
跳轉到: 導覽搜尋
第 38 行: 第 38 行:
*And she said she wouldn't bless the marriage...-而她說她不會祝福這個婚姻
*Wait. You got engaged to someone you just met that day?等等 你跟一個那天才認識的人訂婚了?
*Yeah.Anyway,I got mad and so she got mad.是啊 總之我生氣了 然後她生氣了
*And then she tried to walk away,然後她想要走開
*and I grabbed her glove...而我抓住了她的手套
*Hang on.You mean to tell me等等 你是要告訴我
*you got engaged to someone you just met that day?!你跟一個那天才認識的人訂了婚?
*Yes.Pay attention.是的 注意聽
*But the thing is...she wore the gloves all the time,問題是 她始終戴著手套
*So I just thought,maybe she has a thing about dirt. 所以我就以為 也許她不喜歡灰塵
*Didn't your parents ever warn you about strangers?你父母難道沒告誡過你陌生人的事?
*Yes,they did... But Hans is not a stranger.有 他們有...但Hans不是陌生人
*Oh yeah? What's his last name?--...Of-Southern-Isles?喔 是嗎? 他性什麼 --... 之於南方島?
*What's his favorite food? --Sandwiches.他最喜歡吃什麼? --...三明治
*Best friend's name? --Probably John.最好的朋友的名字? --可能是John
*Eye color... --Dreamy.眼睛的顏色..--夢幻般的
*Foot size? --Foot size doesn't matter.腳的尺寸? --腳的尺寸無關緊要
*Have you had a meal with him yet?你有跟他一起用過餐了沒?
*What if you hate the way he eats?萬一你不喜歡他吃東西的樣子呢?
*What if you hate the way he picks his nose?萬一你討厭他挖鼻孔的樣子呢?
*Picks his nose? --And eats it.挖他的鼻孔? --然後吃掉它
*Excuse me,Sir.He's a Prince. --All men do it.對不起喔 先生 他是個王子耶 --所有的男人都這麼做的
*Ew.Look,it doesn't matter,it's true love.吪 聽著 那無關緊要 那是真愛
*Doesn't sound like true love.聽起來不像真愛
*Are you some sort of love expert?你是某種愛情專家嗎?
*NO.But I have friends Who are.不 但我有朋友是
*You have friends Who are love expert?你有朋友是愛情專家?
*I'm not buying it... --Stop talking.我才不信呢... --不要講話
*No,no,no.I'd like to meet these...不不不 我想見見著些...
*No,I mean it.SHHH Sven go.Go!不 我是說真的 噓 Sven快跑快跑
*What are they? (Wolves.) Wolves?他們是什麼東西呀? (狼) 狼?
*What do we do? --I've got this.我們該怎麼辦?--我可以應付
*You just...don't fall off and don't get eaten.你就..別摔落別被吃掉就好了
*But I wanna help...(No.)Why not?但臥要幫忙..(不)為什麼不要?
*Because I don't trust your judgment.--Excuse me?!因為我不信任你的判斷力 --你說什麼?
*Who marries a man she just met?誰會嫁給一個剛認識的人啊?
*It's true love!Christopher(It's Kristoff!)Duck!那是真愛Christopher(是Kristoff啦)低頭
*You almost set me on fire! --But I didn't.你差一點就燒到我了 --但是我沒有阿
*Get ready to jump,Sven!準備好要跳了Sven
*You don't tell him what to do! I do!Jump,Sven!你少叫牠做甚麼 我才可以 跳啊Sven
*But I just paid it off. Uh-oh.NO,no,no.可是我才剛付清了款項
*Grab on!Pull,Sven,Pull!
*I'll replace your sled and everything in it.
*And I understand if you don't want to hlep me anymore.
*Of course I don't want to help her anymore.
*In fact,this whole thing has ruined me
*for helping anyone ever again.--It's this way.
*But she'll die on her own.
*I can live with that. --Here we go這我良心過得去 --來吧
*But you won't get your new sled if she's dead.--I think,actually,it's up.但你不會得到你的新雪橇如果她死的話 --我想事實上是向上
*You know sometimes I really don't like you.你知道 有時候我真的不喜歡你
*Hold up.We're coming. --You are?!等等 我們來了 --你們要來?!
*I mean,sure.I'll let you tag along.我是說 當然 我會讓你們跟著
*Arendelle... It's completely frozen.Arendelle...它完全冰凍了
*But it'll be fine.Elsa will thaw it.(Will she?)Yeah.但 會沒事的 Elsa會將它解凍(她會嗎?)是的
*Now come on. This way to the North Mountain? --More like this way.好了 來吧 這個方向到北山嗎? --更像這個方向吧
*I never knew winter could be so beautiful.我從來不知道冬天可以這麼美麗
*YEAH....It really is beautiful, isn't it? 是阿 它真的是很美麗 不是嗎?
*But it's so white.但是太白了
*You know,how about a little color?這樣吧 來些顏色如何?
*I'm thinking like maybe some crimson,chartreuse...我在想 像是也許一些深紅色 黃綠色....
*How'bout yellow...no,not yellow.黃色如何...不 不要黃色
*Yellow and snow?Brrrr....no go.Am I right?Hi!黃色跟雪?吪...不搭 我說的對嗎?嗨
*You're creepy.(I don't want it!) Back at you!你很詭異(我不要)還給你
*Please don't drop me.請別扔下我
*Come on,it's just a head. --Don't!得了吧 那只是顆頭罷了 --不要
*All right,we got off to a bad start. --Ew,ew,the body!好吧 我們開始得不是很好 --啊喲 身體
*Wait,what am I looking at right now?等等 我現在是在看甚麼?
*Why are you hanging off the earth like a bat?你們幹嘛像蝙蝠依樣吊離地面?
*...Al'right.Wait one second.好了 等一下下
*Oooh!Thank you! --You're welcome.喔 謝謝你 --不客氣
*Now I'm perfect. --Well,almost.我這下完美了 --嗯 幾乎
*It's was like my whole life got upside down.就好像我的人生顛倒了一樣
*Oh!Too hard. I'm sorry! I was just...喔 太大力了 對不起 我剛剛只是
*Woo!Head rush! --Are you okay?哇 天昏地暗 --你沒事吧?
*Are you kidding me? I am wonderful!你開我玩笑嗎? 我好極了
*I've always wanted a nose.我一直想要個鼻子
*So cute.It's like a little baby unicorn.好可愛 就像個小的嬰兒獨角獸
*What?Hey! Whoa.Oh,I love it even more! Hah...什麼? 嘿 哇 喔我更喜歡了 哈...
*All right,let's start this thing over.好了 讓我們從頭來過吧
*Hi everyone. I'm Olaf.And I like warm hugs.--Olaf?嗨 各位 我是Olaf 我喜歡溫暖的擁抱 --Olaf
*That's right,Olaf.(And you are?)Oh,um...I'm Anna.對了Olaf (你是?) 喔 嗯 我是Anna
*And who's the funky-looking donkey over there? --That's Sven.那那邊那個長的怪模怪樣的驢子是誰?--那是Sven
*Uh-huh.And who's the reindeer? --Sven.呃 那麼馴鹿是誰? --Sven
*They're...oh,okay...Makes things easier for me.他們是...喔 好吧 對我來說方便多了
*Ha.Aw,look at  him tryin'to kiss my nose. I like you too!哈 喔 看看他 想要吻我的鼻子呢 我也喜歡你
*Olaf,Did Elsa build you? --Yeah. Why?Olaf是Elsa把你做出來的嗎?--是阿 怎麼了?
*You know where she is? --Fascinating. --Yeah. Why?你知道她在哪嗎? --太神奇了 --是阿 怎麼了?
*Do you think you could show us the way? --Yeah. Why?你覺得你可以指給我們看怎麼走嗎? --可以啊 怎麼?
*How does this work?這是怎麼運作的
*Stop it,Sven. Trying to focus here. --Yeah. Why?別鬧了Sven 我要專心一點啦 --可以啊 怎麼?
*I'll tell you why. We need Elsa to bring back summer.我來告訴你為什麼 我們需要Elsa把夏天帶回來
*Summer? (Uhum.)Oh,I don't know why but I've always loved the idea of summer,夏天?(嗯哼)喔 我不知為甚麼
*and sun, and all things hot.但我一直喜歡夏天的意念
*Really? I'm guessing you don't have much experience with heat.真的 我要猜你對熱沒啥太多的經驗
*Nope!But sometimes I like to close my eyes沒耶 但有時候我喜歡閉上我的眼睛
*and imagine what it'd be like when summer does come.然後想像夏天確實來了會像什麼
*Bee'll buzz,kids'll blow dandelion fuzz.蜜蜂會嗡嗡地叫 孩子們會吹著蒲公英絨毛
*And I'll be doing whatever snow does in summer.而我會做任何雪在夏天會做的事
