
跳轉到: 導覽搜尋
week 39: 9/26-10/02
week 46: 11/14-11/20
第 335 行: 第 335 行:
===week 39: 9/26-10/02===
===week 39: 9/26-10/02===
*歌名:The Nights
*歌名:The Nights
#He said, "One day you'll leave this world behind他說:有天你會離開這個世界
#So live a life you will remember."所以過個你不會忘記的人生吧
#My father told me when I was just a child我爸在我小時候時講了這些
#These are the nights that never die這會是永生不滅的夜晚
#My father told me 我爸跟我說
Hey, once upon a younger year 嘿,在年輕的時後
Hey, once upon a younger year 嘿,在年輕的時後
第 365 行: 第 365 行:
Your wild heart will live for younger days 你狂野的心會留在年輕歲月中
Your wild heart will live for younger days 你狂野的心會留在年輕歲月中
Think of me if ever you're afraid."害怕的時候就想起我吧
Think of me if ever you're afraid."害怕的話就響起我吧
He said, "One day you'll leave this world behind他說:有天你會離開這個世界
He said, "One day you'll leave this world behind他說:有天你會離開這個世界
第 377 行: 第 377 行:
My father told me 我爸跟我說
My father told me 我爸跟我說
When thunder clouds start pouring down
When thunder clouds start pouring down當開始下起雷陣雨時
Light a fire they can't put out
Light a fire they can't put out點起那不會被澆熄的火焰
Carve your name into those shining stars
Carve your name into those shining stars把你的名字印上那滿天星辰
He said, "Go venture far beyond these shores.
He said, "Go venture far beyond these shores.他說:『去冒險看看吧。
Don't forsake this life of yours.
Don't forsake this life of yours.別浪費你的生命
I'll guide you home no matter where you are."
I'll guide you home no matter where you are."不論如何,我都會指引你
One day my father—he told me,
One day my father—he told me,有天我爸爸,他告訴我
"Son, don't let it slip away."
"Son, don't let it slip away."兒子,別讓記憶溜走
When I was just a kid I heard him say,
When I was just a kid I heard him say,他把我擁入懷中,我聽到他說
"When you get older
"When you get older當你越來越老時
Your wild heart will live for younger days
Your wild heart will live for younger days你狂野的心會留在年輕歲月中
Think of me if ever you're afraid."
Think of me if ever you're afraid."害怕的話就響起我吧
He said, "One day you'll leave this world behind
He said, "One day you'll leave this world behind他說:有天你會離開這個世界
So live a life you will remember."
So live a life you will remember."所以過個你不會忘記的人生吧
My father told me when I was just a child
My father told me when I was just a child我爸在我小時候時講了這些
These are the nights that never die
These are the nights that never die這會是永生不滅的夜晚
My father told me 我爸跟我說
My father told me 我爸跟我說
These are the nights that never die
These are the nights that never die這會是永生不滅的夜晚
My father told me 我爸跟我說
My father told me 我爸跟我說
第 417 行: 第 417 行:
===week 40: 10/03-10/09===
===week 40: 10/03-10/09===
*歌名:The Days
#These are the days we've been waiting for等待許久的日子終於到來
#On days like these who couldn't ask for more這些我們不奢求更多時間
#Keep them coming別管甚麼問題會出現
#Cause we're not done yet因為我們還沒來得及完成
#These are the days we won't regret別管甚麼問題會出現因為我現在不後悔
Under the tree where the grass don't grow在寸草不生的樹下
We made a promise to never get old許下人老心不老的願望
You had a chance and you took it on me你將一個人生的藍圖交給了給我
And I made a promise that I couldn't keep而我無法做出藍圖的樣子
Heart ache, heart break痛心,心碎
All over town橫行在城鎮
But something flipped like a switch when you came around但你的出現開啟時光倒轉的開關
And I'm in pieces, pick me up, and put me together我如拼圖般碎成好幾萬片,拾起遺骸,把我重新拼湊起
These are the days we've been waiting for等待許久的日子終於到來
On days like these who couldn't ask for more這些我們不奢求更多時間
Keep them coming別管甚麼問題會出現
Cause we're not done yet因為我們還沒來得及完成
These are the days we won't regret別管甚麼問題會出現因為我現在不後悔
These are the days we won't forget這些日子將永不忘記
These are the days we've been waiting for我們已經等待許久
Rattle the cage and slam that door囚禁我們牢籠正發出邪笑,關上那扇窘態的牢門
And the world is calling us世間萬物正呼喚著我們
But just not yet但我們的命運會突破他
These are the days we won't regret這些日子我們將不會帶著悔意
These are the days we won't forget這些日子將永不忘記
Out on the midnight外頭的夜深人靜
The wild ones howl野性興起嚎聲
the lost boys have thrown in the towel而我也放棄了一切
We used to believe we were stars aligned我們曾堅信我們的愛如星斗不滅
You made a wish and I fell out of time而你的願望我卻給不出你要的炎熱
Time flew, cut through歲月荏苒,光蔭鑿穿
All over town
You make me bleed when I look up當我抬頭仰望,你卻使我流血成河
And you're not around而遲遲找不到你
But I'm in pieces, pick me up, and put me together但我依然吃癡癡的等你回來牽起這雙手
These are the days we've been waiting for這是我們等待許久的日子
Neither of us knows what's in store我們不知道什麼會毫無保留給我們
You just roll your window down place your bets你只要搖下車窗置好賭金
These are the days that we won't regret這些日子我們將不會挾帶悔意
These are the days that we we'll never forget這些日子我們永遠無法忘懷
And these are the days (these are the days)這些是日子(這些日子)
and these are the days (these are the days)這些日子(這些日子
===week 41: 10/10-10/16===
===week 41: 10/10-10/16===
Hey, I was doing just fine before I met you嘿 在遇到妳之前我也過得很好
I drink too much and that's an issue but I'm OK雖然不小心喝得太多 但也沒什麼關係
Hey, you tell your friends it was nice to meet them嘿 妳告訴妳的朋友們 妳很高興能與他們相聚
But I hope I never see them again但我真希望永遠不會再見到他們
I know it breaks your heart
Moved to the city in a broke down car
And four years, no calls
Now you're looking pretty in a hotel bar
And I can't stop
No, I can't stop
不 我再也壓抑不住自己的感情了
So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your Rover
所以親愛的 在你的後座上將我拉進你懷中
That I know you can't afford
Bite that tattoo on your shoulder
Pull the sheets right off the corner
Of the mattress that you stole
From your roommate back in Boulder
We ain't ever getting older
We ain't ever getting older
We ain't ever getting older
You look as good as the day I met you
I forget just why I left you, I was insane
我早已忘了當初離開你的理由 我那時一定瘋了
Stay and play that Blink-182 song
留下來 重聽一次那首Blink-182的歌
That we beat to death in Tucson, OK
I know it breaks your heart
Moved to the city in a broke down car
And four years, no calls
Now you're looking pretty in a hotel bar
And I can't stop
No, I can't stop
不 我再也壓抑不住自己的感情了
So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your Rover
所以親愛的 在你的後座上將我拉進你懷中
That I know you can't afford
Bite that tattoo on your shoulder
Pull the sheets right off the corner
Of the mattress that you stole
From your roommate back in Boulder
We ain't ever getting older
We ain't ever getting older
We ain't ever getting older
So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your Rover
所以親愛的 在你的後座上將我拉進你懷中
That I know you can't afford
Bite that tattoo on your shoulder
Pull the sheets right off the corner
Of the mattress that you stole
From your roommate back in Boulder
We ain't ever getting older
We ain't ever getting older
We ain't ever getting older
We ain't ever getting older
We ain't ever getting older
We ain't ever getting older
No we ain't ever getting older
不 我們永遠都不會變老
===week 42: 10/17-10/23===
===week 42: 10/17-10/23===
*歌名:we don't talk anymore
We don't talk anymore, we don't talk anymore
We don't talk anymore, like we used to do
We don't love anymore
What was all of it for?
Oh, we don't talk anymore, like we used to do
I just heard you found the one you've been looking
You've been looking for
I wish I would have known that wasn't me
Cause even after all this time I still wonder
Why I can't move on
Just the way you did so easily
Don't wanna know
What kind of dress you're wearing tonight
If he's holding onto you so tight
The way I did before
I overdosed
Should've known your love was a game
Now I can't get you out of my brain
Oh, it's such a shame
That we don't talk anymore, we don't talk anymore
We don't talk anymore, like we used to do
We don't love anymore
What was all of it for?
Oh, we don't talk anymore, like we used to do
I just hope you're lying next to somebody
Who knows how to love you like me
There must be a good reason that you're gone
Every now and then I think you
Might want me to come show up at your door
But I'm just too afraid that I'll be wrong
Don't wanna know
If you're looking into her eyes
If she's holding onto you so tight the way I did before
I overdosed
