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Introducing Taiwan I~V
第 31 行: 第 31 行:
#This hat is too big.  Please give me a small '''one'''(= hat).  這頂帽子太大了。請給我一頂小的。
#This hat is too big.  Please give me a small '''one'''(= hat).  這頂帽子太大了。請給我一頂小的。
#He has a big dog.  I have three small '''ones'''(= dogs).  他有一隻大狗。我有三隻小狗。
#He has a big dog.  I have three small '''ones'''(= dogs).  他有一隻大狗。我有三隻小狗。
#The cat on the table is much bigger that '''that''' (= the cat)on the chair.  在桌上的貓比在椅子上的大得多。
#The cat on the table is much bigger than '''that''' (= the cat)on the chair.  在桌上的貓比在椅子上的大得多。
#The flowers in the garden are more lively than '''those''' (= the flowers)in the vase.  花園裡的花比花瓶中的更有生氣。<br>lively adj. 有生氣的
#The flowers in the garden are more lively than '''those''' (= the flowers)in the vase.  花園裡的花比花瓶中的更有生氣。<br>lively adj. 有生氣的
第 46 行: 第 46 行:
#What’s the plan for my future career?  How can I achieve the goal? 我未來的生涯規劃為何,要如何才達成?
#What’s the plan for my future career?  How can I achieve the goal? 我未來的生涯規劃為何,要如何才達成?
==上課同學加考內容 Introducing Taiwan I~V==
===Introducing Taiwan I~V===
#The population of Taiwan '''is composed of''' four ethnic or subethnic groups.  台灣的人口'''包括'''四大族群。
#The population of Taiwan '''is composed of''' four ethnic or subethnic groups.  台灣的人口'''包括'''四大族群。
#West Coast Line makes '''to travel in this mountainous island fast''' possible.  <br>= West Coast Line makes '''it''' possible '''to travel in this mountainous island fast'''.  <br>縱貫鐵路使在這個多山的島嶼上快速旅行成為可能。  <br>Western Coast Line 鐵路縱貫線  mountainous ''adj.'' 多山的  possible ''adj.'' 可能的
#West Coast Line makes '''to travel in this mountainous island fast''' possible.  <br>= West Coast Line makes '''it''' possible '''to travel in this mountainous island fast'''.  <br>縱貫鐵路使在這個多山的島嶼上快速旅行成為可能。  <br>Western Coast Line 鐵路縱貫線  mountainous ''adj.'' 多山的  possible ''adj.'' 可能的
第 54 行: 第 53 行:
#When you come to Pingxi, the old streets is '''a must-go destination'''.  <br>當你來到平溪,老街是'''絕不能錯過的景點'''。  <br>destination ''n.'' 目的地
#When you come to Pingxi, the old streets is '''a must-go destination'''.  <br>當你來到平溪,老街是'''絕不能錯過的景點'''。  <br>destination ''n.'' 目的地
====二、應用字彙 (選十個考)====
===應用字彙 (選十個考)===
#climate 氣候
#climate 氣候
#except for 除了...之外
#except for 除了...之外
第 71 行: 第 70 行:
#remain 仍然是
#remain 仍然是
====三、認識字彙 (選十個考)====
===認識字彙 (選十個考)===
#population 人口
#population 人口
#occasionally 有時
#occasionally 有時
第 89 行: 第 88 行:
==實習同學加考 旅遊實境英語 1-10 章==
==實習同學加考 旅遊實境英語 1-10 章==
===Introducing Taiwan I~V===
#Excuse me, could you do me a favor?  抱歉,可以幫我一個忙嗎?
#Excuse me, could you do me a favor?  抱歉,可以幫我一個忙嗎?
#Nice to meet you.  Keep in touch!  很高興認識你。保持聯絡!
#I’d like to book/reserve a flight from Paris to Taipei.  我想訂一張巴黎到台北的機票。
# I’d like to book/reserve a flight from Paris to Taipei.  我想訂一張巴黎到台北的機票。
#Could you check for me if the lavatory is vacant, please? 請幫我看看廁所是否是空的。