*A drink in my hand,my snow up against the burning sand.手中一杯飲料 我的雪貼著滾燙的沙
*Probably getting gorgeously tannd in summer.也許在夏天曬成迷死人的古銅色
*I'll finally see a summer breeze,我終於會看見夏天的微風
*blow away a winter storm.吹走夏天的暴風雪
*And find out what happens to solid water,然後看看硬的水會怎麼樣
*when it gets warm.當天氣溫熱起來
*And I can't wait to see,what my buddies all think of me.而我等不及想看 我的好朋友們怎麼看待我
*Just imagine how much ciiler I'll be in summer!想像我在夏天會有多清涼
*The hot and the cold are both so intense,熱與冷兩者都很強烈
*put them together,it just makes sense!把他們放在一起 真是很有道理
*Winter's a good time to stay in and cuddle,冬天是個窩在家裡抱在一起的好時機
*but put me in summer and I'll be a...happy snowman!但把我放在夏天裡 我就會是....個快樂的雪人
*When life gets rough I like to hold on to my dream 當生活困難時我喜歡抓住我的(接下句)夢想
*of relaxing in the summer sun just letting off steam!放鬆在夏天的陽光中就釋放出怨氣
*Oh the sky will be blue...喔 天空會是藍的
*And you guys'll be there too.而你們也會在那裡
*When I finally do what frozen things do in summer!當我終於做了冰凍的東西在夏天會做的事時
*I'm gonna tell him.我要告訴他
*Don't you dare.你敢
*In summer!就在夏天!
*So,Come on!Elsa's this way.那麼 來吧 Elsay在這邊
*Let's go bring back summer! --I'm coming!我們來把夏天帶回來吧 --我來了
*Somebody's got to tell him.總要有人告訴他
*No. No. You've got the bark facing down.不 不 你把樹皮朝下了
*The bark needs to be face-up.樹皮得要朝上
*Bark down is drier.(Bark up) Bark down.樹皮朝下必較乾(朝上)朝下
*Cloak.Does anyone need a cloak?斗篷 有人要斗篷嗎?
*Arendelle is indebted to you,Your Highness.Arendelle受恩於你 殿下
*The castle is open.There's soup and hot glogg in the Great Hall.城堡是開啟的 大廳裡有湯和熱酒
*Here.Pass these out.拿去 把這些發出去
*Prince Hans,are we expected to just sit here and freeze Hans王子 我們是要被指望坐等受凍嗎?(接下句)
*While you give away all of Arendelle's Tradable goods?在你發送Arendelle的可交易商品時
*Princess Anna has given her orders and....Anna公主有下了她的指令而且...
*And that's another thing,而且還有另一件事
*has it dawned on you that your Princess may be你有醒悟到你的公主或許
*conspiring with a wicked sorceress...to destroy us all?與邪惡的巫術共謀來毀滅我們大家?
*Do not question the Princess.She left me in charge,不要質疑公主 她交付我負責
*and I will not hesitate to而我會豪不猶豫
*protect Arendelle from treason. --Treason?!保衛Arendelle免於叛亂 --叛亂?
*Whoa!Whoa!Whoa,boy.Easy.Easy.喔 喔 喔 小子 慢慢來 慢慢來
*Princess Anna is in trouble.Anna公主有麻煩了
*I need volunteers to go with me to find her! --I'll go 我需要志願者跟我去找她 --我去
*I volunteer two men,my Lord!我自願出兩個人 大人
*Be prepared for anything,做好萬全的準備
*And should you encounter the Queen,如果你們遇見了皇后
*you are to put an end to this winter.你們要結束這個冬天
*Do you understand?你們懂了嗎?
*So how exctly are you planning to stop this weather?那麼你到底打算如何終止這天氣?
*Oh,I am gonna talk to my sister.喔 我要跟我姐談談
*That's your plan?那就是你的計劃?
*My ice business is riding on you talking to your sister. --Yup.我的冰生意就仰賴你跟你姐的談話 --是的
*So you're not at all afraid of her?那你一點都不怕她?
*Why would I be?我為什麼要怕?
*Yeah. I be she's the nicest,gentlest,warmest person ever.是阿 我敢說她是最好最文雅最溫馨的人了
*Oh,look at that.I've been impaled. --what now?喔 看阿 我已被刺穿了 --這下怎麼辦?
*It's too steep. I've only got one rope,太陡峭了 我只有一條繩子
*And you don't know how to climb mountains.而你不知道怎麼爬山
*Says who? --What are you doing?誰說的? --你在幹嘛?
*I'm going to see my sister.我要去見我姐姐
*You're gonna kill yourself.I wouldn't put my foot there.你會害死你自己 我不會把我的腳放在那裡
*You're distracting me.... --Or there.你在分散我的注意力 --或是那裡
*How do you know Elsa even wants to see you?你怎麼知道Elsa想見你
*I'm just blocking you out'cause I gotta concentrate here.我要把你屏除開來 因為我得專心一點
*You know,most people who disappear into the mountains want to be alone.你知道 大多數消失在山上的人是想獨處
*Nobody wants to be alone.Except maybe you....沒有人想要獨處 除了也許你吧....
*I'm not alone....I have friends,remember?我不是獨自一人...我有朋友的 記得嗎?
*You mean the love experts?你是指那些愛情專家
*Yes,the love experts!是的 那些愛情專家
*Please tell me I'm almost there.請告訴我我快到了
*Does the air seem a bit thin to you up here? --Hang on...這裡的空氣對你來說有沒有好像有點稀薄? --等等...
*Hey,Sven?Not sure if this is going to solve the problem,嘿 Sven?我不確定這是不是會解決問題
*but I found a staircase that leads exactly where you want it to go.但我找到一座階梯完全引導你們到想要去的地方
*Ha ha.Thank goodness.Catch!哈哈 謝天謝地 接住
*Thanks!That was like a crazy trust exercise.謝拉 那就好像瘋狂信任訓練一樣
*Now that's ice.I might cry.那才叫冰 我大概要哭了
*Go ahead.I won't judge.請便 我不會批評的
*All right, take it easy.Come here,I gotcha.好了 慢慢來 來這裡 我扶住你了
*Okay.You stay right here,buddy.好了 你留在這裡 兄弟
*Knok...Just knock... Why isn't she knocking...? 敲門...就敲呀...她為何不敲門?
*Do you think she knows how to knock?你覺得她知道怎麼敲門嗎?
*It opened. That's a first.門是開著的 這倒是頭一遭
*You should probably wait out here. --What?你們可能應該在外頭等 --什麼?
*Last time I introduced her to a guy, she froze everything.上次我介紹個男的時 她把一切都凍住了
*But.But...Oh come on,it's a palace made of ice. Ice is my life...但 但...喔拜託 那可是冰做的宮殿耶 冰是我的生命啊...
*Bye,Sven.(You too,Olaf.) Me?掰 Sven(你也是 Olaf)我?
*Just give us a minute. --Okay. One...two...Three...four... 給我們一點時間 --好吧 1...2...3..4...
*Elsa? It's me...Anna. --Anna? Elsa?是我...Anna --Anna?
*Wow...Elsa,you look different... 哇...Elsa你看起來不一樣了
*It's good different...And this place...is amazing... 是好的不一樣...還有這地方..太神奇了...
*Thank you. I never knew what I was capable of.謝謝你 我從不知道我有何能耐
*I'm so sorry about what happened. If I'd known...對所發生的事我很抱歉 要是我早知道...
*No,it's okay. You don't have to apologize.不 沒關係 你不用道歉
*But you should probably go,please.但也許你應該走了 麻煩你
*But I just got here.可是我才剛到阿
*You belong down in Arendelle. --So do you...你屬於Arendelle --你也是阿
*No,Anna.I belong here.Alone.不Anna 我屬於這裡 一個人
*Where I can be who I am,一個我能做我自己的地方
*Without hurting anybody.而不去傷害任何人
*Actually,about that... -- 58...59...60. --Wait.What is that?事實上 關於那一點...--58...59...60. --等等那是甚麼?
*Hi,I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs. --Olaf?嗨 我是Olaf 我喜歡溫暖的擁抱 --Olaf?
*You built me.You remember that? 你造就了我 你記得嗎?