Should've known your love was a game
Now I can't get you out of my brain
Oh, it's such a shame
That we don't talk anymore (We don't, we don't)
We don't talk anymore (We don't, we don't)
We don't talk anymore, like we used to do
We don't love anymore (We don't, we don't)
What was all of it for? (We don't, we don't)
Oh, we don't talk anymore, like we used to do
Like we used to do
Don't wanna know
What kind of dress you're wearing tonight
If he's giving it to you just right
The way I did before
I overdosed
Should've known your love was a game
Now I can't get you out of my brain
Oh, it's such a shame
That we don't talk anymore (We don't, we don't)
We don't talk anymore (We don't, we don't)
We don't talk anymore, like we used to do
We don't love anymore (We don't, we don't)
What was all of it for? (We don't, we don't)
Oh, we don't talk anymore, like we used to do
Don't wanna know
What kind of dress you're wearing tonight
If he's holding onto you so tight
The way I did before
I overdosed
Should've known your love was a game
Now I can't get you out of my brain
Oh, it's such a shame
===week 43: 10/24-10/30===
===week 43: 10/24-10/30===
*歌名:Zedd - Beautiful Now ft
I see what you're wearing 我看到你的裝扮
there's nothing beneath it 沒有東西隱藏於其下
Forgive me for staring 原諒我注視著你
forgive me for breathing 原諒著我的呼吸
We might not know why 我們也許不知道為什麼
we might not know how 我們或許不知如何是好
But baby, tonight 但寶貝,今晚
we're beautiful now 現在我們是美麗的
we're beautiful now 現在我們是美麗的
we're beautiful now 現在我們是美麗的
We might not know why 我們也許不知道為什麼
we might not know how 我們或許不知如何是好
But baby, tonight 但寶貝,今晚
we're beautiful now 現在我們是美麗的
We'll light up the sky 我們點亮天空
we'll open the clouds 我們掀開雲朵
Cause baby, tonight 因為寶貝今晚
we're beautiful now 我們是美麗的
we're beautiful 我們是美麗的
Wherever it's going 不論到哪
I'm gonna chase it 我都會去追逐
Wht's left of this moment 不論此刻剩下什麼
I'm not gonna waste it 我都不會浪費
Stranded together 困在一起
our worlds have collided 我們的世界碰撞在一起
This won't be forever 這不會是永恆的
so why try to fight it? 所以為什麼要爭吵呢?
we're beautiful now 我們是美麗的
we're beautiful now 我們是美麗的
We might not know why 我們也許不知道為什麼
we might not know how 我們或許不知如何是好
But baby, tonight 但寶貝,今晚
we're beautiful now 我們是美麗的
We'll light up the sky 我們點亮天空
we'll open the clouds 我們掀開雲朵
Cause baby, tonight 因為寶貝今晚
we're beautiful now 我們是美麗的
we're beautiful 我們是美麗的
we're beautiful 我們是美麗的
Let's live tonight like fireflies 一起像螢火蟲般生活
And one by one light up the sky 一個接著點亮天空
We disappear and pass the crown 我們從人群中穿越
You're beautiful… 你是美麗的
you're beautiful 你是美麗的
we're beautiful now 現在我們是美麗的
we're beautiful now(beautiful) 現在我們是美麗的
===week 44: 10/31-11/06===
===week 44: 10/31-11/06===
===week 45: 11/07-11/13===
===week 45: 11/07-11/13===
*歌名:Zedd - Beautiful Now ft
I see what you're wearing 我看到你的裝扮
there's nothing beneath it 沒有東西隱藏於其下
Forgive me for staring 原諒我注視著你
forgive me for breathing 原諒著我的呼吸
We might not know why 我們也許不知道為什麼
we might not know how 我們或許不知如何是好
But baby, tonight 但寶貝,今晚
we're beautiful now 現在我們是美麗的
we're beautiful now 現在我們是美麗的
we're beautiful now 現在我們是美麗的
We might not know why 我們也許不知道為什麼
we might not know how 我們或許不知如何是好
But baby, tonight 但寶貝,今晚
we're beautiful now 現在我們是美麗的
We'll light up the sky 我們點亮天空
we'll open the clouds 我們掀開雲朵
Cause baby, tonight 因為寶貝今晚
we're beautiful now 我們是美麗的
we're beautiful 我們是美麗的
Wherever it's going 不論到哪
I'm gonna chase it 我都會去追逐
Wht's left of this moment 不論此刻剩下什麼
I'm not gonna waste it 我都不會浪費
Stranded together 困在一起
our worlds have collided 我們的世界碰撞在一起
This won't be forever 這不會是永恆的
so why try to fight it? 所以為什麼要爭吵呢?
we're beautiful now 我們是美麗的
we're beautiful now 我們是美麗的
We might not know why 我們也許不知道為什麼
we might not know how 我們或許不知如何是好
But baby, tonight 但寶貝,今晚
we're beautiful now 我們是美麗的
We'll light up the sky 我們點亮天空
we'll open the clouds 我們掀開雲朵
Cause baby, tonight 因為寶貝今晚
we're beautiful now 我們是美麗的
we're beautiful 我們是美麗的
we're beautiful 我們是美麗的
Let's live tonight like fireflies 一起像螢火蟲般生活
And one by one light up the sky 一個接著點亮天空
We disappear and pass the crown 我們從人群中穿越
You're beautiful… 你是美麗的
you're beautiful 你是美麗的
we're beautiful now 現在我們是美麗的
we're beautiful now(beautiful) 現在我們是美麗的
===week 46: 11/14-11/20===
===week 46: 11/14-11/20===
*歌名:Fitz and the Tantrums – HandClap
Somebody save your soul cause you’ve been sinning in the city I know 因你做了些蠢事希望被拯救,我懂
Too many troubles, all these lovers got you losin’ control 太多茶包,太多關愛讓你失控
You’re like a drug to me, a luxury, my sugar and gold 不過你是我的靈藥、奢求、蜜糖和金礦
I want the good life 我想要好生活
Every good night you’re a hot one to hold 你能夠熱情的與我度過每晚
Cause you don’t even know 因為你從不知道
I can make your hands clap 我能讓你鼓掌
Said I can make your hands clap 說真的,我能讓你鼓掌
Somebody save your soul cause you’ve been sinning in the city I know 因你做了些蠢事希望被拯救,我懂
Too many troubles, all these lovers got you losin’ control 太多茶包,太多關愛讓你失控
You’re like a drug to me, a luxury, my sugar and gold 不過你是我的靈藥、奢求、蜜糖和金礦
I want your sex and your affection when I’m holding you close 我想要你,也想要你有所回應
Cause you don’t even know 因為你從不知道
I can make your hands clap 我能讓你鼓掌
Said I can make your hands clap 說真的,我能讓你鼓掌
Every night when the stars come out 每晚當星辰掛入天空
Am I the only living soul around? 我是唯一的漂浮靈魂嗎?
Need to believe you could hold me down 我需要相信你能穩住我
Cause I’m in need of something good right now 因為我需要相信一件好事
We could be screaming till the sun comes out 我們可怒吼直至天明
And when we wake we be the only sound 當我們是僅存的聲浪
Get off my knees and say a prayer to change vows 我會跪下,並祈求改變
Bet I can make your hands clap 我能讓你鼓掌
Bet I can make your hands clap 我能讓你鼓掌
(Turn it up) (把手打開吧)
Bet I can make your hands clap 我能讓你鼓掌
My fresh is searching for your worst and rest dont ever deny 我近日鮮事就是尋找你的至尊錯誤,而且不吝否認
I’m like a stranger, give me danger 把我當成陌生人吧,給我一些風險
All your wrongs and your rights 給我你的疏失、你的權力
secrets on broadway to the freeway, you’re a keeper of crimes 中正路到中山路的所有祕密,你究竟犯過多少蠢事
Feel no conviction, grapes of wrath can only sweeten your wine 你是否完全對信念無感,酒裡只有憤怒的葡萄甜(卻未有酒香)?
But you don’t even know 總之你從不知道
I can make your hands clap 我能讓你鼓掌
Said I can make your hands clap 說真的,我能讓你鼓掌
Every night when the stars come out 每晚當星辰掛入天空
Am I the only living soul around? 我是星夜下的唯一的漂浮靈魂嗎?
Need to believe you could hold me down 我需要相信你能穩住我
Cause I’m in need of something good right now 因為我需要相信一件好事
We could be screaming till the sun comes out 我們可怒吼直至天明
And when we wake we be the only sound 當我們是僅存的聲浪
Get off my knees and say a prayer to change vows 我會跪下,並祈求改變
Bet I can make your hands clap 我能讓你鼓掌
Bet I can make your hands clap 我能讓你鼓掌
Bet I can make your hands clap 我能讓你鼓掌
Bet I can make your hands clap 我能讓你鼓掌
So can I get a hand clap? 請一起拍拍手吧!
===week 47: 11/21-11/27===
===week 47: 11/21-11/27===
*歌名:Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball
#Don’t you ever say I just walked away 你難道沒說過 叫我離去
#I will always want you 但我總會在你身邊
#I can’t live a lie, running for my life 我不能活在謊言中 為了生活到處奔波
#I will always want you 但我會在你身旁
We clawed, we chained, our hearts in vain
那些掙捉,把彼此的心囚禁 到頭來還是白費力氣
We jumped, never asking why
我們改變著 卻從不問原因
We kissed, I fell under your spell
我們的親吻 我被你的魅力吸引
A love no one could deny
一段 沒有人敢否認的愛情
Don’t you ever say I just walked away
你難道沒說過 叫我離去
I will always want you
I can’t live a lie, running for my life
我不能活在謊言中 為了生活到處奔波
I will always want you
I came in like a wrecking ball
I never hit so hard in love
我曾未為了愛情 那麼心痛
All I wanted was to break your walls
我想做的 只是想打破你的心房
All you ever did was break me
但你 從來只有傷害我
Yeah, you wreck me
I put you high up in the sky
And now, you’re not coming down
而你 卻不再歸來
It slowly turned, you let me burn
時間冉冉進行 你卻任由我在那焚燒
And now, we’re ashes on the ground
而現在 我們全變成了大地的塵灰
Don’t you ever say I just walked away
你難道沒說過 叫我離去
I will always want you
I can’t live a lie, running for my life
我不能活在謊言中 為了生活到處奔波
I will always want you
I came in like a wrecking ball
