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#寫出 1905~1953 年之間的韓國歷史大事紀
#寫出 1905~1953 年之間的韓國歷史大事紀
第 106 行: 第 106 行:
====二、 spend/ take/ cost/ pay的用法====
====二、 spend/ take/ cost/ pay的用法====
*# The man ________ one million NT dollars for his new car last week.
# The man ________ one million NT dollars for his new car last week.
*# How long did you ________ finishing your math report?
# How long did you ________ finishing your math report?
*# It ________ Eric almost all the afternoon to clean the kitchen this morning.
# It ________ Eric almost all the afternoon to clean the kitchen this morning.
*# How long will it ________ to walk to the station from here?
# How long will it ________ to walk to the station from here?
*# The phone ________ me two thousand NT dollars.
# The phone ________ me two thousand NT dollars.
*# Who will ________ for the meal tonight?
# Who will ________ for the meal tonight?
*# Jerry________ one and a half hours on her homework last night.
# Jerry________ one and a half hours on her homework last night.
*# Paul: How much does it ________?Lily: Six hundred NT dollars.
# Paul: How much does it ________?Lily: Six hundred NT dollars.
*# It ________ Jack twenty-five dollars to buy the stamp yesterday.
# It ________ Jack twenty-five dollars to buy the stamp yesterday.
*# Kevin will ________ a whole day practicing basketball tomorrow.
# Kevin will ________ a whole day practicing basketball tomorrow.
*# Jane: How much did you ________ for the skirt? Ted:I ________ three hundred NT dollars.
# Jane: How much did you ________ for the skirt? Ted:I ________ three hundred NT dollars.
*# Tom: How long did it take you to clean the living room?Bob:It ________ me two hours.
# Tom: How long did it take you to clean the living room?Bob:It ________ me two hours.
*# The new classroom will ________ a lot.
# The new classroom will ________ a lot.
*# It ________ me a whole day to finish the job.
# It ________ me a whole day to finish the job.
*# The old man ________ his last years living along.
# The old man ________ his last years living along.
====三、 將錯誤的字圈出,寫下正確的句子====
====三、 將錯誤的字圈出,寫下正確的句子====
*# You take me three hours to go there.
# You take me three hours to go there.
*#It costs us two days to visit the city.
#It costs us two days to visit the city.
*#The painting takes NT$20,000.
#The painting takes NT$20,000.
*#He cost thirty minutes doing his homework.
#He cost thirty minutes doing his homework.
*#They take NT$2,000,000 on the beautiful house.
#They take NT$2,000,000 on the beautiful house.
*#It took me NT$1,000 to buy a gift for my mom.
#It took me NT$1,000 to buy a gift for my mom.
====四、 填入合適的片語或單字====
====四、 填入合適的片語或單字====
*# The little boy ________________________(害怕)cats. He’s crying.
# The little boy ________________________(害怕)cats. He’s crying.
*# She ________________________(以…為榮) my sister. She is great.
# She ________________________(以…為榮) my sister. She is great.
*# We ________________________(用完了)gas.
# We ________________________(用完了)gas.
*# They need ________________________(兩包)sugar to make candy.
# They need ________________________(兩包)sugar to make candy.
*# It ________________________(人真好) you to help me.
# It ________________________(人真好) you to help me.
*# My car ________________________(故障了). I have to take the taxi today.
# My car ________________________(故障了). I have to take the taxi today.
*# I ________________________(厭倦) rainy days.
# I ________________________(厭倦) rainy days.
*# I bought ________________________(一塊)soap.
# I bought ________________________(一塊)soap.
*# The story ___the three little pigs. (三隻小豬的故事)
# The story ___the three little pigs. (三隻小豬的故事)
====五、 1~2海關英文回答問題,3~10寫出貨幣單位的中文意思。====
====五、 1~2海關英文回答問題,3~10寫出貨幣單位的中文意思。====
*#What is the purpose of your stay?
*What is the purpose of your stay?
*#How long will you be staying?
*How long will you be staying?
*#American Dollar  (USD):   
*American Dollar  (USD):   
*#Australian Dollar (AUD) :  
*Australian Dollar (AUD) :  
*#British Pound (GBP) :  
*British Pound (GBP) :  
*#Canadian Dollar (CAD) :   
*Canadian Dollar (CAD) :   
*#Renminbi (RMB)/ Chinese Yuan (CNY) :   
*Renminbi (RMB)/ Chinese Yuan (CNY) :   
*#Euro (EUR) :   
*Euro (EUR) :   
*#Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) :   
*Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) :   
*#Korean Won: (KRW) :
*Korean Won: (KRW) :
====六、Of 翻譯====
====六、Of 翻譯====
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#HTML 撰寫