#Could you check for me if the lavatory is vacant, please?
#What’s the purpose of your visit to France? 你來法國的目的是什麼?
#What’s the purpose of your visit to the United States?
#What’s the port of your last departure? 來這個國家之前你去了哪個國家?
#What’s the port of your last departure? 來這個國家之前你去了哪個國家?
#I’d like to check out a day earlier.
#I’d like to check out a day earlier. 我想早一天退房。
#There is something wrong with the air conditioner.  Could you send someone to fix it?
#There is something wrong with the air conditioner.  Could you send someone to fix it? 空調壞了。可以派人來修嗎?
#When will the exhibition take place?  展覽什麼時候開始?
#When will the exhibition take place?  展覽什麼時候開始?
#Would you mind taking a photo of us? 你介意幫我們照一張相片嗎?
#Would you mind taking a photo of us? 你介意幫我們照一張相片嗎?
#I feel like throwing up.  我想吐。
#I feel like throwing up.  我想吐。
====二、應用字彙 (選十個考)====
===應用字彙 (選十個考)===
#cancel 取消
#cancel 取消
#aisle seat 靠走道座位
#aisle seat 靠走道座位
#baggage(美) = luggage(英) 行李
#baggage(美) = luggage(英) 行李
#cash 現金
#credit card 信用卡
#credit card 信用卡
#charge 收費
#charge 收費
#discount 折扣
#tour guide
#allergic 過敏的
#service charge
#receipt 收據
#attract 吸引
#attract 吸引
#resource 資源
#express mail 快遞
#focus 焦點
#wallet 皮夾
#various 多樣的
#against law 違法的
#remain 仍然是
#allow 允許
#express mail
#suit 適合
#dizzy 頭暈的
#against law
====三、認識字彙 (選十個考)====
===認識字彙 (選十個考)===
#departure 出境
#departure 出境
#arrival 入境
#arrival 入境
#travel insurance 旅遊保險
#money exchange 外幣兌換
#expiry date 到期日
#surname/ last name 姓
#money exchange外幣兌換
#additional fees額外的費用
#terminal 航廈
#terminal 航廈
#liquid 液體
#liquid 液體
#vacant 空的
#occupied 使用中
#occupied 使用中
#mineral water 礦泉水
#tap water 自來水
#exhibition 展覽
#tax free 可退稅的
#tax free
#duty free 免稅
#duty free 免稅
#security check
#boarding pass 登機證
#boarding pass
#laptop 筆記型電腦
#entrance fee 門票
#band-aid OK繃
#mineral water
#entrance fee
#tourist attraction
===第八章 Let’s Go Shopping===
#Excuse me, is there a shopping center around?  請問這附近有購物中心嗎?<br/>mall 購物中心    outlet 暢貨中心
#Excuse me, is this ?  請問這是可退稅的嗎?<br/>
#Do you have … here?  你們有...嗎?
#I’m just looking around.  我只是看看而已。
#I want something like this.  我想要類似這樣的。
#Do you have a refund policy?  你們有退貨服務嗎?
#Does it have a guarantee?  這個接受換貨/ 有保固期嗎?
#It doesn’t fit / suit me.  這個不合身
#I can’t find my size.  Can you help me to find it out?  我找不到我的尺寸,可以幫我找一下嗎?
#I’d like to buy a... / I’m looking for a...  我想買一件...
#Do you have these shoes in size…?  這款鞋子有...號嗎?
#Do you have the same pattern in other colors?  這個款式有別的顏色嗎?
===第九、十章  Bank, Post Office, and Hospital; Tax Refund===
====一、郵局 Post Office====
#What’s the postage for an express mail to Taipei?  寄到台北的快遞多少錢?<br/>registered letter 掛號信
#Excuse me, where can I send this parcel?  請問我要在哪個櫃台寄這個包裹?
#Can I have the receipt, please?  可以給我收據嗎?
====二、藥局、診所、醫院  Pharmacy, Clinic, and Hospital====
#Have you got something for diarrhea?  有沒有腹瀉的藥?<br/>sunburn 曬傷    period pains 經痛    headache 頭痛    stomachache 肚子痛  a sore throat喉嚨痛
