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第 1 行: 第 1 行:
*He's napping.But look,I grew a mushroom.他在睡午覺 但你看 我長了個香菇
*I earned my fire crystal.我贏得了我的火晶石
*I passed a kidney stone.我排出了一個腎結石
*Kristoff,pick me up. Kristoff抱我
*You're getting big.Good for you.你長大了 太好了
*Trolls?They're trolls.精靈? 他們是精靈
*He's brought a girl!A girl.Is that a real girl?他帶來個女孩子 一個女孩子 那是真的女孩子嗎?
*She's like a little cupcake.她像個可愛的小女人
*What's going on?怎麼回事呀?
*I've learned to just roll whit it.我學會了去順著配合了
*Let me see.Bright eyes.Working nose.Strong teeth.讓我看看 明亮的眼 鼻子很管用 牙齒穩固
*Yes,yes,yes.She'll do nicely for our Kristoff.好好好 她對我們的Kristoff來說會很棒
*Wait,Wait,Wait.Oh,no. --You've got the wrong idea.等等 等等 喔不 --你搞錯意思了
*That's not why I brought her here.那不是我帶她來此的原因
*Right.We're not.I'm not... --What's the issue,dear?對 我們不是 我不是... --是什麼問題呀 親愛的?
*Why are you holding back from such a man?你為何對這樣一個男人有所矜持?
*Is it the clumpy way he walks? --What? 是他笨重的走路方式嗎? --什麼?
*Or the grumpy way he talks? --No.或是他粗俗的說話? --不是
*Or the pear-shaped,square-shaped,weirdness of his feet? --Hey! 或是他變了樣的方形怪腳 --嘿
*And though we know he washes well.還有雖然我們知道他洗得很乾淨
*He always ends up sort of smelly.到最後他總是類似有怪味道
*But you'll never meet a fella who's as sensitive and sweet. --That's nice. 但你絕對不會遇見一位這麼感性又溫柔的人 --那很好啊
*So he's a bit of a fixer upper,他的確有待加強
*So he's got a few flaws,like his peculiar brain,dear 他的確有些缺陷 就像他獨特的腦袋 親愛的
*His thing for the reindeer.他喜歡馴鹿這件事
*That's a little outside of nature's laws.那倒有些超過大自然法則
*This is not about me!這件事不是關於我
*So he's a bit of a fixer upper,他的確有待加強
*but this we're certain of...但我們很確定...
*you can fix this fixer upper up with a little bit of love.你可以用一些些愛來使他改善
*Can we please just stop talking about this?! 我們可以別再談這件事了好嗎?!
*We've got a real,actual problem,here.我們這裡有一個真正確切的問題
*I'll say...So tell me dear,is it the way that the runs scared?我也這麼認為...那告訴我親愛的 是他驚嚇的樣子嗎?
*Or that he's socially impaired?還是他缺乏社交能力?
*Or that he only likes to tinkle in the woods?或是他只喜歡在樹林裡尿尿?
*I do not need to know that.這我不需要知道吧
*Are you holding back your fondness,你是在壓抑你的喜歡
*due to his unmanly blondeness?基於他男子氣概的金髮?
*Or the way he covers up that he's the honest goods?或是他掩飾他是個正直的人的方式?
*He's just a bit of a fixer upper.He's got a couple a'bugs. --No,I don't.他只是也待加強而已 他有些缺陷(虫)--不 我才沒呢
*Do you Anna,take Kristoff to be your trollfully wedded...--Wait,what?! 你Anna是否願意接受Kristoff成為你精靈般締結的...--等等 什麼?
*You're getting married.你要結婚啦
*Anna.She's as cold as ice. Anna她冷得像冰一樣
*There's strange magic here! --Grand Pabbie!這裡有奇怪的魔法 --老爹
*Come,come.Bring her to me.過來過來 帶她來我這裡
*Anna.your life is danger. Anna你的生命有危險
*There is ice in your heart,put there by your sister.你的心臟有冰 被你姐姐放置的
*If not removed, to solid ice will you freeze,forever. --What? No.如果不移除 你會永遠冰凍成堅硬的冰 --什麼?不
*But you can remove it,right?但你能移除它對吧?
