actually said that.I thought everyone at this school worshipped Mackenzie. 我不敢相信柔伊這麼說,我以為全校都可以成為麥肯絲。
  • P.76 I was relieved when our math teacher,Mrs.Spraghe finally started class. 史普瑞老師終於開始上數學課,這時我才鬆一口氣。
  • P.83 Who woulda thunk Dad would have loved that tacky gift so much! 誰知道爸竟然會超愛這禮俗不可耐的禮物。
  • P.118 Which lucky for me,was not that noticeable, since it was starting to dry up. 還好,牛奶的汙漬不怎麼明顯,因為已經慢慢乾了。