I never hit so hard in love
我曾未為了愛情 那麼心痛
All I wanted was to break your walls
我想做的 只是想打破你的心房
All you ever did was break me
但你 從來只有傷害我
I came in like a wrecking ball
我有像鐵球般 沖來
Yeah, I just closed my eyes and swung
耶 我閉上了眼 擺盪著自己
Left me crouching in a blaze and fall
讓我砸入火坑 讓我墜落
All you ever did was break me
但你 從來只有傷害我
Yeah, you wreck me
I never meant to start a war
我永遠不指望的是 跟你爭吵
I just wanted you to let me in
我想要的 只是看進你心房
And instead of using force
以取代 那種佔有慾
I guess I should’ve let you in
我也該承認 我該對你坦誠
I never meant to start a war
我永遠不指望的是 跟你爭吵
I just wanted you to let me in
我想要的 只是看進你心房
I guess I should’ve let you in
我想 當初 也該讓你進我心房
Don’t you ever say I just walked away
你難道沒說過 叫我離去
I will always want you
I came in like a wrecking ball
I never hit so hard in love
我曾未為了愛情 那麼心痛
All I wanted was to break your walls
我想做的 只是想打破你的心房
All you ever did was break me
但你 從來只有傷害我
I came in like a wrecking ball
我有像鐵球般 沖來
Yeah, I just closed my eyes and swung
耶 我閉上了眼 擺盪著自己
Left me crouching in a blaze and fall
讓我砸入火坑 讓我墜落
All you ever did was break me
但你 從來只有傷害我
Yeah, you wreck me
Yeah, you wreck me
===week 48: 11/28-12/04===
===week 48: 11/28-12/04===
===week 49: 12/05-12/11===
===week 49: 12/05-12/11===
===week 50: 12/19-12/25===
===week 50: 12/12-12/18===
===week 51: 12/26-01/01===
*歌名:Alan Walker - Alone
Lost in your mind迷失在你的腦海之中
I wanna know我想要知曉
Am I losing my mind我是不是困於自己的心中
Never let me go別放手,別讓我走
If this night is not forever假使這個夜晚不代表天長地久
At least we are together那麼至少你我曾經擁有彼此
I know I'm not alone這樣,我就不會孤單
I know I'm not alone我就知道我並不是孤單的
Anywhere whenever
Apart but still together看似分離,實為相伴
I know I'm not alone (X4)我知道我不孤單
Unconscious mind腦袋有一點兒不清晰
I'm wide awake但我卻有顆清醒的心
Wanna feel one last time愛,只要再讓我感覺一次
Take my pain away那就足以把我的痛苦全部抵銷
If this night is not forever假使這個夜晚不代表天長地久
At least we are together那麼至少你我曾經擁有彼此
I know I'm not alone這樣,我就不會孤單
I know I'm not alone我就知道我並不是孤單的
Anywhere whenever隨時隨地
Apart but still together看似分離,實為相伴
I know I'm not alone (X4)我知道我不孤單
I'm not alone, I'm not alone我不孤單,我不孤單
I'm not alone, I know I'm not alone我知道我並不孤單
I'm not alone, I'm not alone我不孤單,我不孤單
I'm not alone, I know I'm not alone我知道我並不孤單
===week 51: 12/19-12/25===
*歌名:Maroon 5 - Don't Wanna Know
I don't wanna know, know, know, know我真的不想不想知道
Who's taking you home, home, home, home誰把你帶回家了
I'm loving you so, so, so, so我這般深深愛著你
The way I used to love you, no仿如過往我們還在一起時,不
I don't wanna know, know, know, know我完全沒有興趣了解
Who's taking you home, home, home, home你又跟誰共度春宵了
I'm loving you so, so, so, so我對你的愛已深入骨髓
The way I used to love you, oh宛如長久以來的習慣般,噢
I don't wanna know我一點都不想知道
And the more I drink the more I think about you嚥下去的酒水越多  你的音容笑貌卻越發清晰
Oh no, no, I can't take it噢不,不  我已經承受不住
Baby every place I go reminds me of you寶貝,無論身處何地  都會使我觸景傷情
Do you think of me你有哪怕一瞬間會想起我嗎?
Of what we used to be或者憶起我們的往事
Is it better now that I'm not around還是我不在你身邊了  你反而過得更好
My friends are acting strange好友都變得十分奇怪
They don't bring up your name他們對你絕口不提
Are you happy now你現在過得快樂嗎?
Are you happy now離開我的你  真的開心嗎?
I don't wanna know, know, know, know我真的不想不想知道
Who's taking you home, home, home, home誰把你帶回家了
I'm loving you so, so, so, so我這般深深愛著你
The way I used to love you, no仿如過往我們還在一起時,不
I don't wanna know, know, know, know我完全沒有興趣了解
Who's taking you home, home, home, home你又跟誰共度春宵了
I'm loving you so, so, so, so我對你的愛已經深入骨髓
The way I used to love you, oh宛如長久以來的習慣般,噢
I don't wanna know我一點都不想知道
And I every time I go out, yeah而每當我踏出家門,yeah
I hear it from this one, I hear it from that one耳邊總是傳來源源不絕  有關你的消息
Glad you got someone new真高興知道你找到了新歡
Yeah, I see but I don't believe it Yeah, 但我還是覺得難以置信
Even in my head you're still in my bed其實在我腦海中  每夜你依舊與我同床共枕
Maybe I'm just a fool也許我就是個該死的傻瓜吧!
Do you think of me你有哪怕一瞬間會想起我嗎?
Of what we used to be或者憶起我們的往事
Is it better now that I'm not around還是我不在你身邊了  你反而過得更好
My friends are acting strange好友都變得十分奇怪
They don't bring up your name他們對你絕口不提
Are you happy now你現在過得快樂嗎?
Are you happy now離開我的你  真的開心嗎?
I don't wanna know, know, know, know我真的不想不想知道
Who's taking you home, home, home, home誰把你帶回家了
I'm loving you so, so, so, so我這般深深愛著你
The way I used to love you, no仿如過往我們還在一起時,不
I don't wanna know, know, know, know我完全沒有興趣了解
Who's taking you home, home, home, home你又跟誰共度春宵了
I'm loving you so, so, so, so我對你的愛已經深入骨髓
The way I used to love you, oh宛如長久以來的習慣般,噢
I don't wanna know我一點都不想知道
No more "please stop”求求你別再冷言拒絕我
No more hashtag *boo'd up* screenshots不要再隨便拍照標註  和誰正在穩交
No more trying make me jealous on your birthday拜託你過生日時  別再試圖讓我感到妒忌
You know just how I made you better on your birthday, oh你明明知道  我以前為你籌備過更好的生日活動,噢
Do he do you like this, do he *woo* you like this他待你有我這般好嗎?他當初有像我這樣熱烈的追求你嗎?
Do he let it down for you, touch your poona like this他會為你放下身段嗎?會像我這樣觸碰你的私處嗎?
Matter fact, never mind, we'll let the past be事實就是如此  管他的!過去就讓他過去吧!
Maybe his right now, but your body's still me, woah或許現在是他擁有著你  但你的身體還是想念著我,woah
I don't wanna know, know, know, know我真的不想不想知道
Who's taking you home, home, home, home誰把你帶回家了
I'm loving you so, so, so, so我這般深深愛著你
The way I used to love you, no仿如過往我們還在一起時,不
I don't wanna know, know, know, know我完全沒有興趣了解
Who's taking you home, home, home, home你又跟誰共度春宵了
I'm loving you so, so, so, so我對你的愛已經深入骨髓
The way I used to love you, oh宛如長久以來的習慣般,噢
I don't wanna know, know, know, know我真的不想不想知道
Who's taking you home, home, home, home誰把你帶回家了
I'm loving you so, so, so, so我這般深深愛著你
The way I used to love you, no仿如過往我們還在一起時,不
I don't wanna know, know, know, know我完全沒有興趣了解
Who's taking you home, home, home, home你又跟誰共度春宵了
I'm loving you so, so, so, so我對你的愛已經深入骨髓
The way I used to love you, oh宛如長久以來的習慣般,噢
I don't wanna know我一點都不想知道
===week 52: 12/26-01/01===
*歌名:The Chainsmokers - Setting Fires
Down to my last match fire I touch just to feel劃下我手中最後一根火柴,去感受
Why is it easier to burn than it is to heal?為什麼烈焰吞噬總比修補治癒來的容易?
Out in the cold you've been你獨自處於寒霜之地
I begged you to come back in我乞求你回到我溫暖的身邊
But I can't do this again但我不能再一次冒險
I can't keep you from harm我無法保護你不受到外在的傷害
But I'm set on fire to keep you warm但我願燃燒自己,只為照亮你
I can't go on and on我不能再繼續下去
Setting fires to keep you warm燃燒自己,照亮你
I can't keep you from harm我無法保護你不受到外在的傷害
But I'm set on fire to keep you warm但我願燃燒自己,只為照亮你
I can't go on and on我不能再繼續下去
Setting fires to keep you warm燃燒自己,只為照亮你
I can't我不行
I can't go on and on我不能再繼續下去
Setting fires to keep you warm燃燒自己,只為照亮你
I've been looking for answers I don't want to hear我一直在找尋著我不願面對事實
Chest to chest with you I'm staring into a mirror和你面對面,如凝視一面懸鏡
Out in the cold you've been你獨自處於寒霜之地
I begged you to come back in我乞求你回到我溫暖的身邊
But I can't do this again但我不能再一次冒險
can't keep you from harm我無法保護你不受到外在的傷害
But I'm set on fire to keep you warm但我願燃燒自己,只為照亮你
I can't go on and on我不能再繼續下去
Setting fires to keep you warm燃燒自己,只為照亮你
can't keep you from harm我無法保護你不受到外在的傷害
But I'm set on fire to keep you warm但我願燃燒自己,只為照亮你
I can't go on and on我不能再繼續下去
Setting fires to keep you warm燃燒自己,只為照亮你
I can't我不行
I can't go on and on我不能再繼續下去
Setting fires to keep you warm燃燒自己,只為照亮你
What would I do?我該怎麼做?
What I wouldn't do to save you為了拯救你我願意做任何事
What would I do?我該怎麼做?
What I wouldn't do to save you為了拯救你我願意做任何事
I can't keep you from harm我無法保護你不受到外在的傷害
But I'm set on fire to keep you warm但我願燃燒自己,只為照亮你
I can't go on and on我不能再繼續下去
Setting fires to keep you warm燃燒自己,只為照亮你
can't keep you from harm我無法保護你不受到外在的傷害
But I'm set on fire to keep you warm但我願燃燒自己,只為照亮你
I can't go on and on我不能再繼續下去
Setting fires to keep you warm燃燒自己,只為照亮你
I can't我不行
I can't真的不行
I can't go on and on我不能再繼續下去
Setting fires to keep you warm燃燒自己,只為照亮你
I can't我不行
I can't真的不行
I can't go on and on我不能再繼續下去
Setting fires to keep you warm燃燒自己,只為照亮你
===week 01: 01/02-01/08===
===week 01: 01/02-01/08===
===week 02: 01/09-01/15===
===week 03: 01/16-01/22===