*And you're alive? --Um...I think so?你是活的? --恩...我想是吧?
*He's just like the one we built as kids. --Yeah!它就像我們小時候做的那個一樣 --是阿
*So we were so close.所以我們以前很親密
*We can be like that again.(Slow Down...--Anna!) 我們可以再像那樣子 (慢點...Anna)
*No,we can't.Goodbye,Anna... --Elsa,wait...不 我們不可以 再見Anna --Elsa等等...
*No, I'm just trying to protect you.不 我只是要保護你
*You don't have to protect me.I'm not afraid.你不必保護我 我不怕
*Please don't shut me out again.請你別再把我屏除於外
*Please don't slam the door.請別用力關上門
*You don't have to keep your distance anymore.你不用再保持你的距離
*'Cause for the first time in forever,I finally understand.因為長久以來的首次 我終於了解
*For the first tome in forever,we can fix this hand in hand 長久以來的首次 我們可以攜手修補這件事
*We can head down this mountain together.我們可以一起下去這座山
*You don't have to live in fear.你不必生活在恐懼中
*'Cause for the first time in forever,I will be right here. 因為長久以來的首次 我會在此
*Anna,please go back home.Your life awaits. Anna請回家去吧 你的人生在等著
*Go enjoy the sun and open up the gates.--Yeah,but.... 去享受陽光並打開大門 --是阿 可是....
*I know! You mean well,but leave me be.我知道你是好意 但別管我
*Yes,I'm alone.But I'm alone and free.是的 我是一個人 但我是一個人且自由的
*Just stay away and you'll be safe from me.--Actually,we're not.就離我遠點你們就會安全了 ---事實上 我們不是
*What do you mean you're not?你們不是 是甚麼意思?
*I get the feeling you don't know.我感覺到你並不知情
*What do I not know?我什麼不知道?
*Arendelle's in deep deep deep deep snow. --What? Arendelle處在很深很深很深很深的雪中 --什麼?
*You kind of set off an eternal winter...everywhere. --Everywhere? 你發動了一場永恆的冬天到每個地方 --每個地方?
*It's okay,you can just unfreeze it.沒關係的 你把它解凍就行了
*No,I can't.I don't know how...不 我沒辦法 我不知道該怎麼做...
*Sure you can.I know you can!你當然可以 我知道你可以!
*'Cause for the first time in forever,you don't have to be afraid. 因為長久以來首度 你不必害怕
*I'm such a Fool! I can't be Free!我真是個傻瓜 我沒辦法自由
*No escape from the storm inside of me!逃脫不出我內心的暴風雪
*We can work this out together.我們可以一起來處理好這件事
*I can't control the curse!我控制不了這詛咒
*We'll reverse the storm you've made.我們來反轉你造的這場暴風雪
*Anna,please,you'll only make it worse! Anna拜託 你只會將事情弄得更糟
*Don't panic.We'll make the sun shine bright.別驚慌 我們來將太陽光明的照耀著
*There's so much fear!You're not safe here!這裡有太多的畏懼 你在這裡不安全
*we can face this thing  together... --I can't!我們可以一起面對這件事 --我沒辦法
*Anna.Are you okay? Anna你還好嗎?
*I'm okay....I'm fine... --Who's this?我還好...我沒事... --這是誰?
*Wait,it doesn't matter.Just....You have to go.等等 無所謂了 就...你們必須離開了
*No,I know we can figure this out together...不 我知道我們能一起想出辦法解決的...
*How? What power do you have to stop this winter?To stop me?怎麼想? 你有什麼法力來阻止這個冬天?來阻止我?
*Anna,I think we should go.Anna 我想我們該走了
*No. I'm not leaving without you,Elsa. --Yes,you are.不沒有你我不離開 Elsa --是的 你要離開
*Stop.Put us down! --Go away!停下來 放我們下來 --走吧
*Heads up!Watch out for my butt!小心 看著我的身體
*I't is not nice to throw people!丟人是不好的
*Wow,Wow,Wow Feisty pants. Ok,Relax.喔 喔 喔 小辣椒 好了 放輕鬆
*Just calm down. Calm down. --All right.I'm okay.冷靜下來 冷靜下來 --好了 我沒事了
*Just let the snowman be.(I'm clam...)Great.別里雪人了(我冷靜下來了)太好了
*Oh...Come on! Uh-oh.See. Now you made him mad!喔...拜託 喔歐 看吧 這下你惹毛他了
*I'll distract him.我來引開他
*You guys go. No,no,not you guys.你們走 不不 不是你們啦
*This just got a whole lot harder.這簡直更艱難了
*Look out. What are you doing? --I got him! 小心 你在幹什麼? --我逮到他了
*It's a hundred foot drop. --It's two hundred.那有100呎深 --那有200呎
*What's that for? 那是要幹嘛?
*I'm digging a snow anchor. 我在挖雪錨
*Okay. What if we fall?好 萬一我們摔下去呢?
*There's twenty feet of fresh powder down there. 底下有20呎的新雪
*It'll be like landing on a pillow.Hopefully.那會好像是降落到枕頭上 希望是
*Okay,Anna. On three. One... --Okay.You tell me when.... 好了Anna 數到3 1... --好了 你告訴我何時...
*Two... --I'm ready to go...I was born ready!Yes! 2... --我準備要跳了...我天生就準備好了 好耶
*Calm down. Tree! --What the...Whoa! That happened. 冷靜點 (3) 搞啥...哇 那倒是有過
*Ah.Ah. Man,am I out of shape. 啊 啊 天啊 我不成人形了
*There we go. Hey,Anna!Sven! 好了 嘿 Anna!Sven!
*Where'd you guys go? We totally lost Marshmallow back there! 你們大家去哪了? 我們完全甩開剛剛那個棉花糖了
*Hey. We were just talking about you.嘿 我們剛剛才談到你
*All good things, all good things.都是好事 都是好事
*No!This is not making much of a difference! Is it? --Olaf!不 這不會造成甚麼大變化 對不對? --Olaf
*Hang in there,guys! --Go Faster! --Wait,what? Kristoff!支持住呀 各位 --爬快一點 等等 怎麼了 Kristoff
*Don't come back! --We won't.別回來了 --我們不會的
*Hey,you were right.Just like a pillow. --Olaf!嘿 你說的沒錯 就像枕頭一樣 --Olaf
*I can't feel my legs! --Those are my legs.我感覺不到我的腿 --那是我的腿
*Ooh.Hey,do me a favor,grab my butt.嘿 嘿幫我個忙 抓住我的屁股
*Oh,That feels better.喔 感覺好多了
*Hey,Sven!He found us.嘿 Sven他找到我們了
*Who's my cute little reindeer?我這可愛的小馴鹿是誰呀?
*Don't talk to him like that. --You're tickling me.別那樣跟他說話 --你在搔我癢
*Here.You okay? --Thank you.Um... How's your head?我是說 沒事 呃...我很好
*I mean,It's fine.Ah...I'm good.給你 你還好嗎? --謝謝你 恩...你的頭怎麼樣了?
*Ha.I've got a thick skull.哈 我有個很厚的顱骨
*I don't have a skull...Or bones.我沒有顱骨...或任何骨頭
*So...So Now what? --Now what? Now what?!那麼現在要幹嘛? --現在要幹嘛? 現在要幹嘛?
*Oooh! What am I gonna do?喔 我要怎麼辦?
*She threw me out. I can’t go back to Arendelle with the weather like this.她把我丟出來 我不能在這樣的天氣下回Arendelle
*And then there’s  your ice business...然後還有你的冰生意
*Hey,hey,don’t worry about my ice business...嘿嘿別擔心我的冰生意
*Worry about your hair. —What?擔心你的頭髮吧 什麼?
*I just fell off a cliff.You should see your hair. 我剛從斷崖摔下來 你該看看你的頭髮 
*No,yours is turning white. 不 你的變白色了
*White?It’s...what? 白色?它...什麼?
*It’s because she struck you,isn’t it? 那是因為她打擊了你 對不對?   
*Does it look bad?看起來很糟嗎?
*No.(You hesitated.)No,I didn’t. Anna。 不(你遲疑了不 我沒有
*Anna,you need help.Okay?Come on. 你需要協助 好嗎? 來吧 
*Okay!Where are we going?好吧 我們要去哪裡?
*To see my friends.—The love experts? —Love experts?!去見我的朋友 ——那些愛情專家?——愛情專家?
*And don’t  worry,they’ll be able to fix this.不用擔心 他們能修復這個的
*How do you know?你怎麼知道?
*Because I’ve seen them do it before.因為 我以前看他們做過