*I can not,I'm sorry Kristoff.我沒辦法 我很抱歉Kristoff
*If it were her head that would be easy.如果是在頭上 那就簡單了
*But only an act of true love can thaw a frozen heart. --An act of true love?但只有真愛之舉才能融化冰凍的心 --真愛之舉
*A true love's kiss,perhaps?真愛之吻 也許?
*Anna,we've got to get you back to Hans. --Hans?我們得把你帶回去Hans那裡 --Hans?
*Pull us out,Sven.Olaf!Come on. --I'm coming!拉我們出來Sven Olaf來吧 --我來了
*Let's go kiss Hans!Who is this Hans?!我們去吻Hans吧 這個Hans是誰呀?
*His isolation is confirmation of his desperation for healing hugs.他的孤身更確定他渴望得到療傷式的擁抱
*So,he's a bit of a fixer upper,but we know what to do.他確實有待加強 但我們知道該怎麼辦
*The way to fix up this fixer upper is to fix him up with you.修正這個有待加強的人的方式就是把他跟你配在一起
*Stop it.Stop it.Stop it.Enough!好了 好了 好了 夠了
*She's engaged to someone else.Okay?!她跟別人訂婚了 好嗎?
*So she's a bit of a fixer upper,that's a minor thing.她的確有待加強 那倒是件小事
*Her quote "engagement"is a flex arrangement.她所說的訂婚 是可改變的安排
*And by the way,I don't see no ring.更何況 我可沒看到戒指喔
*So she's a bit of a fixer upper,her brain's a bit betwixt.她確實有待加強 她的心意有些模稜兩可
*Get the  fiance out of the way and the whole thing will be fixed!把未婚夫排除障礙 整件事就搞定了
*We aren't saying you can change him.我們並不是說你可以改變他
*'Cause people don't really change.因為人們並不會真正改變
*We're only saying that love's a force.我們只是說愛是一種力量
*That's powerful and strange.非常強大並且奇特
*People make bad choices.人們做出不好的選擇
*if they're mad or scared or stressed.如果他們是生氣的害怕的或是有壓力的
*But throw a little love their way. --Throw a little love their way.但向他們丟一些些愛 --向他們丟一些些愛
*And you'll bring out their best!你就會帶出他們最美好的一面
*True love brings out their best!真愛帶出最美好的一面
*Everyone's a bit of a fixer upper,that's what it's all about.每個人都多少有待加強 就是這麼一回事
*Father,sister,brother,we need each other父親 姊妹 兄弟 我們需要彼此
*to raise us up and round us out.來養育我們並且圓滿我們
*Everyone's a bit of a fixer upper,but when push comes to shove.每個人都多少有待加強 但當危急之秋
*The only fixer upper fixer that can fix a fixer upper is true.....love.唯一能補救待加強之身的就是真....愛
*We are here to find princess Anna.我們是來找Anna公主的
*Be on guard,but no harm is to come to the Queen.戒備起來 但不要對皇后造成傷害
*Do you understand? --Yes,sir.你們懂了嗎? --是的大人
*The Queen. Go,go. Come on!There.皇后 走 走 快點 那裡
*Up there. -Go around.Toss it.那上面 求求你 --包夾 拋出去
*Stay away! -Look out. Fire!Fire.Get her!離遠一點 --小心 發射 發射 抓住她
*Come on. --Grab his arm. --Aim. --This way,this way.來吧 --抓住他的手臂 --瞄準 --這邊這邊
*Queen Elsa!Don't be the monster they fear you are.Elsa皇后 別成為他們所害怕的怪物
*No...What have...What have I done?不...我...我做了什麼?
*Why did you bring me here?你為什麼帶我來這裡?
*I couldn't just let them kill you.我不能就讓他們殺了你啊
*But I'm a danger to Arendelle.Get Anna.但我對Arendelle是項危害 叫Anna來
*Anna has not returned....Anna沒有回來
*If you would just stop the winter,bring back summer...please.你若能就停止著冬天 把夏天帶回來...求求你
*Don't you see?I can't.你不明白嗎? 我沒辦法
*You have to tell them to let me go.你得告他們放我走
*I will do what I can.我盡量