2017年1月16日 (一) 00:58的最新修訂版本

week 35: 8/29-9/04

  • 佳句:Don't let me down不要讓我失望,I need you right now沒錯我正需要你
  • 翻譯歌詞:

Crashing, hit a wall 停止不前使人崩潰

Right now I need a miracle 我現在需要點奇蹟

Hurry up now, I need a miracle 趕快,我需要奇蹟

Stranded, reaching out 在進退兩難時伸手求援

I call your name but you're not around 我喊著你的名字,但卻沒有回應

I say your name but you're not around 我說著你的名字,但卻沒有回應

I need you, I need you, I need you right now 我現在就須需要你

Yeah, I need you right now 沒錯,我正需要你

So don't let me, don't let me, don't let me down 所以別讓我失望

I think I'm losing my mind now 我想我正失去理智

It's in my head, darling I hope 寶貝我在我深深的腦海裡一直想著

That you'll be here, when I need you the most 當我最需要你的時候你就會出現

So don't let me, don't let me, don't let me down 所以別讓我失望

Don't let me down 別讓我失望

Don't let me down 別讓我失望

Don't let me down, down, down 別讓我失望

Don't let me down, don't let me down, down, down 別讓我失望

Running out of time 逐漸耗盡時間

I really thought you were on my side 我原本以為你跟我站在同一線

week 36: 9/05-9/11

  • 佳句:Don't you give up你不許放棄,Let me love you讓我再愛一次
  • 翻譯歌詞:

I used to believe We were burnin' on the edge of somethin' beautiful Somethin' beautiful

我相信我們一直 火燒在美麗的邊緣

Sellin' a dream Smoke and mirrors keep us waitin' on a miracle On a miracle

惡夢扔不掉 濃煙還擋在鏡前 看不見鏡裡的奇蹟

Say, go through the darkest of days Heaven's a heartbreak away

謂,我們已經渡過黑暗期 但是到天堂仍需一番掙扎

Never let you go, never let me down Oh, it's been a hell of a ride

不會讓你獨走,不要讓我傷心 這是一次地獄般的旅程

Driving the edge of a knife Never let you go, never let me down

奔馳在危險的刀緣 不會讓你獨走 不要讓我傷心

Don't you give up, nah-nah-nah I won't give up, nah-nah-na

你不許放棄 不 不 不 我也不放棄 不 不 不

Let me love you Let me love you


Don't you give up, nah-nah-nah I won't give up, nah-nah-nah

你不許放棄 我也不放棄

Let me love you Let me love you Oh baby, baby

讓我再愛一次 寶貝

Don't fall asleep At the wheel,

在車子上 不能睡著

we've got a million miles ahead of us Miles ahead of us


All that we need Is a rude awakening to know we're good enough Know we're good enough

我們需要不理性的互相提醒 相信我們有能力安抵達

Say, go through the darkest of days Heaven's a heartbreak away

謂,我們已經渡過黑暗期 但是到天堂仍需一番掙扎

Never let you go, never let me down Oh, it's been a hell of a ride

不會讓你獨走,不要讓我傷心 這是一次地獄般的旅程

Driving the edge of a knife Never let you go, never let me down

奔馳在危險的刀緣 不會讓你獨走 不要讓我傷心

Don't you give up, nah-nah-nah I won't give up, nah-nah-na

你不許放棄 我也不放棄

Let me love you Let me love you


Don't you give up, nah-nah-nah I won't give up, nah-nah-nah

你不許放棄 我也不放棄

Let me love you Let me love you Oh baby, baby

讓我再愛一次 寶貝

week 37: 9/12-9/18

  • 佳句:No I am not afraid 我一點都不怕,Like lions in the wild 就像荒野中的獅子
  • 翻譯歌詞:

Looking out for a new horizon 向外探詢著新視野

Reaching out I can almost see the place 伸出手我幾乎可以看到那個地方

Holding on with the heart that's frozen 握著那顆早已冷凍的心

In the dark but I am not afraid 在黑暗深處我卻不害怕

No I am not afraid 我一點都不怕

We'll be free but I don't know where we're going 自由的我們卻不知何去何從

You and me this is our life and we own it 這是屬於你我的人生

Like lions in the wild 就像荒野中的獅子

Like lions in the wild 就像荒野中的獅子

Like lions in the wild 就像荒野中的獅子

Looking out at the open skyline 看著開闊的天際線

Reaching out I can almost touch the place 伸出手我幾乎可以碰到那個地方

Where the lost one's find their freedom 那個迷失之人發現他們自由之處

In the dark but I am not afraid 在黑暗深處我卻不害怕

No I am not afraid 我一點都不怕

We'll be free but I don't know where we're going 自由的我們卻不知何去何從

You and me this is our life and we own it 這是屬於你我的人生

Like lions in the wild 就像荒野中的獅子

Like lions in the wild 就像荒野中的獅子

Like lions in the wild 就像荒野中的獅子

week 38: 9/19-9/25

  • 佳句:Welcome to the room of people歡迎大家的到來,You'll never know你永遠不會知道
  • 翻譯歌詞:

All my friends are heathens, take it slow 我的好友們個個都是異教徒 別緊張

Wait for them to ask you who you know 等待著他們對你一一詢問

Please don't make any sudden moves 麻煩請別輕舉妄動

You don't know the half of the abuse 你不會想知道半點這會帶來的痛楚

All my friends are heathens, take it slow 我的好友們個個都是異教徒 別緊張

Wait for them to ask you who you know 等待著他們對你一一詢問

Please don't make any sudden moves 麻煩請別輕舉妄動

You don't know the half of the abuse 你不會想知道半點這會帶來的痛楚

Welcome to the room of people 歡迎大家的到來

Who have rooms of people that they loved one day 那些曾經備受寵愛的使用者們顯然已經...