2018年1月22日 (一) 09:07的最新修訂版本



  • No Sven,I didn't get your carrots.不Sven 我沒弄到你的胡蘿蔔
  • But I did find us a place to sleep.And it's free.但我倒是幫我們找到了睡覺的地方 而且是免費的
  • I'm sorry about this violence.對這暴力我感到很抱歉
  • I will add a quart of lutefisk,我會附上一夸脫的鹹漬魚
  • So we'll have good feelings.好讓大家有好的感受
  • Just the outfit and boots,yah?就只是服裝跟靴子 是嗎?
  • Reindeers are better than people.馴鹿比人們好
  • Sven,don't you think that's true?Sven 你不認為那是真的嗎?
  • Yeah,people will beat you & curse you & cheat you.是阿 人們會打你罵你騙你
  • Every one of them's bad,except you.他們每一個都是壞的 除了你
  • Oh,thanks buddy.謝了 兄弟
  • But people smell better than reindeers.但人們聞起來比馴鹿好
  • Sven,don't you think I'm right?Sven 你不覺得我說的對嗎?
  • That's once again true,for all except you.那再一次對所有的人是真的 除了你
  • You got me.Let's call it a night.Good night.被你逮到了 我們睡了吧 晚安
  • Don't let the frostbite bite.別給凍傷了