#I need some suntan lotion, please.  我需要一些防曬霜。<br/>sanitary pad 衛生棉    travel sickness pill 暈車藥    aspirin 阿斯匹靈    plaster/ band-aid OK繃   painkiller 止痛藥    condom 保險套
#I need a doctor who speaks English.  我需要一位會說中文/英文的醫生。
#My feet/ legs/ back hurts.  我雙腳/雙腿/背痛。<br/>sore 痠痛
#I feel sick/ dizzy.  我覺得噁心/頭暈。
#I have diarrhea/ food allergy/ a headache/ a cold/ a running nose/ a stomachache.  我拉肚子/食物過敏/頭痛/感冒/流鼻涕/肚子痛胃痛。
#I am allergic to aspirin.  我對阿斯匹靈過敏。
====三、緊急狀況 Emergency====
#I need an ambulance.  我需要救護車。
#I have been attack/robbed.  我被攻擊/搶劫了。
#My purse has been stolen.  我的錢包被偷了。<br/>wallet 皮夾
#I want to contact my embassy/ consulate.  我要聯絡我們國家的使館/領事館。
#I am innocent.  I need a lawyer.  我是無辜的。我需要律師。
#Sorry, I didn’t realize it was against law.  抱歉,我不知道這是違法的。
#My human right was abused.  我的人權受到侵害。
#You are under arrest.  你被逮捕了。
#You have to pay a fine.  你必須支付罰金。
#Your document, please.  請出示你的證件。
====四、商店 Shops and Stores====
#How do I claim VAT back on my purchases?  購買的商品要如何退?
#How much do I have to spend to get tax refund?  最少要消費多少錢才能退費?
#Can I get tax refund for this one?  這東西可以退稅嗎?
#Is this tax free/ duty-free?  這是可退稅/免稅的嗎?
#May I get a tax refund form, please?  可以給我一張退稅表格嗎?
#Please show me how to fill in this form.  請告訴我如何填寫這個表格。
====五、機場 Airport====
#Can I get my VAT/GST refund in Euros/US dollars/NTD?  我的增值稅/消費稅 退稅能拿歐元/美金/台幣嗎?
#Where do I get cash refund?  我要在哪裡領取我的退稅款?
#I’d like to get my refund by cash.  我想要現金退稅。
#[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDte45Cevhk&feature=share&fbclid=IwAR3Ikb6StFPRoelkpkUkmWGzNOn0wCkDb5XoSjLc1QaWIk7lHl1tcTcoOGQ&feature=share How (not) to behave in a museum]
#[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLioQ8fKhrE&fbclid=IwAR0sxKXgSlht8eg3FBoivv9laGPtGEwAVVS6HjMpxtjlpNGGpeOrEOoQhvg&feature=share Visiting a Museum]
#[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbwYVKA7aas 如何用英文點餐]
#[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTPxl5Jz5NM&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR0dD64tbmkYAs7WpKrPgVOWY6NZzCYDo6TCkIed_fOTBCOqloWCYlP0_qA 10句常用英文#6【餐廳點餐篇】]
#[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Chm4tU1tOlo&fbclid=IwAR0KVJMNkavTqBDjGTQsST8YQLe3zReNjm0gbTlI1uiivwZfTZmUKyZsSzk Must-Know Phrases to Go Shopping in English]
#[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEBZmUU16rU&fbclid=IwAR0GzDIRIg10qMjBer_-a1XCMFtqI3DhmIOhxKaNu2w94lpHOlPo3s_Yzhk 10句常用英文#5【購物衣服篇】]
#[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-g3VqBJeKzU 緊急情況必備英文句]
#[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOOsdQ_9jmY 日常英文單字【感冒篇】]
:tourist attraction 觀光景點  entrance fee 入場費;門票費用  exhibit 展覽品  object 物品  photography 拍照
:minus 減去  beverage 飲料tap water 自來水  mineral water 礦泉水  guarantee 保證
:registered letter 掛號信  parcel 包裹  diarrhea 腹瀉  embassy 大使館  consulate 領事館