*Just hang in there.Come on,buddy,faster!撐著點 快點 兄弟 再快點
*I'll meet you guys at the castle!我跟你們在城堡碰頭
*Stay out of sight,Olaf! --I will!Hello. --It's alive.別被人看到Olaf --我不會的 Hello--那是活的
*It's Princess Anna!那是Anna公主
*Are you g-gonna be okay? --Don't worry about me.你會沒事吧? --別擔心我了
*Anna!Oh,you had us worried sick....My Lady. Anna喔 你讓我們擔心死了 ...小姐
*Get her warm and find Prince Hans,immediately. --We will.Thank you.讓她暖和起來然後找Hans王子 立刻 --我們會的 謝謝你
*Make sure she's safe!確保她的安全
*You poor girl,you're freezing.你這可憐的女孩 你凍僵了
*I'm going back out to look for Princess Anna.我要回到那外頭去找Anna公主
*You cannot risk going out there again.你不能再冒險去那外頭了
*If anything happens to her...要是她發生任何事...
*If anything happens to the Princess,you are all Arendelle has left.要是公主發生任何事 你就是Arendelle僅剩的了
*He's in here.Prince Hans.他這裡面 Hans王子
*Anna. You're so cold. Anna你好冷啊
*Hans,you have to kiss me. --What? Hans你必須得吻我 --什麼?
*Now.Now. --Slow down.好了 好了 --慢一點
*We'll give you two some privacy.我們給你們倆一點隱私
*What happened out there?在外頭發生了什麼事?
*Elsa struck me with her powers. Elsa用她的法力打中了我
*You said she'd never hurt you.你說過她絕不會傷害你的
*I was wrong. --Anna.我錯了 --Anna
*She froze my heart and only an act of true love can save me.她冰凍了我的心臟 而只有真愛之舉能救我
*A true love's kiss.Oh,Anna...真愛之吻 喔Anna...
*If only there was someone out there who loved you.要是真有人愛你就好了
*What?You said you did.什麼? 你說你愛我呀
*As thirteenth in line in my own kingdom,當在我的國度裡排行13
*I didn't stand a chance.我一點機會也沒有
*I knew I'd have to marry into the throne somewhere...我知道我得要跟某個地方的王室結親...
*What are you talking about? 你在說什麼?
*As heir,Elsa was preferable,of course.以法定繼承人來說 Elsa當然是最好的
*But no one was getting anywhere with her.但跟著她沒有人會有什麼結果
*But you...(Hans?)You were so desperate for love,但你...(Hans?)你當時是那麼渴望愛
*You were willing to marry me,just like that.你是那麼願意嫁給我 就像那樣子
*I figured,after we married,我算計著 在我們結婚後
*I'd have to stage a little accident for Elsa.我得要為Elsa進行一個意外
*Hans.No,stop. Hans不要 別說了
*But then she doomed herself,但然而她毀了自己
*and you were dumb enough to go after her. --Please.而你則笨到去追她 --求求你
*All that's left now is to kill Elsa and bring back summer.現在剩下來就是殺了Elsa並把夏天帶回來
*You're no match for Elsa.你不是Elsa的對手
*No,you're no match for Elsa.不 你不是Elsa的對手
*I,on the other hand,am the hero而我 反過來說 則是個英雄
*who is going to save Arendelle from destruction.一個將解救Arendelle免於毀滅的人
*You won't get away with this. --Oh,I already have.你逃不掉的 --喔 我已經逃掉啦
*Pleas,somebody help.Please,please! 拜託 來個人救命啊 拜託 拜託
*I't's getting colder by the minute.越來越冷啦
*If we don't do something soon,We'll all freeze to death. 如果我們不趕快做點什麼 我們全都會凍死
*Prince Hans...--Princess Anna is...dead. --What? Hans王子...--Anna公主 已...死了 --什麼?
*What happened to her?她發生什麼事啊?
*She was killed by Queen Elsa.她被皇后殺了
*Her own sister.他自己的姊姊
*At least we got to say our marriage vows before she died in my arms.至少在她死在我臂彎之前我們得以說了結婚的誓言