  • Nice duet.很好聽的二重唱
  • Oh,it's just you.What do you want?喔 原來只是你呀 你要做什麼?
  • I want you to take me up the North Mountain.我要你帶我到北山上
  • I don't take people places.我不帶人到處跑的
  • Let me rephrase that...Take me up the North Mountain...please.讓我重新措個詞 請帶我到北山上
  • Look,I know how to stop this winter.聽著 我知道如何停止這個冬天
  • We leave at Dawn...And you forgot the carrots for Sven.我們黎明出發...還有你忘了給Sven的胡蘿蔔
  • Oops.Sorry.Sorry.I'm sorry.I didn't...We leave now.Right now.喔 抱歉 抱歉 對不起 我不是...我們現在出發 就是現在
  • Hang on! We like to go fast! --I like fast!抓緊 我們 喜歡跑快一點 --我喜歡快
  • Whoa,whoa!Get your feet down.This is fresh lacquer.嘔嘔 把你的腳放下 這可是新上的漆
  • Seriously,Were you raised in a barn?說真格的 你是在穀倉養大的嗎?
  • Ew.No,I was raised in a castle.少噁了 不 我是在城堡長大的
  • So tell me ,What made the Queen go all ice-crazy?那麼告訴我 是甚麼使得皇后發了冰瘋的?
  • Oh well,it was all my fault.喔 那都是我的錯
  • I got engaaed but then she freaked out because... 我訂了婚 然後她抓狂了因為...
  • I'd only just met him,you know,that day.我才遇見他 你知道的 那天



  • And she said she wouldn't bless the marriage...-而她說她不會祝福這個婚姻
  • Wait. You got engaged to someone you just met that day?等等 你跟一個那天才認識的人訂婚了?
  • Yeah.Anyway,I got mad and so she got mad.是啊 總之我生氣了 然後她生氣了
  • And then she tried to walk away,然後她想要走開
  • and I grabbed her glove...而我抓住了她的手套
  • Hang on.You mean to tell me等等 你是要告訴我
  • you got engaged to someone you just met that day?!你跟一個那天才認識的人訂了婚?
  • Yes.Pay attention.是的 注意聽
  • But the thing is...she wore the gloves all the time,問題是 她始終戴著手套
  • So I just thought,maybe she has a thing about dirt. 所以我就以為 也許她不喜歡灰塵
  • Didn't your parents ever warn you about strangers?你父母難道沒告誡過你陌生人的事?
  • Yes,they did... But Hans is not a stranger.有 他們有...但Hans不是陌生人
  • Oh yeah? What's his last name?--...Of-Southern-Isles?喔 是嗎? 他性什麼 --... 之於南方島?
  • What's his favorite food? --Sandwiches.他最喜歡吃什麼? --...三明治
  • Best friend's name? --Probably John.最好的朋友的名字? --可能是John
  • Eye color... --Dreamy.眼睛的顏色..--夢幻般的



  • Foot size? --Foot size doesn't matter.腳的尺寸? --腳的尺寸無關緊要
  • Have you had a meal with him yet?你有跟他一起用過餐了沒?
  • What if you hate the way he eats?萬一你不喜歡他吃東西的樣子呢?
  • What if you hate the way he picks his nose?萬一你討厭他挖鼻孔的樣子呢?
  • Picks his nose? --And eats it.挖他的鼻孔? --然後吃掉它
  • Excuse me,Sir.He's a Prince. --All men do it.對不起喔 先生 他是個王子耶 --所有的男人都這麼做的
  • Ew.Look,it doesn't matter,it's true love.吪 聽著 那無關緊要 那是真愛
  • Doesn't sound like true love.聽起來不像真愛
  • Are you some sort of love expert?你是某種愛情專家嗎?
  • NO.But I have friends Who are.不 但我有朋友是
  • You have friends Who are love expert?你有朋友是愛情專家?
  • I'm not buying it... --Stop talking.我才不信呢... --不要講話
  • No,no,no.I'd like to meet these...不不不 我想見見著些...
  • No,I mean it.SHHH Sven go.Go!不 我是說真的 噓 Sven快跑快跑
  • What are they? (Wolves.) Wolves?他們是什麼東西呀? (狼) 狼?
  • What do we do? --I've got this.我們該怎麼辦?--我可以應付



  • You just...don't fall off and don't get eaten.你就..別摔落別被吃掉就好了
  • But I wanna help...(No.)Why not?但臥要幫忙..(不)為什麼不要?
  • Because I don't trust your judgment.--Excuse me?!因為我不信任你的判斷力 --你說什麼?
  • Who marries a man she just met?誰會嫁給一個剛認識的人啊?
  • It's true love!Christopher(It's Kristoff!)Duck!那是真愛Christopher(是Kristoff啦)低頭
  • You almost set me on fire! --But I didn't.你差一點就燒到我了 --但是我沒有阿
  • Get ready to jump,Sven!準備好要跳了Sven
  • You don't tell him what to do! I do!Jump,Sven!你少叫牠做甚麼 我才可以 跳啊Sven
  • But I just paid it off. Uh-oh.NO,no,no.可是我才剛付清了款項
  • Grab on!Pull,Sven,Pull!
  • I'll replace your sled and everything in it.
  • And I understand if you don't want to hlep me anymore.
  • Of course I don't want to help her anymore.
  • In fact,this whole thing has ruined me
  • for helping anyone ever again.--It's this way.
  • But she'll die on her own.



  • I can live with that. --Here we go這我良心過得去 --來吧
  • But you won't get your new sled if she's dead.--I think,actually,it's up.但你不會得到你的新雪橇如果她死的話 --我想事實上是向上
  • You know sometimes I really don't like you.你知道 有時候我真的不喜歡你
  • Hold up.We're coming. --You are?!等等 我們來了 --你們要來?!
  • I mean,sure.I'll let you tag along.我是說 當然 我會讓你們跟著
  • Arendelle... It's completely frozen.Arendelle...它完全冰凍了
  • But it'll be fine.Elsa will thaw it.(Will she?)Yeah.但 會沒事的 Elsa會將它解凍(她會嗎?)是的
  • Now come on. This way to the North Mountain? --More like this way.好了 來吧 這個方向到北山嗎? --更像這個方向吧
  • I never knew winter could be so beautiful.我從來不知道冬天可以這麼美麗
  • YEAH....It really is beautiful, isn't it? 是阿 它真的是很美麗 不是嗎?
  • But it's so white.但是太白了
  • You know,how about a little color?這樣吧 來些顏色如何?
  • I'm thinking like maybe some crimson,chartreuse...我在想 像是也許一些深紅色 黃綠色....
  • How'bout yellow...no,not yellow.黃色如何...不 不要黃色
  • Yellow and snow?Brrrr....no go.Am I right?Hi!黃色跟雪?吪...不搭 我說的對嗎?嗨
  • You're creepy.(I don't want it!) Back at you!你很詭異(我不要)還給你