2017年4月4日 (二) 22:58的最新修訂版本


  1. 填圖:寫出主要陸塊與水域
    1. 歐亞大陸
    2. 非洲
    3. 北美洲
    4. 南美洲
    5. 大洋洲
      • 顯著陸地:
        1. 澳大利亞
        2. 紐西蘭
        3. 巴布亞新幾內亞
      • 群島:
        1. 密克羅尼西亞(Micronesia)是指「微小島嶼」。Nesia 尼西亞,源於希臘語,原意是群島。
        2. 美拉尼西亞(Melanesia)的意思是「黑皮膚人的島嶼」。
        3. 波利尼西亞(Polynesia)是指「很多島嶼」。
    6. 南極洲:冰的厚度平均至少1.6公里。全部融化,那麼海平面將上升約60公尺。擁有全世界大約 90% 的冰和 70% 的淡水。
    7. 太平洋
    8. 大西洋
    9. 印度洋
    10. 北冰洋(北極海)
    11. 南冰洋:因無洋脊,但有獨立的洋流系統,所以有些地理學家承認,有些地理學家不承認
    12. 地中海
  2. 填圖:大型半島
    1. 朝鮮半島
    2. 中南半島
    3. 印度半島
    4. 阿拉伯半島
    5. 巴爾幹半島
    6. 義大利半島
    7. 伊比利半島
    8. 斯堪的納維亞半島
  3. 填圖:國家
    1. 俄羅斯 (Russia)
    2. 中國 (China)
    3. 蒙古 (Mongolia)
    4. 台灣 (Taiwan)
    5. 日本 (Japan)
    6. 北韓 (North Korea)
    7. 南韓 (South Korea)
    8. 菲律賓 (The Philippines)
    9. 印尼 (Indonesia)
    10. 汶萊 (Brunei)
    11. 越南 (Vietnam)
    12. 寮國 (Laos)
    13. 柬埔寨 (Cambodia)
    14. 緬甸 (Myanmar, old name: Burma)
    15. 泰國 (Thailand)
    16. 馬來西亞 (Malaysia)
    17. 新加坡 (Singapore)
    18. 印度 (India)
    19. 巴基斯坦 (Pakistan)
    20. 孟加拉 (Bangladesh)
    21. 尼泊爾 (Nepal)
    22. 斯里蘭卡 (Sri Lanka)
    23. 哈薩克 (Kazakhstan)
    24. 阿富汗 (Afghanistan)
    25. 伊朗 (Iran)
    26. 沙烏地阿拉伯 (Saudi-Arabia)
    27. 土耳其 (Turkey)
    28. 賽普路斯 (Cyprus)
  4. 填圖:
  5. 今天的印度本來在南半球,一路北移到今天的位置,證據何在?
    • 德干高原
    • 喜馬拉雅山和青藏高原
  6. 程式/英文單字:考1~17
  7. 大韓民國(以下簡稱韓國)國旗簡圖
  8. 台灣的人口和面積各為多少?
  9. 韓國的人口和面積各為台灣的幾倍。
  10. 寫出 1905~1953 年之間的韓國歷史大事紀
  11. 簡述韓國兩大城的位置與特色。
  12. 韓國最大企業為何,有哪些事業版圖。
  13. 韓國料理特色。
  14. 韓國民族性特色。
  15. 韓國如何發掘培養明星。