2019年1月8日 (二) 22:20的最新修訂版本




Alishan Forest Railway 阿里山森林鐵路
The famous Alishan Forest Railway was originally constructed when Taiwan was under Japanese rule.
It served as an industrial railway system that provided a more efficient way to transport the logs from the once productive Alishan forest.
Today, Alishan has become a national park and tree felling in any form is strictly prohibited, but Alishan Forest Railway is still operating as a tourist transportation method.
With its rich history and extraordinary views of forests and mountains along the way, Alishan Forest Railway holds a very important place in Taiwanese tourism industry.



Sun-Moon Lake 日月潭
Not too far from Taichung, you’ll find the famous Sun Moon Lake.
Located in Nantou County; it is the largest freshwater lake in Taiwan.
It is a combination of two lakes, one of which is shaped like the sun and the other shaped like the moon.
That’s how it was given the name Sun Moon Lake.
This lake and the surrounding areas are very beautiful.
What’s more, the weather is pleasant all year round.
It is home to the Thao tribe. It’s not too surprising that indigenous people established communities here.
Nowadays, you can enjoy the natural beauty of Sun Moon Lake and experience some indigenous culture at the same time.

現在,你可以在欣賞日月潭 自然美景的同時,體驗原住民文化。

In recent years, new hotels have been built to replace the old ones.
Walking and cycling paths have also been constructed along with new boating facilities.
Boating is a popular activity for tourists. Boats can be rented in Shuishe Village.
Visitors can also explore Lalu Island in the center of the lake.
If going solo isn’t your thing, it’s possible to take organized tours of the lake.
Most tours visit all the sights, and some of them even include birdwatching.
It is possible to travel around by bus, but it can be a little slow sometimes.
Other travel options include renting a car or bicycle, walking around the lake for all day are really nice, too.

遊客也可以探訪位在潭中央的拉魯島 。

句型 英翻中

  1. Taiwan is noted for its natural beauty. 台灣因為自然美景而有名
  2. Taiwan is famous to people in the world. 台灣世界上的人來說很有名
  3. Taiwan is known as Formosa. 台灣別名 Formosa。
  4. I like various kinds of fruits, including apples and bananas.我喜歡各種水果,包括蘋果和香蕉。
  5. I like various kinds of fruits, apples and bananas included.我喜歡各種水果,包括蘋果和香蕉。
    various adj. 多樣的
  6. The villa is located on the top of Yangmingshan. 那棟別墅位於陽明山頂。
  7. Kenting National Park is located in Pingtung. 墾丁國家公園位於屏東。
  8. Mike along with his friends likes music. Mike 他的朋友都喜歡音樂。
  9. Mike as well as his friends likes music. Mike 他的朋友都喜歡音樂。
  10. This hat is too big. Please give me a small one(= hat). 這頂帽子太大了。請給我一頂小的。
  11. He has a big dog. I have three small ones(= dogs). 他有一隻大狗。我有三隻小狗。
  12. The cat on the table is much bigger than that (= the cat)on the chair. 在桌上的貓比在椅子上的大得多。
  13. The flowers in the garden are more lively than those (= the flowers)in the vase. 花園裡的花比花瓶中的更有生氣。
    lively adj. 有生氣的

句型 中翻英

  1. You can’t travel to Taiwan without paying a visit to Sun Moon Lake. It is one of the most important scenic spots in Taiwan.
    pay a visit to ~= visit ~ v. 拜訪;參觀 ~ scenic spot n. 景點
  2. There’s a wide variety of snacks, hot foods, and interesting things to try, and they are incredibly tasty and really affordable.
    incredibly adj. 驚人的 tasty adj. 美味的 affordable adj. 可負擔的
  3. We have a lot of night markets and food stalls, worth visiting to have a taste of local specialty snacks like bubble tea, stinky tofu, and pig blood cake.
    stall n. 攤位 have a taste of ~ 品嚐~ local adj. 當地的 specialty n. 特色;特產 snack n. 點心
  4. Taiwan is also a paradise for fruit lovers. There are different sorts of delicious fruits, including mangoes, pineapples, and a lot more.
    paradise n. 天堂