Docked away 不在了

Just because we check the guns at the door 當我們檢查了門上的槍枝

Doesn't mean our brains will change from hand grenades 不代表有著改用手榴彈的念頭

You'll never know the psychopath sitting next to you 你永遠不會知道 你身邊坐的是個神經變態

You'll never know the murderer sitting next to you 你永遠不會知道 你身邊坐的是個殺人兇手

You'll think, "How'd I get here, sitting next to you?" 你會開始思索 我是怎麼到來坐在你身邊的

But after all I've said, please don't forget 總而言之我必須說 請別忘了

All my friends are heathens, take it slow 我的好友們個個都是異教徒 別緊張

Wait for them to ask you who you know 等待著他們對你一一詢問

Please don't make any sudden moves 麻煩請別輕舉妄動

You don't know the half of the abuse 你不會想知道半點這會帶來的痛楚

We don't deal with outsiders very well 我們不太擅長如何與外人交流

They say newcomers have a certain smell 他們說新來的總帶有著特別的味道

You have trust issues, not to mention 你有些信用問題 無須多提

They say they can smell your intentions 他們說能清楚問到你的意圖

You'll never know the freakshow sitting next to you 你永遠不會知道 你身邊的是場荒誕怪胎秀

You'll have some weird people sitting next to you 你將會發現有些怪異之人坐在你身邊

You'll think "How did I get here, sitting next to you?" 你會開始思索 我是怎麼到來坐在你身邊的

But after all I've said, please don't forget 總而言之我必須說 請別忘了

All my friends are heathens, take it slow 我的好友們個個都是異教徒 別緊張

Wait for them to ask you who you know 等待著他們對你一一詢問

Please don't make any sudden moves 麻煩請別輕舉妄動

You don't know the half of the abuse 你不會想知道半點這會帶來的痛楚

All my friends are heathens, take it slow 我的好友們個個都是異教徒 別緊張

Wait for them to ask you who you know 等待著他們對你一一詢問

All my friends are heathens, take it slow 我的好友們個個都是異教徒 別緊張

Wait for them to ask you who you know 等待著他們對你一一詢問

Why'd you come, you knew you should have stayed 你為何而來 你知道的乖乖待著才是明智抉擇

I tried to warn you just to stay away 我曾試圖讓你了解你應該遠離一點

And now they're outside ready to bust 而現在看看外面的人們滿面兇惡

It looks like you might be one of us 說不定你也是我們的一員

week 39: 9/26-10/02

  • 歌名:The Nights
  • 佳句:
  1. He said, "One day you'll leave this world behind他說:有天你會離開這個世界
  2. So live a life you will remember."所以過個你不會忘記的人生吧
  3. My father told me when I was just a child我爸在我小時候時講了這些
  4. These are the nights that never die這會是永生不滅的夜晚
  5. My father told me 我爸跟我說

Hey, once upon a younger year 嘿,在年輕的時後

When all our shadows disappeared當我們的影子都消失時

The animals inside came out to play內心的野獸都出來遊玩

Hey, went face to face with all our fears嘿~當我們一起面對我們的恐懼時

Learned our lessons through the tears留著淚而得到教訓

Made memories we knew would never fade讓這段記憶烙印到我們身上永不消退

One day my father—he told me,有天我爸爸,他告訴我

"Son, don't let it slip away."兒子,別讓記憶溜走

He took me in his arms, I heard him say,他把我擁入懷中,我聽到他說

"When you get older當你越來越老時

Your wild heart will live for younger days 你狂野的心會留在年輕歲月中

Think of me if ever you're afraid."害怕的話就響起我吧

He said, "One day you'll leave this world behind他說:有天你會離開這個世界

So live a life you will remember."所以過個你不會忘記的人生吧

My father told me when I was just a child我爸在我小時候時講了這些

These are the nights that never die這會是永生不滅的夜晚

My father told me 我爸跟我說

When thunder clouds start pouring down當開始下起雷陣雨時

Light a fire they can't put out點起那不會被澆熄的火焰

Carve your name into those shining stars把你的名字印上那滿天星辰

He said, "Go venture far beyond these shores.他說:『去冒險看看吧。

Don't forsake this life of yours.別浪費你的生命

I'll guide you home no matter where you are."不論如何,我都會指引你

One day my father—he told me,有天我爸爸,他告訴我

"Son, don't let it slip away."兒子,別讓記憶溜走

When I was just a kid I heard him say,他把我擁入懷中,我聽到他說

"When you get older當你越來越老時

Your wild heart will live for younger days你狂野的心會留在年輕歲月中

Think of me if ever you're afraid."害怕的話就響起我吧

He said, "One day you'll leave this world behind他說:有天你會離開這個世界

So live a life you will remember."所以過個你不會忘記的人生吧

My father told me when I was just a child我爸在我小時候時講了這些

These are the nights that never die這會是永生不滅的夜晚

My father told me 我爸跟我說

These are the nights that never die這會是永生不滅的夜晚

My father told me 我爸跟我說 Hey, hey 嘿,嘿。

week 40: 10/03-10/09

  • 歌名:The Days
  • 佳句:
  1. These are the days we've been waiting for等待許久的日子終於到來
  2. On days like these who couldn't ask for more這些我們不奢求更多時間
  3. Keep them coming別管甚麼問題會出現
  4. Cause we're not done yet因為我們還沒來得及完成
  5. These are the days we won't regret別管甚麼問題會出現因為我現在不後悔

Under the tree where the grass don't grow在寸草不生的樹下

We made a promise to never get old許下人老心不老的願望

You had a chance and you took it on me你將一個人生的藍圖交給了給我

And I made a promise that I couldn't keep而我無法做出藍圖的樣子

Heart ache, heart break痛心,心碎

All over town橫行在城鎮

But something flipped like a switch when you came around但你的出現開啟時光倒轉的開關

And I'm in pieces, pick me up, and put me together我如拼圖般碎成好幾萬片,拾起遺骸,把我重新拼湊起

These are the days we've been waiting for等待許久的日子終於到來

On days like these who couldn't ask for more這些我們不奢求更多時間

Keep them coming別管甚麼問題會出現

Cause we're not done yet因為我們還沒來得及完成

These are the days we won't regret別管甚麼問題會出現因為我現在不後悔

These are the days we won't forget這些日子將永不忘記

These are the days we've been waiting for我們已經等待許久

Rattle the cage and slam that door囚禁我們牢籠正發出邪笑,關上那扇窘態的牢門

And the world is calling us世間萬物正呼喚著我們

But just not yet但我們的命運會突破他

These are the days we won't regret這些日子我們將不會帶著悔意

These are the days we won't forget這些日子將永不忘記

Out on the midnight外頭的夜深人靜

The wild ones howl野性興起嚎聲

the lost boys have thrown in the towel而我也放棄了一切

We used to believe we were stars aligned我們曾堅信我們的愛如星斗不滅

You made a wish and I fell out of time而你的願望我卻給不出你要的炎熱

Time flew, cut through歲月荏苒,光蔭鑿穿

All over town 溢漫在這城鎮 You make me bleed when I look up當我抬頭仰望,你卻使我流血成河

And you're not around而遲遲找不到你

But I'm in pieces, pick me up, and put me together但我依然吃癡癡的等你回來牽起這雙手

These are the days we've been waiting for這是我們等待許久的日子

Neither of us knows what's in store我們不知道什麼會毫無保留給我們

You just roll your window down place your bets你只要搖下車窗置好賭金

These are the days that we won't regret這些日子我們將不會挾帶悔意

These are the days that we we'll never forget這些日子我們永遠無法忘懷

And these are the days (these are the days)這些是日子(這些日子)

and these are the days (these are the days)這些日子(這些日子

week 41: 10/10-10/16

  • 歌名:closer

Hey, I was doing just fine before I met you嘿 在遇到妳之前我也過得很好

I drink too much and that's an issue but I'm OK雖然不小心喝得太多 但也沒什麼關係

Hey, you tell your friends it was nice to meet them嘿 妳告訴妳的朋友們 妳很高興能與他們相聚

But I hope I never see them again但我真希望永遠不會再見到他們

I know it breaks your heart 我知道這傷了你的心

Moved to the city in a broke down car 靠著一輛破車搬進這座城市中

And four years, no calls 四年以來毫無音訊

Now you're looking pretty in a hotel bar 現在你光鮮亮麗的出現在飯店酒吧中

And I can't stop 我再也壓抑不住了

No, I can't stop 不 我再也壓抑不住自己的感情了

So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your Rover 所以親愛的 在你的後座上將我拉進你懷中