  • Please don't drop me.請別扔下我
  • Come on,it's just a head. --Don't!得了吧 那只是顆頭罷了 --不要
  • All right,we got off to a bad start. --Ew,ew,the body!好吧 我們開始得不是很好 --啊喲 身體
  • Wait,what am I looking at right now?等等 我現在是在看甚麼?
  • Why are you hanging off the earth like a bat?你們幹嘛像蝙蝠依樣吊離地面?
  • ...Al'right.Wait one second.好了 等一下下
  • Oooh!Thank you! --You're welcome.喔 謝謝你 --不客氣
  • Now I'm perfect. --Well,almost.我這下完美了 --嗯 幾乎
  • It's was like my whole life got upside down.就好像我的人生顛倒了一樣
  • Oh!Too hard. I'm sorry! I was just...喔 太大力了 對不起 我剛剛只是
  • Woo!Head rush! --Are you okay?哇 天昏地暗 --你沒事吧?
  • Are you kidding me? I am wonderful!你開我玩笑嗎? 我好極了
  • I've always wanted a nose.我一直想要個鼻子
  • So cute.It's like a little baby unicorn.好可愛 就像個小的嬰兒獨角獸
  • What?Hey! Whoa.Oh,I love it even more! Hah...什麼? 嘿 哇 喔我更喜歡了 哈...
  • All right,let's start this thing over.好了 讓我們從頭來過吧



  • Hi everyone. I'm Olaf.And I like warm hugs.--Olaf?嗨 各位 我是Olaf 我喜歡溫暖的擁抱 --Olaf
  • That's right,Olaf.(And you are?)Oh,um...I'm Anna.對了Olaf (你是?) 喔 嗯 我是Anna
  • And who's the funky-looking donkey over there? --That's Sven.那那邊那個長的怪模怪樣的驢子是誰?--那是Sven
  • Uh-huh.And who's the reindeer? --Sven.呃 那麼馴鹿是誰? --Sven
  • They're...oh,okay...Makes things easier for me.他們是...喔 好吧 對我來說方便多了
  • Ha.Aw,look at him tryin'to kiss my nose. I like you too!哈 喔 看看他 想要吻我的鼻子呢 我也喜歡你
  • Olaf,Did Elsa build you? --Yeah. Why?Olaf是Elsa把你做出來的嗎?--是阿 怎麼了?
  • You know where she is? --Fascinating. --Yeah. Why?你知道她在哪嗎? --太神奇了 --是阿 怎麼了?
  • Do you think you could show us the way? --Yeah. Why?你覺得你可以指給我們看怎麼走嗎? --可以啊 怎麼?
  • How does this work?這是怎麼運作的
  • Stop it,Sven. Trying to focus here. --Yeah. Why?別鬧了Sven 我要專心一點啦 --可以啊 怎麼?
  • I'll tell you why. We need Elsa to bring back summer.我來告訴你為什麼 我們需要Elsa把夏天帶回來
  • Summer? (Uhum.)Oh,I don't know why but I've always loved the idea of summer,夏天?(嗯哼)喔 我不知為甚麼
  • and sun, and all things hot.但我一直喜歡夏天的意念
  • Really? I'm guessing you don't have much experience with heat.真的 我要猜你對熱沒啥太多的經驗


  • 單元2-6~2-7
  • Nope!But sometimes I like to close my eyes沒耶 但有時候我喜歡閉上我的眼睛
  • and imagine what it'd be like when summer does come.然後想像夏天確實來了會像什麼
  • Bee'll buzz,kids'll blow dandelion fuzz.蜜蜂會嗡嗡地叫 孩子們會吹著蒲公英絨毛
  • And I'll be doing whatever snow does in summer.而我會做任何雪在夏天會做的事
  • A drink in my hand,my snow up against the burning sand.手中一杯飲料 我的雪貼著滾燙的沙
  • Probably getting gorgeously tannd in summer.也許在夏天曬成迷死人的古銅色
  • I'll finally see a summer breeze,我終於會看見夏天的微風
  • blow away a winter storm.吹走夏天的暴風雪
  • And find out what happens to solid water,然後看看硬的水會怎麼樣
  • when it gets warm.當天氣溫熱起來
  • And I can't wait to see,what my buddies all think of me.而我等不及想看 我的好朋友們怎麼看待我
  • Just imagine how much ciiler I'll be in summer!想像我在夏天會有多清涼
  • The hot and the cold are both so intense,熱與冷兩者都很強烈
  • put them together,it just makes sense!把他們放在一起 真是很有道理
  • Winter's a good time to stay in and cuddle,冬天是個窩在家裡抱在一起的好時機
  • but put me in summer and I'll be a...happy snowman!但把我放在夏天裡 我就會是....個快樂的雪人



  • When life gets rough I like to hold on to my dream 當生活困難時我喜歡抓住我的(接下句)夢想
  • of relaxing in the summer sun just letting off steam!放鬆在夏天的陽光中就釋放出怨氣
  • Oh the sky will be blue...喔 天空會是藍的
  • And you guys'll be there too.而你們也會在那裡
  • When I finally do what frozen things do in summer!當我終於做了冰凍的東西在夏天會做的事時
  • I'm gonna tell him.我要告訴他
  • Don't you dare.你敢
  • In summer!就在夏天!
  • So,Come on!Elsa's this way.那麼 來吧 Elsay在這邊
  • Let's go bring back summer! --I'm coming!我們來把夏天帶回來吧 --我來了
  • Somebody's got to tell him.總要有人告訴他
  • No. No. You've got the bark facing down.不 不 你把樹皮朝下了
  • The bark needs to be face-up.樹皮得要朝上
  • Bark down is drier.(Bark up) Bark down.樹皮朝下必較乾(朝上)朝下
  • Cloak.Does anyone need a cloak?斗篷 有人要斗篷嗎?
  • Arendelle is indebted to you,Your Highness.Arendelle受恩於你 殿下


  • 單元2-10~2-11
  • The castle is open.There's soup and hot glogg in the Great Hall.城堡是開啟的 大廳裡有湯和熱酒
  • Here.Pass these out.拿去 把這些發出去
  • Prince Hans,are we expected to just sit here and freeze Hans王子 我們是要被指望坐等受凍嗎?(接下句)
  • While you give away all of Arendelle's Tradable goods?在你發送Arendelle的可交易商品時
  • Princess Anna has given her orders and....Anna公主有下了她的指令而且...
  • And that's another thing,而且還有另一件事
  • has it dawned on you that your Princess may be你有醒悟到你的公主或許
  • conspiring with a wicked sorceress...to destroy us all?與邪惡的巫術共謀來毀滅我們大家?
  • Do not question the Princess.She left me in charge,不要質疑公主 她交付我負責
  • and I will not hesitate to而我會豪不猶豫
  • protect Arendelle from treason. --Treason?!保衛Arendelle免於叛亂 --叛亂?
  • Whoa!Whoa!Whoa,boy.Easy.Easy.喔 喔 喔 小子 慢慢來 慢慢來
  • Princess Anna is in trouble.Anna公主有麻煩了
  • I need volunteers to go with me to find her! --I'll go 我需要志願者跟我去找她 --我去
  • I volunteer two men,my Lord!我自願出兩個人 大人