  1. What are the five most important things of my life? 在我的生命中,最重要的5件事是什麼?
  2. If I could live for only one more day, what would I do to spend the 24 hours? 假如我只剩一天的生命,我最想做的事是什麼?
  3. If I were a billionaire, how would I male use of my money? 假如我是個億萬富翁,我如何運用這筆錢?
  4. What’s the plan for my future career? How can I achieve the goal? 我未來的生涯規劃為何,要如何才達成?

上課同學加考內容 Introducing Taiwan I~V


  1. The population of Taiwan is composed of four ethnic or subethnic groups. 台灣的人口包括四大族群。
  2. West Coast Line makes to travel in this mountainous island fast possible.
    = West Coast Line makes it possible to travel in this mountainous island fast.
    Western Coast Line 鐵路縱貫線 mountainous adj. 多山的 possible adj. 可能的
  3. Besides apples, I like bananas and cherries.
    = In addition to apples, I like bananas and cherries.
  4. When you come to Pingxi, the old streets is a must-go destination.
    destination n. 目的地

應用字彙 (選十個考)

  1. climate 氣候
  2. except for 除了...之外
  3. experience 體驗;經驗
  4. unique 獨特的
  5. complete 完整的
  6. system 系統
  7. allow 允許
  8. attend 參加
  9. distance 距離
  10. discovery 發現
  11. attract 吸引
  12. resource 資源
  13. focus 焦點
  14. various 多樣的
  15. remain 仍然是

認識字彙 (選十個考)

  1. population 人口
  2. occasionally 有時
  3. roughly 大約
  4. texture 口感;質地
  5. transportation 交通運輸
  6. passenger 乘客
  7. major 主要的
  8. indigenous 原住民的
  9. flavor 口味;風味
  10. period 期間
  11. development 發展
  12. primarily 主要地
  13. communication service 通訊服務
  14. technology 科技
  15. meanwhile 同時

實習同學加考 旅遊實境英語 1-10 章


  1. Excuse me, could you do me a favor? 抱歉,可以幫我一個忙嗎?
  2. I’d like to book/reserve a flight from Paris to Taipei. 我想訂一張巴黎到台北的機票。
  3. Could you check for me if the lavatory is vacant, please? 請幫我看看廁所是否是空的。
  4. What’s the purpose of your visit to France? 你來法國的目的是什麼?
  5. What’s the port of your last departure? 來這個國家之前你去了哪個國家?
  6. I’d like to check out a day earlier. 我想早一天退房。
  7. There is something wrong with the air conditioner. Could you send someone to fix it? 空調壞了。可以派人來修嗎?
  8. When will the exhibition take place? 展覽什麼時候開始?
  9. Would you mind taking a photo of us? 你介意幫我們照一張相片嗎?
  10. I feel like throwing up. 我想吐。

應用字彙 (選十個考)

  1. cancel 取消
  2. aisle seat 靠走道座位
  3. baggage(美) = luggage(英) 行李
  4. credit card 信用卡
  5. charge 收費
  6. discount 折扣
  7. allergic 過敏的
  8. receipt 收據
  9. attract 吸引
  10. express mail 快遞
  11. wallet 皮夾
  12. against law 違法的
  13. allow 允許
  14. suit 適合
  15. dizzy 頭暈的

認識字彙 (選十個考)

  1. departure 出境
  2. arrival 入境
  3. money exchange 外幣兌換
  4. terminal 航廈
  5. liquid 液體
  6. occupied 使用中
  7. declare申報
  8. mineral water 礦泉水
  9. exhibition 展覽
  10. tax free 可退稅的
  11. duty free 免稅
  12. boarding pass 登機證
  13. laptop 筆記型電腦
  14. entrance fee 門票
  15. band-aid OK繃