That I know you can't afford 我知道你承擔不起這個誘惑

Bite that tattoo on your shoulder 輕咬一口你肩上的刺青

Pull the sheets right off the corner 把床單從角落拉起 Of the mattress that you stole 在那個從你室友那裡

From your roommate back in Boulder 偷過來的床墊上

We ain't ever getting older 我們好像永遠不會變老

We ain't ever getting older 我們好像永遠不會變老

We ain't ever getting older 我們好像永遠不會變老

You look as good as the day I met you 你看起來就像我第一次見到你那般耀眼

I forget just why I left you, I was insane 我早已忘了當初離開你的理由 我那時一定瘋了

Stay and play that Blink-182 song 留下來 重聽一次那首Blink-182的歌

That we beat to death in Tucson, OK 就是我們在那輛Tucson上熱情舞動的歌

I know it breaks your heart 我知道這傷了你的心

Moved to the city in a broke down car 靠著一輛破車搬進這座城市中

And four years, no calls 四年以來毫無音訊

Now you're looking pretty in a hotel bar 現在你光鮮亮麗的出現在飯店酒吧中

And I can't stop 我再也壓抑不住了

No, I can't stop 不 我再也壓抑不住自己的感情了

So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your Rover 所以親愛的 在你的後座上將我拉進你懷中

That I know you can't afford 我知道你承擔不起這個誘惑

Bite that tattoo on your shoulder 輕咬一口你肩上的刺青

Pull the sheets right off the corner 把床單從角落拉起

Of the mattress that you stole 在那個從你室友那裡

From your roommate back in Boulder 偷過來的床墊上

We ain't ever getting older 我們好像永遠不會變老

We ain't ever getting older 我們好像永遠不會變老

We ain't ever getting older 我們好像永遠不會變老

So baby pull me closer in the backseat of your Rover 所以親愛的 在你的後座上將我拉進你懷中

That I know you can't afford 我知道你承擔不起這個誘惑

Bite that tattoo on your shoulder 輕咬一口你肩上的刺青

Pull the sheets right off the corner 把床單從角落拉起

Of the mattress that you stole 在那個從你室友那裡

From your roommate back in Boulder 偷過來的床墊上

We ain't ever getting older 我們好像永遠不會變老

We ain't ever getting older 我們好像永遠不會變老

We ain't ever getting older 我們好像永遠不會變老

We ain't ever getting older 我們好像永遠不會變老

We ain't ever getting older 我們好像永遠不會變老

We ain't ever getting older 我們好像永遠不會變老

No we ain't ever getting older 不 我們永遠都不會變老

week 42: 10/17-10/23

  • 歌名:we don't talk anymore

We don't talk anymore, we don't talk anymore


We don't talk anymore, like we used to do


We don't love anymore


What was all of it for?


Oh, we don't talk anymore, like we used to do


I just heard you found the one you've been looking


You've been looking for


I wish I would have known that wasn't me


Cause even after all this time I still wonder


Why I can't move on


Just the way you did so easily


Don't wanna know


What kind of dress you're wearing tonight


If he's holding onto you so tight


The way I did before


I overdosed


Should've known your love was a game


Now I can't get you out of my brain


Oh, it's such a shame


That we don't talk anymore, we don't talk anymore


We don't talk anymore, like we used to do


We don't love anymore


What was all of it for?


Oh, we don't talk anymore, like we used to do


I just hope you're lying next to somebody


Who knows how to love you like me


There must be a good reason that you're gone


Every now and then I think you


Might want me to come show up at your door


But I'm just too afraid that I'll be wrong


Don't wanna know


If you're looking into her eyes


If she's holding onto you so tight the way I did before


I overdosed


Should've known your love was a game


Now I can't get you out of my brain


Oh, it's such a shame


That we don't talk anymore (We don't, we don't)


We don't talk anymore (We don't, we don't)


We don't talk anymore, like we used to do


We don't love anymore (We don't, we don't)


What was all of it for? (We don't, we don't)


Oh, we don't talk anymore, like we used to do


Like we used to do


Don't wanna know


What kind of dress you're wearing tonight


If he's giving it to you just right


The way I did before


I overdosed


Should've known your love was a game


Now I can't get you out of my brain


Oh, it's such a shame


That we don't talk anymore (We don't, we don't)


We don't talk anymore (We don't, we don't)


We don't talk anymore, like we used to do


We don't love anymore (We don't, we don't)


What was all of it for? (We don't, we don't)


Oh, we don't talk anymore, like we used to do


Don't wanna know


What kind of dress you're wearing tonight


If he's holding onto you so tight


The way I did before


I overdosed


Should've known your love was a game


Now I can't get you out of my brain


Oh, it's such a shame


week 43: 10/24-10/30

  • 歌名:Zedd - Beautiful Now ft

I see what you're wearing 我看到你的裝扮

there's nothing beneath it 沒有東西隱藏於其下

Forgive me for staring 原諒我注視著你

forgive me for breathing 原諒著我的呼吸

We might not know why 我們也許不知道為什麼

we might not know how 我們或許不知如何是好

But baby, tonight 但寶貝,今晚

we're beautiful now 現在我們是美麗的

we're beautiful now 現在我們是美麗的

we're beautiful now 現在我們是美麗的

We might not know why 我們也許不知道為什麼

we might not know how 我們或許不知如何是好

But baby, tonight 但寶貝,今晚

we're beautiful now 現在我們是美麗的

We'll light up the sky 我們點亮天空

we'll open the clouds 我們掀開雲朵

Cause baby, tonight 因為寶貝今晚

we're beautiful now 我們是美麗的

we're beautiful 我們是美麗的

Wherever it's going 不論到哪

I'm gonna chase it 我都會去追逐

Wht's left of this moment 不論此刻剩下什麼

I'm not gonna waste it 我都不會浪費

Stranded together 困在一起

our worlds have collided 我們的世界碰撞在一起

This won't be forever 這不會是永恆的

so why try to fight it? 所以為什麼要爭吵呢?

we're beautiful now 我們是美麗的

we're beautiful now 我們是美麗的

We might not know why 我們也許不知道為什麼

we might not know how 我們或許不知如何是好

But baby, tonight 但寶貝,今晚

we're beautiful now 我們是美麗的

We'll light up the sky 我們點亮天空

we'll open the clouds 我們掀開雲朵

Cause baby, tonight 因為寶貝今晚

we're beautiful now 我們是美麗的

we're beautiful 我們是美麗的

we're beautiful 我們是美麗的

Let's live tonight like fireflies 一起像螢火蟲般生活

And one by one light up the sky 一個接著點亮天空

We disappear and pass the crown 我們從人群中穿越

You're beautiful… 你是美麗的

you're beautiful 你是美麗的

we're beautiful now 現在我們是美麗的

we're beautiful now(beautiful) 現在我們是美麗的

week 44: 10/31-11/06

week 45: 11/07-11/13

  • 歌名:Zedd - Beautiful Now ft

I see what you're wearing 我看到你的裝扮

there's nothing beneath it 沒有東西隱藏於其下

Forgive me for staring 原諒我注視著你

forgive me for breathing 原諒著我的呼吸

We might not know why 我們也許不知道為什麼

we might not know how 我們或許不知如何是好

But baby, tonight 但寶貝,今晚

we're beautiful now 現在我們是美麗的

we're beautiful now 現在我們是美麗的

we're beautiful now 現在我們是美麗的

We might not know why 我們也許不知道為什麼

we might not know how 我們或許不知如何是好

But baby, tonight 但寶貝,今晚

we're beautiful now 現在我們是美麗的

We'll light up the sky 我們點亮天空

we'll open the clouds 我們掀開雲朵

Cause baby, tonight 因為寶貝今晚

we're beautiful now 我們是美麗的

we're beautiful 我們是美麗的

Wherever it's going 不論到哪

I'm gonna chase it 我都會去追逐

Wht's left of this moment 不論此刻剩下什麼

I'm not gonna waste it 我都不會浪費

Stranded together 困在一起

our worlds have collided 我們的世界碰撞在一起

This won't be forever 這不會是永恆的

so why try to fight it? 所以為什麼要爭吵呢?