2018年6月25日 (一) 08:39的最新修訂版本


  • 單元2-36
  • He's napping.But look,I grew a mushroom.他在睡午覺 但你看 我長了個香菇
  • I earned my fire crystal.我贏得了我的火晶石
  • I passed a kidney stone.我排出了一個腎結石
  • Kristoff,pick me up. Kristoff抱我
  • You're getting big.Good for you.你長大了 太好了
  • Trolls?They're trolls.精靈? 他們是精靈
  • He's brought a girl!A girl.Is that a real girl?他帶來個女孩子 一個女孩子 那是真的女孩子嗎?
  • She's like a little cupcake.她像個可愛的小女人


  • 單元2-37
  • What's going on?怎麼回事呀?
  • I've learned to just roll whit it.我學會了去順著配合了
  • Let me see.Bright eyes.Working nose.Strong teeth.讓我看看 明亮的眼 鼻子很管用 牙齒穩固
  • Yes,yes,yes.She'll do nicely for our Kristoff.好好好 她對我們的Kristoff來說會很棒
  • Wait,Wait,Wait.Oh,no. --You've got the wrong idea.等等 等等 喔不 --你搞錯意思了
  • That's not why I brought her here.那不是我帶她來此的原因
  • Right.We're not.I'm not... --What's the issue,dear?對 我們不是 我不是... --是什麼問題呀 親愛的?
  • Why are you holding back from such a man?你為何對這樣一個男人有所矜持?


  • 單元2-38
  • Is it the clumpy way he walks? --What? 是他笨重的走路方式嗎? --什麼?
  • Or the grumpy way he talks? --No.或是他粗俗的說話? --不是
  • Or the pear-shaped,square-shaped,weirdness of his feet? --Hey! 或是他變了樣的方形怪腳 --嘿
  • And though we know he washes well.還有雖然我們知道他洗得很乾淨
  • He always ends up sort of smelly.到最後他總是類似有怪味道
  • But you'll never meet a fella who's as sensitive and sweet. --That's nice. 但你絕對不會遇見一位這麼感性又溫柔的人 --那很好啊
  • So he's a bit of a fixer upper,他的確有待加強
  • So he's got a few flaws,like his peculiar brain,dear 他的確有些缺陷 就像他獨特的腦袋 親愛的


  • 單元2-39
  • His thing for the reindeer.他喜歡馴鹿這件事
  • That's a little outside of nature's laws.那倒有些超過大自然法則
  • This is not about me!這件事不是關於我
  • So he's a bit of a fixer upper,他的確有待加強
  • but this we're certain of...但我們很確定...
  • you can fix this fixer upper up with a little bit of love.你可以用一些些愛來使他改善
  • Can we please just stop talking about this?! 我們可以別再談這件事了好嗎?!
  • We've got a real,actual problem,here.我們這裡有一個真正確切的問題


  • 單元2-40
  • I'll say...So tell me dear,is it the way that the runs scared?我也這麼認為...那告訴我親愛的 是他驚嚇的樣子嗎?
  • Or that he's socially impaired?還是他缺乏社交能力?
  • Or that he only likes to tinkle in the woods?或是他只喜歡在樹林裡尿尿?
  • I do not need to know that.這我不需要知道吧
  • Are you holding back your fondness,你是在壓抑你的喜歡
  • due to his unmanly blondeness?基於他男子氣概的金髮?
  • Or the way he covers up that he's the honest goods?或是他掩飾他是個正直的人的方式?
  • He's just a bit of a fixer upper.He's got a couple a'bugs. --No,I don't.他只是也待加強而已 他有些缺陷(虫)--不 我才沒呢


  • 單元2-44
  • Do you Anna,take Kristoff to be your trollfully wedded...--Wait,what?! 你Anna是否願意接受Kristoff成為你精靈般締結的...--等等 什麼?
  • You're getting married.你要結婚啦
  • Anna.She's as cold as ice. Anna她冷得像冰一樣
  • There's strange magic here! --Grand Pabbie!這裡有奇怪的魔法 --老爹
  • Come,come.Bring her to me.過來過來 帶她來我這裡
  • Anna.your life is danger. Anna你的生命有危險
  • There is ice in your heart,put there by your sister.你的心臟有冰 被你姐姐放置的
  • If not removed, to solid ice will you freeze,forever. --What? No.如果不移除 你會永遠冰凍成堅硬的冰 --什麼?不


  • 單元2-45
  • But you can remove it,right?但你能移除它對吧?
  • I can not,I'm sorry Kristoff.我沒辦法 我很抱歉Kristoff
  • If it were her head that would be easy.如果是在頭上 那就簡單了
  • But only an act of true love can thaw a frozen heart. --An act of true love?但只有真愛之舉才能融化冰凍的心 --真愛之舉
  • A true love's kiss,perhaps?真愛之吻 也許?
  • Anna,we've got to get you back to Hans. --Hans?我們得把你帶回去Hans那裡 --Hans?
  • Pull us out,Sven.Olaf!Come on. --I'm coming!拉我們出來Sven Olaf來吧 --我來了
  • Let's go kiss Hans!Who is this Hans?!我們去吻Hans吧 這個Hans是誰呀?