  • 單元2-12~2-13
  • Be prepared for anything,做好萬全的準備
  • And should you encounter the Queen,如果你們遇見了皇后
  • you are to put an end to this winter.你們要結束這個冬天
  • Do you understand?你們懂了嗎?
  • So how exctly are you planning to stop this weather?那麼你到底打算如何終止這天氣?
  • Oh,I am gonna talk to my sister.喔 我要跟我姐談談
  • That's your plan?那就是你的計劃?
  • My ice business is riding on you talking to your sister. --Yup.我的冰生意就仰賴你跟你姐的談話 --是的
  • So you're not at all afraid of her?那你一點都不怕她?
  • Why would I be?我為什麼要怕?
  • Yeah. I be she's the nicest,gentlest,warmest person ever.是阿 我敢說她是最好最文雅最溫馨的人了
  • Oh,look at that.I've been impaled. --what now?喔 看阿 我已被刺穿了 --這下怎麼辦?
  • It's too steep. I've only got one rope,太陡峭了 我只有一條繩子
  • And you don't know how to climb mountains.而你不知道怎麼爬山
  • Says who? --What are you doing?誰說的? --你在幹嘛?
  • I'm going to see my sister.我要去見我姐姐


  • 單元2-14~2-15
  • You're gonna kill yourself.I wouldn't put my foot there.你會害死你自己 我不會把我的腳放在那裡
  • You're distracting me.... --Or there.你在分散我的注意力 --或是那裡
  • How do you know Elsa even wants to see you?你怎麼知道Elsa想見你
  • I'm just blocking you out'cause I gotta concentrate here.我要把你屏除開來 因為我得專心一點
  • You know,most people who disappear into the mountains want to be alone.你知道 大多數消失在山上的人是想獨處
  • Nobody wants to be alone.Except maybe you....沒有人想要獨處 除了也許你吧....
  • I'm not alone....I have friends,remember?我不是獨自一人...我有朋友的 記得嗎?
  • You mean the love experts?你是指那些愛情專家
  • Yes,the love experts!是的 那些愛情專家
  • Please tell me I'm almost there.請告訴我我快到了
  • Does the air seem a bit thin to you up here? --Hang on...這裡的空氣對你來說有沒有好像有點稀薄? --等等...
  • Hey,Sven?Not sure if this is going to solve the problem,嘿 Sven?我不確定這是不是會解決問題
  • but I found a staircase that leads exactly where you want it to go.但我找到一座階梯完全引導你們到想要去的地方
  • Ha ha.Thank goodness.Catch!哈哈 謝天謝地 接住
  • Thanks!That was like a crazy trust exercise.謝拉 那就好像瘋狂信任訓練一樣
  • Now that's ice.I might cry.那才叫冰 我大概要哭了


  • 單元2-16~2-17
  • Go ahead.I won't judge.請便 我不會批評的
  • All right, take it easy.Come here,I gotcha.好了 慢慢來 來這裡 我扶住你了
  • Okay.You stay right here,buddy.好了 你留在這裡 兄弟
  • Flawless.完美無瑕
  • Knok...Just knock... Why isn't she knocking...? 敲門...就敲呀...她為何不敲門?
  • Do you think she knows how to knock?你覺得她知道怎麼敲門嗎?
  • It opened. That's a first.門是開著的 這倒是頭一遭
  • You should probably wait out here. --What?你們可能應該在外頭等 --什麼?
  • Last time I introduced her to a guy, she froze everything.上次我介紹個男的時 她把一切都凍住了
  • But.But...Oh come on,it's a palace made of ice. Ice is my life...但 但...喔拜託 那可是冰做的宮殿耶 冰是我的生命啊...
  • Bye,Sven.(You too,Olaf.) Me?掰 Sven(你也是 Olaf)我?
  • Just give us a minute. --Okay. One...two...Three...four... 給我們一點時間 --好吧 1...2...3..4...
  • Elsa? It's me...Anna. --Anna? Elsa?是我...Anna --Anna?
  • Wow...Elsa,you look different... 哇...Elsa你看起來不一樣了
  • It's good different...And this place...is amazing... 是好的不一樣...還有這地方..太神奇了...
  • Thank you. I never knew what I was capable of.謝謝你 我從不知道我有何能耐
  • I'm so sorry about what happened. If I'd known...對所發生的事我很抱歉 要是我早知道...


  • 單元2-18~2-19
  • No,it's okay. You don't have to apologize.不 沒關係 你不用道歉
  • But you should probably go,please.但也許你應該走了 麻煩你
  • But I just got here.可是我才剛到阿
  • You belong down in Arendelle. --So do you...你屬於Arendelle --你也是阿
  • No,Anna.I belong here.Alone.不Anna 我屬於這裡 一個人
  • Where I can be who I am,一個我能做我自己的地方
  • Without hurting anybody.而不去傷害任何人
  • Actually,about that... -- 58...59...60. --Wait.What is that?事實上 關於那一點...--58...59...60. --等等那是甚麼?
  • Hi,I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs. --Olaf?嗨 我是Olaf 我喜歡溫暖的擁抱 --Olaf?
  • You built me.You remember that? 你造就了我 你記得嗎?
  • And you're alive? --Um...I think so?你是活的? --恩...我想是吧?
  • He's just like the one we built as kids. --Yeah!它就像我們小時候做的那個一樣 --是阿
  • So we were so close.所以我們以前很親密
  • We can be like that again.(Slow Down...--Anna!) 我們可以再像那樣子 (慢點...Anna)
  • No,we can't.Goodbye,Anna... --Elsa,wait...不 我們不可以 再見Anna --Elsa等等...
  • No, I'm just trying to protect you.不 我只是要保護你


  • 單元2-20~2-21
  • You don't have to protect me.I'm not afraid.你不必保護我 我不怕
  • Please don't shut me out again.請你別再把我屏除於外
  • Please don't slam the door.請別用力關上門
  • You don't have to keep your distance anymore.你不用再保持你的距離
  • 'Cause for the first time in forever,I finally understand.因為長久以來的首次 我終於了解
  • For the first tome in forever,we can fix this hand in hand 長久以來的首次 我們可以攜手修補這件事
  • We can head down this mountain together.我們可以一起下去這座山
  • You don't have to live in fear.你不必生活在恐懼中
  • 'Cause for the first time in forever,I will be right here. 因為長久以來的首次 我會在此
  • Anna,please go back home.Your life awaits. Anna請回家去吧 你的人生在等著
  • Go enjoy the sun and open up the gates.--Yeah,but.... 去享受陽光並打開大門 --是阿 可是....
  • I know! You mean well,but leave me be.我知道你是好意 但別管我
  • Yes,I'm alone.But I'm alone and free.是的 我是一個人 但我是一個人且自由的
  • Just stay away and you'll be safe from me.--Actually,we're not.就離我遠點你們就會安全了 ---事實上 我們不是
  • What do you mean you're not?你們不是 是甚麼意思?
  • I get the feeling you don't know.我感覺到你並不知情