we're beautiful now 我們是美麗的

we're beautiful now 我們是美麗的

We might not know why 我們也許不知道為什麼

we might not know how 我們或許不知如何是好

But baby, tonight 但寶貝,今晚

we're beautiful now 我們是美麗的

We'll light up the sky 我們點亮天空

we'll open the clouds 我們掀開雲朵

Cause baby, tonight 因為寶貝今晚

we're beautiful now 我們是美麗的

we're beautiful 我們是美麗的

we're beautiful 我們是美麗的

Let's live tonight like fireflies 一起像螢火蟲般生活

And one by one light up the sky 一個接著點亮天空

We disappear and pass the crown 我們從人群中穿越

You're beautiful… 你是美麗的

you're beautiful 你是美麗的

we're beautiful now 現在我們是美麗的

we're beautiful now(beautiful) 現在我們是美麗的

week 46: 11/14-11/20

  • 歌名:Fitz and the Tantrums – HandClap

Somebody save your soul cause you’ve been sinning in the city I know 因你做了些蠢事希望被拯救,我懂 Too many troubles, all these lovers got you losin’ control 太多茶包,太多關愛讓你失控 You’re like a drug to me, a luxury, my sugar and gold 不過你是我的靈藥、奢求、蜜糖和金礦 I want the good life 我想要好生活 Every good night you’re a hot one to hold 你能夠熱情的與我度過每晚

Cause you don’t even know 因為你從不知道 I can make your hands clap 我能讓你鼓掌 Said I can make your hands clap 說真的,我能讓你鼓掌

Somebody save your soul cause you’ve been sinning in the city I know 因你做了些蠢事希望被拯救,我懂 Too many troubles, all these lovers got you losin’ control 太多茶包,太多關愛讓你失控 You’re like a drug to me, a luxury, my sugar and gold 不過你是我的靈藥、奢求、蜜糖和金礦 I want your sex and your affection when I’m holding you close 我想要你,也想要你有所回應

Cause you don’t even know 因為你從不知道 I can make your hands clap 我能讓你鼓掌 Said I can make your hands clap 說真的,我能讓你鼓掌

Every night when the stars come out 每晚當星辰掛入天空 Am I the only living soul around? 我是唯一的漂浮靈魂嗎? Need to believe you could hold me down 我需要相信你能穩住我 Cause I’m in need of something good right now 因為我需要相信一件好事 We could be screaming till the sun comes out 我們可怒吼直至天明 And when we wake we be the only sound 當我們是僅存的聲浪 Get off my knees and say a prayer to change vows 我會跪下,並祈求改變

Bet I can make your hands clap 我能讓你鼓掌 Bet I can make your hands clap 我能讓你鼓掌 (Turn it up) (把手打開吧) Bet I can make your hands clap 我能讓你鼓掌

My fresh is searching for your worst and rest dont ever deny 我近日鮮事就是尋找你的至尊錯誤,而且不吝否認 I’m like a stranger, give me danger 把我當成陌生人吧,給我一些風險 All your wrongs and your rights 給我你的疏失、你的權力 secrets on broadway to the freeway, you’re a keeper of crimes 中正路到中山路的所有祕密,你究竟犯過多少蠢事 Feel no conviction, grapes of wrath can only sweeten your wine 你是否完全對信念無感,酒裡只有憤怒的葡萄甜(卻未有酒香)?

But you don’t even know 總之你從不知道 I can make your hands clap 我能讓你鼓掌 Said I can make your hands clap 說真的,我能讓你鼓掌

Every night when the stars come out 每晚當星辰掛入天空 Am I the only living soul around? 我是星夜下的唯一的漂浮靈魂嗎? Need to believe you could hold me down 我需要相信你能穩住我 Cause I’m in need of something good right now 因為我需要相信一件好事 We could be screaming till the sun comes out 我們可怒吼直至天明 And when we wake we be the only sound 當我們是僅存的聲浪 Get off my knees and say a prayer to change vows 我會跪下,並祈求改變 Bet I can make your hands clap 我能讓你鼓掌 Bet I can make your hands clap 我能讓你鼓掌 Bet I can make your hands clap 我能讓你鼓掌 Bet I can make your hands clap 我能讓你鼓掌 So can I get a hand clap? 請一起拍拍手吧!

week 47: 11/21-11/27

  • 歌名:Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball
  • 佳句:
  1. Don’t you ever say I just walked away 你難道沒說過 叫我離去
  2. I will always want you 但我總會在你身邊
  3. I can’t live a lie, running for my life 我不能活在謊言中 為了生活到處奔波
  4. I will always want you 但我會在你身旁