  • 單元2-41
  • His isolation is confirmation of his desperation for healing hugs.他的孤身更確定他渴望得到療傷式的擁抱
  • So,he's a bit of a fixer upper,but we know what to do.他確實有待加強 但我們知道該怎麼辦
  • The way to fix up this fixer upper is to fix him up with you.修正這個有待加強的人的方式就是把他跟你配在一起
  • Stop it.Stop it.Stop it.Enough!好了 好了 好了 夠了
  • She's engaged to someone else.Okay?!她跟別人訂婚了 好嗎?
  • So she's a bit of a fixer upper,that's a minor thing.她的確有待加強 那倒是件小事
  • Her quote "engagement"is a flex arrangement.她所說的訂婚 是可改變的安排
  • And by the way,I don't see no ring.更何況 我可沒看到戒指喔


  • 2-42單元
  • So she's a bit of a fixer upper,her brain's a bit betwixt.她確實有待加強 她的心意有些模稜兩可
  • Get the fiance out of the way and the whole thing will be fixed!把未婚夫排除障礙 整件事就搞定了
  • We aren't saying you can change him.我們並不是說你可以改變他
  • 'Cause people don't really change.因為人們並不會真正改變
  • We're only saying that love's a force.我們只是說愛是一種力量
  • That's powerful and strange.非常強大並且奇特
  • People make bad choices.人們做出不好的選擇
  • if they're mad or scared or stressed.如果他們是生氣的害怕的或是有壓力的


  • 單元2-43
  • But throw a little love their way. --Throw a little love their way.但向他們丟一些些愛 --向他們丟一些些愛
  • And you'll bring out their best!你就會帶出他們最美好的一面
  • True love brings out their best!真愛帶出最美好的一面
  • Everyone's a bit of a fixer upper,that's what it's all about.每個人都多少有待加強 就是這麼一回事
  • Father,sister,brother,we need each other父親 姊妹 兄弟 我們需要彼此
  • to raise us up and round us out.來養育我們並且圓滿我們
  • Everyone's a bit of a fixer upper,but when push comes to shove.每個人都多少有待加強 但當危急之秋
  • The only fixer upper fixer that can fix a fixer upper is true.....love.唯一能補救待加強之身的就是真....愛


  • 單元2-46
  • We are here to find princess Anna.我們是來找Anna公主的
  • Be on guard,but no harm is to come to the Queen.戒備起來 但不要對皇后造成傷害
  • Do you understand? --Yes,sir.你們懂了嗎? --是的大人
  • The Queen. Go,go. Come on!There.皇后 走 走 快點 那裡
  • Up there. -Go around.Toss it.那上面 求求你 --包夾 拋出去
  • Stay away! -Look out. Fire!Fire.Get her!離遠一點 --小心 發射 發射 抓住她


  • 單元2-47
  • Come on. --Grab his arm. --Aim. --This way,this way.來吧 --抓住他的手臂 --瞄準 --這邊這邊
  • Queen Elsa!Don't be the monster they fear you are.Elsa皇后 別成為他們所害怕的怪物
  • No...What have...What have I done?不...我...我做了什麼?
  • Why did you bring me here?你為什麼帶我來這裡?
  • I couldn't just let them kill you.我不能就讓他們殺了你啊
  • But I'm a danger to Arendelle.Get Anna.但我對Arendelle是項危害 叫Anna來
  • Anna has not returned....Anna沒有回來
  • If you would just stop the winter,bring back summer...please.你若能就停止著冬天 把夏天帶回來...求求你