  • 單元2-22~2-23
  • What do I not know?我什麼不知道?
  • Arendelle's in deep deep deep deep snow. --What? Arendelle處在很深很深很深很深的雪中 --什麼?
  • You kind of set off an eternal winter...everywhere. --Everywhere? 你發動了一場永恆的冬天到每個地方 --每個地方?
  • It's okay,you can just unfreeze it.沒關係的 你把它解凍就行了
  • No,I can't.I don't know how...不 我沒辦法 我不知道該怎麼做...
  • Sure you can.I know you can!你當然可以 我知道你可以!
  • 'Cause for the first time in forever,you don't have to be afraid. 因為長久以來首度 你不必害怕
  • I'm such a Fool! I can't be Free!我真是個傻瓜 我沒辦法自由
  • No escape from the storm inside of me!逃脫不出我內心的暴風雪
  • We can work this out together.我們可以一起來處理好這件事
  • I can't control the curse!我控制不了這詛咒
  • We'll reverse the storm you've made.我們來反轉你造的這場暴風雪
  • Anna,please,you'll only make it worse! Anna拜託 你只會將事情弄得更糟
  • Don't panic.We'll make the sun shine bright.別驚慌 我們來將太陽光明的照耀著
  • There's so much fear!You're not safe here!這裡有太多的畏懼 你在這裡不安全
  • we can face this thing together... --I can't!我們可以一起面對這件事 --我沒辦法


  • 單元2-24~2-25
  • Anna.Are you okay? Anna你還好嗎?
  • I'm okay....I'm fine... --Who's this?我還好...我沒事... --這是誰?
  • Wait,it doesn't matter.Just....You have to go.等等 無所謂了 就...你們必須離開了
  • No,I know we can figure this out together...不 我知道我們能一起想出辦法解決的...
  • How? What power do you have to stop this winter?To stop me?怎麼想? 你有什麼法力來阻止這個冬天?來阻止我?
  • Anna,I think we should go.Anna 我想我們該走了
  • No. I'm not leaving without you,Elsa. --Yes,you are.不沒有你我不離開 Elsa --是的 你要離開
  • Stop.Put us down! --Go away!停下來 放我們下來 --走吧
  • Heads up!Watch out for my butt!小心 看著我的身體
  • I't is not nice to throw people!丟人是不好的
  • Wow,Wow,Wow Feisty pants. Ok,Relax.喔 喔 喔 小辣椒 好了 放輕鬆
  • Just calm down. Calm down. --All right.I'm okay.冷靜下來 冷靜下來 --好了 我沒事了
  • Just let the snowman be.(I'm clam...)Great.別里雪人了(我冷靜下來了)太好了
  • Oh...Come on! Uh-oh.See. Now you made him mad!喔...拜託 喔歐 看吧 這下你惹毛他了
  • I'll distract him.我來引開他
  • You guys go. No,no,not you guys.你們走 不不 不是你們啦


  • 單元2-26~2-27
  • This just got a whole lot harder.這簡直更艱難了
  • Look out. What are you doing? --I got him! 小心 你在幹什麼? --我逮到他了
  • It's a hundred foot drop. --It's two hundred.那有100呎深 --那有200呎
  • What's that for? 那是要幹嘛?
  • I'm digging a snow anchor. 我在挖雪錨
  • Okay. What if we fall?好 萬一我們摔下去呢?
  • There's twenty feet of fresh powder down there. 底下有20呎的新雪
  • It'll be like landing on a pillow.Hopefully.那會好像是降落到枕頭上 希望是
  • Okay,Anna. On three. One... --Okay.You tell me when.... 好了Anna 數到3 1... --好了 你告訴我何時...
  • Two... --I'm ready to go...I was born ready!Yes! 2... --我準備要跳了...我天生就準備好了 好耶
  • Calm down. Tree! --What the...Whoa! That happened. 冷靜點 (3) 搞啥...哇 那倒是有過
  • Ah.Ah. Man,am I out of shape. 啊 啊 天啊 我不成人形了
  • There we go. Hey,Anna!Sven! 好了 嘿 Anna!Sven!
  • Where'd you guys go? We totally lost Marshmallow back there! 你們大家去哪了? 我們完全甩開剛剛那個棉花糖了
  • Hey. We were just talking about you.嘿 我們剛剛才談到你
  • All good things, all good things.都是好事 都是好事


  • 單元2-28~2-29
  • No!This is not making much of a difference! Is it? --Olaf!不 這不會造成甚麼大變化 對不對? --Olaf
  • Hang in there,guys! --Go Faster! --Wait,what? Kristoff!支持住呀 各位 --爬快一點 等等 怎麼了 Kristoff
  • Don't come back! --We won't.別回來了 --我們不會的
  • Hey,you were right.Just like a pillow. --Olaf!嘿 你說的沒錯 就像枕頭一樣 --Olaf
  • I can't feel my legs! --Those are my legs.我感覺不到我的腿 --那是我的腿
  • Ooh.Hey,do me a favor,grab my butt.嘿 嘿幫我個忙 抓住我的屁股
  • Oh,That feels better.喔 感覺好多了
  • Hey,Sven!He found us.嘿 Sven他找到我們了
  • Who's my cute little reindeer?我這可愛的小馴鹿是誰呀?
  • Don't talk to him like that. --You're tickling me.別那樣跟他說話 --你在搔我癢
  • Here.You okay? --Thank you.Um... How's your head?我是說 沒事 呃...我很好
  • I mean,It's fine.Ah...I'm good.給你 你還好嗎? --謝謝你 恩...你的頭怎麼樣了?
  • Ha.I've got a thick skull.哈 我有個很厚的顱骨
  • I don't have a skull...Or bones.我沒有顱骨...或任何骨頭
  • So...So Now what? --Now what? Now what?!那麼現在要幹嘛? --現在要幹嘛? 現在要幹嘛?
  • Oooh! What am I gonna do?喔 我要怎麼辦?


  • 單元2-30~2-31
  • She threw me out. I can’t go back to Arendelle with the weather like this.她把我丟出來 我不能在這樣的天氣下回Arendelle
  • And then there’s your ice business...然後還有你的冰生意
  • Hey,hey,don’t worry about my ice business...嘿嘿別擔心我的冰生意
  • Worry about your hair. —What?擔心你的頭髮吧 什麼?
  • I just fell off a cliff.You should see your hair. 我剛從斷崖摔下來 你該看看你的頭髮
  • No,yours is turning white. 不 你的變白色了
  • White?It’s...what? 白色?它...什麼?
  • It’s because she struck you,isn’t it? 那是因為她打擊了你 對不對?
  • Does it look bad?看起來很糟嗎?
  • No.(You hesitated.)No,I didn’t. Anna。 不(你遲疑了不 我沒有
  • Anna,you need help.Okay?Come on. 你需要協助 好嗎? 來吧
  • Okay!Where are we going?好吧 我們要去哪裡?
  • To see my friends.—The love experts? —Love experts?!去見我的朋友 ——那些愛情專家?——愛情專家?
  • And don’t worry,they’ll be able to fix this.不用擔心 他們能修復這個的
  • How do you know?你怎麼知道?
  • Because I’ve seen them do it before.因為 我以前看他們做過