We clawed, we chained, our hearts in vain 那些掙捉,把彼此的心囚禁 到頭來還是白費力氣

We jumped, never asking why 我們改變著 卻從不問原因

We kissed, I fell under your spell 我們的親吻 我被你的魅力吸引

A love no one could deny 一段 沒有人敢否認的愛情

Don’t you ever say I just walked away 你難道沒說過 叫我離去

I will always want you 但我總會在你身邊

I can’t live a lie, running for my life 我不能活在謊言中 為了生活到處奔波

I will always want you 但我會在你身旁

I came in like a wrecking ball 我有如鐵球般沖來

I never hit so hard in love 我曾未為了愛情 那麼心痛

All I wanted was to break your walls 我想做的 只是想打破你的心房

All you ever did was break me 但你 從來只有傷害我

Yeah, you wreck me 是呀,你使我心痛

I put you high up in the sky 我把你捧得高高在天

And now, you’re not coming down 而你 卻不再歸來

It slowly turned, you let me burn 時間冉冉進行 你卻任由我在那焚燒

And now, we’re ashes on the ground 而現在 我們全變成了大地的塵灰

Don’t you ever say I just walked away 你難道沒說過 叫我離去

I will always want you 但我總會在你身邊

I can’t live a lie, running for my life 我不能活在謊言中 為了生活到處奔波

I will always want you 但我會在你身旁

I came in like a wrecking ball 我有如鐵球般沖來

I never hit so hard in love 我曾未為了愛情 那麼心痛

All I wanted was to break your walls 我想做的 只是想打破你的心房

All you ever did was break me 但你 從來只有傷害我

I came in like a wrecking ball 我有像鐵球般 沖來

Yeah, I just closed my eyes and swung 耶 我閉上了眼 擺盪著自己

Left me crouching in a blaze and fall 讓我砸入火坑 讓我墜落

All you ever did was break me 但你 從來只有傷害我

Yeah, you wreck me 是呀,你使我心痛

I never meant to start a war 我永遠不指望的是 跟你爭吵

I just wanted you to let me in 我想要的 只是看進你心房

And instead of using force 以取代 那種佔有慾

I guess I should’ve let you in 我也該承認 我該對你坦誠

I never meant to start a war 我永遠不指望的是 跟你爭吵

I just wanted you to let me in 我想要的 只是看進你心房

I guess I should’ve let you in 我想 當初 也該讓你進我心房

Don’t you ever say I just walked away 你難道沒說過 叫我離去

I will always want you 但我總會在你身邊

I came in like a wrecking ball 我有如鐵球般沖來

I never hit so hard in love 我曾未為了愛情 那麼心痛

All I wanted was to break your walls 我想做的 只是想打破你的心房

All you ever did was break me 但你 從來只有傷害我

I came in like a wrecking ball 我有像鐵球般 沖來

Yeah, I just closed my eyes and swung 耶 我閉上了眼 擺盪著自己

Left me crouching in a blaze and fall 讓我砸入火坑 讓我墜落

All you ever did was break me 但你 從來只有傷害我

Yeah, you wreck me 是呀,你使我心痛

Yeah, you wreck me 是呀,你使我心痛

week 48: 11/28-12/04

week 49: 12/05-12/11

week 50: 12/12-12/18

  • 歌名:Alan Walker - Alone

Lost in your mind迷失在你的腦海之中

I wanna know我想要知曉

Am I losing my mind我是不是困於自己的心中

Never let me go別放手,別讓我走

If this night is not forever假使這個夜晚不代表天長地久

At least we are together那麼至少你我曾經擁有彼此

I know I'm not alone這樣,我就不會孤單

I know I'm not alone我就知道我並不是孤單的

Anywhere whenever 隨時隨地

Apart but still together看似分離,實為相伴

I know I'm not alone (X4)我知道我不孤單

Unconscious mind腦袋有一點兒不清晰

I'm wide awake但我卻有顆清醒的心

Wanna feel one last time愛,只要再讓我感覺一次

Take my pain away那就足以把我的痛苦全部抵銷

If this night is not forever假使這個夜晚不代表天長地久

At least we are together那麼至少你我曾經擁有彼此

I know I'm not alone這樣,我就不會孤單

I know I'm not alone我就知道我並不是孤單的

Anywhere whenever隨時隨地

Apart but still together看似分離,實為相伴

I know I'm not alone (X4)我知道我不孤單

I'm not alone, I'm not alone我不孤單,我不孤單

I'm not alone, I know I'm not alone我知道我並不孤單

I'm not alone, I'm not alone我不孤單,我不孤單

I'm not alone, I know I'm not alone我知道我並不孤單

week 51: 12/19-12/25

  • 歌名:Maroon 5 - Don't Wanna Know

I don't wanna know, know, know, know我真的不想不想知道

Who's taking you home, home, home, home誰把你帶回家了

I'm loving you so, so, so, so我這般深深愛著你

The way I used to love you, no仿如過往我們還在一起時,不

I don't wanna know, know, know, know我完全沒有興趣了解

Who's taking you home, home, home, home你又跟誰共度春宵了

I'm loving you so, so, so, so我對你的愛已深入骨髓

The way I used to love you, oh宛如長久以來的習慣般,噢

I don't wanna know我一點都不想知道


And the more I drink the more I think about you嚥下去的酒水越多 你的音容笑貌卻越發清晰

Oh no, no, I can't take it噢不,不 我已經承受不住

Baby every place I go reminds me of you寶貝,無論身處何地 都會使我觸景傷情 Do you think of me你有哪怕一瞬間會想起我嗎?

Of what we used to be或者憶起我們的往事

Is it better now that I'm not around還是我不在你身邊了 你反而過得更好

My friends are acting strange好友都變得十分奇怪

They don't bring up your name他們對你絕口不提

Are you happy now你現在過得快樂嗎?

Are you happy now離開我的你 真的開心嗎?

I don't wanna know, know, know, know我真的不想不想知道

Who's taking you home, home, home, home誰把你帶回家了

I'm loving you so, so, so, so我這般深深愛著你

The way I used to love you, no仿如過往我們還在一起時,不

I don't wanna know, know, know, know我完全沒有興趣了解

Who's taking you home, home, home, home你又跟誰共度春宵了

I'm loving you so, so, so, so我對你的愛已經深入骨髓

The way I used to love you, oh宛如長久以來的習慣般,噢

I don't wanna know我一點都不想知道

And I every time I go out, yeah而每當我踏出家門,yeah

I hear it from this one, I hear it from that one耳邊總是傳來源源不絕 有關你的消息

Glad you got someone new真高興知道你找到了新歡

Yeah, I see but I don't believe it Yeah, 但我還是覺得難以置信

Even in my head you're still in my bed其實在我腦海中 每夜你依舊與我同床共枕

Maybe I'm just a fool也許我就是個該死的傻瓜吧!

Do you think of me你有哪怕一瞬間會想起我嗎?

Of what we used to be或者憶起我們的往事

Is it better now that I'm not around還是我不在你身邊了 你反而過得更好

My friends are acting strange好友都變得十分奇怪

They don't bring up your name他們對你絕口不提

Are you happy now你現在過得快樂嗎?

Are you happy now離開我的你 真的開心嗎?

I don't wanna know, know, know, know我真的不想不想知道

Who's taking you home, home, home, home誰把你帶回家了

I'm loving you so, so, so, so我這般深深愛著你

The way I used to love you, no仿如過往我們還在一起時,不

I don't wanna know, know, know, know我完全沒有興趣了解

Who's taking you home, home, home, home你又跟誰共度春宵了

I'm loving you so, so, so, so我對你的愛已經深入骨髓

The way I used to love you, oh宛如長久以來的習慣般,噢

I don't wanna know我一點都不想知道

No more "please stop”求求你別再冷言拒絕我

No more hashtag *boo'd up* screenshots不要再隨便拍照標註 和誰正在穩交

No more trying make me jealous on your birthday拜託你過生日時 別再試圖讓我感到妒忌

You know just how I made you better on your birthday, oh你明明知道 我以前為你籌備過更好的生日活動,噢

Do he do you like this, do he *woo* you like this他待你有我這般好嗎?他當初有像我這樣熱烈的追求你嗎?

Do he let it down for you, touch your poona like this他會為你放下身段嗎?會像我這樣觸碰你的私處嗎?

Matter fact, never mind, we'll let the past be事實就是如此 管他的!過去就讓他過去吧!

Maybe his right now, but your body's still me, woah或許現在是他擁有著你 但你的身體還是想念著我,woah

I don't wanna know, know, know, know我真的不想不想知道

Who's taking you home, home, home, home誰把你帶回家了

I'm loving you so, so, so, so我這般深深愛著你

The way I used to love you, no仿如過往我們還在一起時,不

I don't wanna know, know, know, know我完全沒有興趣了解

Who's taking you home, home, home, home你又跟誰共度春宵了

I'm loving you so, so, so, so我對你的愛已經深入骨髓

The way I used to love you, oh宛如長久以來的習慣般,噢

I don't wanna know, know, know, know我真的不想不想知道

Who's taking you home, home, home, home誰把你帶回家了

I'm loving you so, so, so, so我這般深深愛著你

The way I used to love you, no仿如過往我們還在一起時,不

I don't wanna know, know, know, know我完全沒有興趣了解

Who's taking you home, home, home, home你又跟誰共度春宵了

I'm loving you so, so, so, so我對你的愛已經深入骨髓

The way I used to love you, oh宛如長久以來的習慣般,噢

I don't wanna know我一點都不想知道

week 52: 12/26-01/01

  • 歌名:The Chainsmokers - Setting Fires

Down to my last match fire I touch just to feel劃下我手中最後一根火柴,去感受

Why is it easier to burn than it is to heal?為什麼烈焰吞噬總比修補治癒來的容易?

Out in the cold you've been你獨自處於寒霜之地

I begged you to come back in我乞求你回到我溫暖的身邊

But I can't do this again但我不能再一次冒險

I can't keep you from harm我無法保護你不受到外在的傷害

But I'm set on fire to keep you warm但我願燃燒自己,只為照亮你

I can't go on and on我不能再繼續下去

Setting fires to keep you warm燃燒自己,照亮你

I can't keep you from harm我無法保護你不受到外在的傷害

But I'm set on fire to keep you warm但我願燃燒自己,只為照亮你 I can't go on and on我不能再繼續下去

Setting fires to keep you warm燃燒自己,只為照亮你

I can't我不行

I can't go on and on我不能再繼續下去

Setting fires to keep you warm燃燒自己,只為照亮你

I've been looking for answers I don't want to hear我一直在找尋著我不願面對事實

Chest to chest with you I'm staring into a mirror和你面對面,如凝視一面懸鏡

Out in the cold you've been你獨自處於寒霜之地

I begged you to come back in我乞求你回到我溫暖的身邊

But I can't do this again但我不能再一次冒險

can't keep you from harm我無法保護你不受到外在的傷害

But I'm set on fire to keep you warm但我願燃燒自己,只為照亮你

I can't go on and on我不能再繼續下去

Setting fires to keep you warm燃燒自己,只為照亮你

can't keep you from harm我無法保護你不受到外在的傷害

But I'm set on fire to keep you warm但我願燃燒自己,只為照亮你

I can't go on and on我不能再繼續下去

Setting fires to keep you warm燃燒自己,只為照亮你

I can't我不行

I can't go on and on我不能再繼續下去

Setting fires to keep you warm燃燒自己,只為照亮你

What would I do?我該怎麼做?

What I wouldn't do to save you為了拯救你我願意做任何事

What would I do?我該怎麼做?

What I wouldn't do to save you為了拯救你我願意做任何事

I can't keep you from harm我無法保護你不受到外在的傷害

But I'm set on fire to keep you warm但我願燃燒自己,只為照亮你

I can't go on and on我不能再繼續下去

Setting fires to keep you warm燃燒自己,只為照亮你

can't keep you from harm我無法保護你不受到外在的傷害

But I'm set on fire to keep you warm但我願燃燒自己,只為照亮你

I can't go on and on我不能再繼續下去

Setting fires to keep you warm燃燒自己,只為照亮你

I can't我不行

I can't真的不行

I can't go on and on我不能再繼續下去

Setting fires to keep you warm燃燒自己,只為照亮你

I can't我不行

I can't真的不行

I can't go on and on我不能再繼續下去

Setting fires to keep you warm燃燒自己,只為照亮你

week 01: 01/02-01/08