  • 單元2-48
  • Don't you see?I can't.你不明白嗎? 我沒辦法
  • You have to tell them to let me go.你得告他們放我走
  • I will do what I can.我盡量
  • Just hang in there.Come on,buddy,faster!撐著點 快點 兄弟 再快點
  • I'll meet you guys at the castle!我跟你們在城堡碰頭
  • Stay out of sight,Olaf! --I will!Hello. --It's alive.別被人看到Olaf --我不會的 Hello--那是活的
  • It's Princess Anna!那是Anna公主
  • Are you g-gonna be okay? --Don't worry about me.你會沒事吧? --別擔心我了


  • 單元2-49
  • Anna!Oh,you had us worried sick....My Lady. Anna喔 你讓我們擔心死了 ...小姐
  • Get her warm and find Prince Hans,immediately. --We will.Thank you.讓她暖和起來然後找Hans王子 立刻 --我們會的 謝謝你
  • Make sure she's safe!確保她的安全
  • You poor girl,you're freezing.你這可憐的女孩 你凍僵了
  • I'm going back out to look for Princess Anna.我要回到那外頭去找Anna公主
  • You cannot risk going out there again.你不能再冒險去那外頭了
  • If anything happens to her...要是她發生任何事...
  • If anything happens to the Princess,you are all Arendelle has left.要是公主發生任何事 你就是Arendelle僅剩的了


  • 單元2-50
  • He's in here.Prince Hans.他這裡面 Hans王子
  • Anna. You're so cold. Anna你好冷啊
  • Hans,you have to kiss me. --What? Hans你必須得吻我 --什麼?
  • Now.Now. --Slow down.好了 好了 --慢一點
  • We'll give you two some privacy.我們給你們倆一點隱私
  • What happened out there?在外頭發生了什麼事?
  • Elsa struck me with her powers. Elsa用她的法力打中了我
  • You said she'd never hurt you.你說過她絕不會傷害你的


  • 單元2-51~2-52
  • I was wrong. --Anna.我錯了 --Anna
  • She froze my heart and only an act of true love can save me.她冰凍了我的心臟 而只有真愛之舉能救我
  • A true love's kiss.Oh,Anna...真愛之吻 喔Anna...
  • If only there was someone out there who loved you.要是真有人愛你就好了
  • What?You said you did.什麼? 你說你愛我呀
  • As thirteenth in line in my own kingdom,當在我的國度裡排行13
  • I didn't stand a chance.我一點機會也沒有
  • I knew I'd have to marry into the throne somewhere...我知道我得要跟某個地方的王室結親...
  • What are you talking about? 你在說什麼?
  • As heir,Elsa was preferable,of course.以法定繼承人來說 Elsa當然是最好的
  • But no one was getting anywhere with her.但跟著她沒有人會有什麼結果
  • But you...(Hans?)You were so desperate for love,但你...(Hans?)你當時是那麼渴望愛
  • You were willing to marry me,just like that.你是那麼願意嫁給我 就像那樣子
  • I figured,after we married,我算計著 在我們結婚後
  • I'd have to stage a little accident for Elsa.我得要為Elsa進行一個意外
  • Hans.No,stop. Hans不要 別說了


  • 單元2-53~2-54
  • But then she doomed herself,但然而她毀了自己
  • and you were dumb enough to go after her. --Please.而你則笨到去追她 --求求你
  • All that's left now is to kill Elsa and bring back summer.現在剩下來就是殺了Elsa並把夏天帶回來
  • You're no match for Elsa.你不是Elsa的對手
  • No,you're no match for Elsa.不 你不是Elsa的對手
  • I,on the other hand,am the hero而我 反過來說 則是個英雄
  • who is going to save Arendelle from destruction.一個將解救Arendelle免於毀滅的人
  • You won't get away with this. --Oh,I already have.你逃不掉的 --喔 我已經逃掉啦


  • Pleas,somebody help.Please,please! 拜託 來個人救命啊 拜託 拜託
  • I't's getting colder by the minute.越來越冷啦
  • If we don't do something soon,We'll all freeze to death. 如果我們不趕快做點什麼 我們全都會凍死
  • Prince Hans...--Princess Anna is...dead. --What? Hans王子...--Anna公主 已...死了 --什麼?
  • What happened to her?她發生什麼事啊?
  • She was killed by Queen Elsa.她被皇后殺了
  • Her own sister.他自己的姊姊
  • At least we got to say our marriage vows before she died in my arms.至少在她死在我臂彎之前我們得以說了結婚的誓言