  1. 直截了當的、精疲力竭的,或是竭盡全力的: ______________________________
  2. 使有活力、有生氣,或是激勵、鼓舞: ______________________________
  3. 渴望、要求: ______________________________
  4. 誘惑: ______________________________
  5. 燦爛華麗的: ______________________________
  6. 拍馬屁: ______________________________
  7. 批准,通過;贊成,稱許(vi.)贊成,稱許: ______________________________
  8. 衰微,跌落,下降(vt.)使降低,婉謝(vi.)下降,衰落,偏斜: ______________________________
  9. 固執的,堅持的,持續的: ______________________________
  10. 捐獻,簽署(vi.)贊成,同意,捐款,預訂,認購: ______________________________
  11. 法律上,合法地: ______________________________
  12. 學院,大學,學會: ______________________________
  13. 警官,巡警: ______________________________
  14. 課程: ______________________________
  15. 別的,其他的: ______________________________
  16. 全體的,完全的,全部的: ______________________________
  17. 曾經;永遠,老是;比以往任何時候;究竟,到底: ______________________________
  18. 褪色,消失,凋謝: ______________________________
  19. 想象中的,假想的,虛構的,幻想的: ______________________________
  20. 水淺的地方,淺灘: ______________________________
  21. 傳家寶: ______________________________
  22. 無法分開: ______________________________

二、 spend/ take/ cost/ pay的用法

  1. The man ________ one million NT dollars for his new car last week.
  2. How long did you ________ finishing your math report?
  3. It ________ Eric almost all the afternoon to clean the kitchen this morning.
  4. How long will it ________ to walk to the station from here?
  5. The phone ________ me two thousand NT dollars.
  6. Who will ________ for the meal tonight?
  7. Jerry________ one and a half hours on her homework last night.
  8. Paul: How much does it ________?Lily: Six hundred NT dollars.
  9. It ________ Jack twenty-five dollars to buy the stamp yesterday.
  10. Kevin will ________ a whole day practicing basketball tomorrow.
  11. Jane: How much did you ________ for the skirt? Ted:I ________ three hundred NT dollars.
  12. Tom: How long did it take you to clean the living room?Bob:It ________ me two hours.
  13. The new classroom will ________ a lot.
  14. It ________ me a whole day to finish the job.
  15. The old man ________ his last years living along.

三、 將錯誤的字圈出,寫下正確的句子

  1. You take me three hours to go there.
  2. It costs us two days to visit the city.
  3. The painting takes NT$20,000.
  4. He cost thirty minutes doing his homework.
  5. They take NT$2,000,000 on the beautiful house.
  6. It took me NT$1,000 to buy a gift for my mom.

四、 填入合適的片語或單字

  1. The little boy ________________________(害怕)cats. He’s crying.
  2. She ________________________(以…為榮) my sister. She is great.
  3. We ________________________(用完了)gas.
  4. They need ________________________(兩包)sugar to make candy.
  5. It ________________________(人真好) you to help me.
  6. My car ________________________(故障了). I have to take the taxi today.
  7. I ________________________(厭倦) rainy days.
  8. I bought ________________________(一塊)soap.
  9. The story ___the three little pigs. (三隻小豬的故事)

五、 1~2海關英文回答問題,3~10寫出貨幣單位的中文意思。

  • What is the purpose of your stay?
  • How long will you be staying?
  • American Dollar (USD):
  • Australian Dollar (AUD) :
  • British Pound (GBP) :
  • Canadian Dollar (CAD) :
  • Renminbi (RMB)/ Chinese Yuan (CNY) :
  • Euro (EUR) :
  • Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) :
  • Korean Won: (KRW) :

六、Of 翻譯

  1. 這房子的屋頂是紅色的。
  2. 他是最好的學生之一。
  3. 這個盒子是紙做的。
  4. 你在想什麼?
  5. 他住在臺北市。


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