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week 01: 01/02-01/08
第 1 行: 第 1 行:
*每週3則影片&敦煌小書。(2016/08/29 IEP)
*每週3則影片&地球村兩篇文章(抽考單字和片語+朗讀)。(2016/09/24 修改)
===week 35: 8/29-9/04===
===week 35: 8/29-9/04===
<span style='color:red'>請補上小書頁數進度</span>
<span style='color:red'>請補上小書頁數進度</span>
第 12 行: 第 16 行:
#[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/41638?ref=new 精靈寶可夢:玩家不能說的秘密!]
#[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/41638?ref=new 精靈寶可夢:玩家不能說的秘密!]
#[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/37112?ref=editor#post_comment_1 20個你不知道的強檔動畫片小秘密]
#[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/37112?ref=editor#post_comment_1 20個你不知道的強檔動畫片小秘密]
#https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/39082?ref=new 當你減重時你的脂肪去哪了]
#[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/39082?ref=new 當你減重時你的脂肪去哪了]
===week 37: 9/12-9/18===
===week 37: 9/12-9/18===
<span style='color:red'>請補上小書頁數進度</span>
#[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/38974?ref=hot-week 用最道地的用法說shit]
#[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/38974?ref=hot-week 用最道地的用法說shit]
#https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/42289?ref=new 試著在一個禮拜內成為韓星?]
#[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/42289?ref=new 試著在一個禮拜內成為韓星?]
#[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/38462?ref=hot-week 冰雪奇緣:去你的期末考]
#[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/38462?ref=hot-week 冰雪奇緣:去你的期末考]
===week 38: 9/19-9/25===
===week 38: 9/19-9/25===
*<span style='color:red'>9/22(四)未放上維基</span>
*a midsummer night's dream p43~58
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9Mv6gXqADM KATNISS vs HERMIONE: Princess Rap Battle]
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55Ej8AoKCRQ FREYA vs RAVENNA: Princess Rap Battle]
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeZXQf77hhk CINDERELLA vs BELLE: Princess Rap Battle]
===week 39: 9/26-10/02===
===week 39: 9/26-10/02===
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5k5e9RW8Og MALEFICENT vs DAENERYS: Princess Rap Battle]
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcrQvoCzs80 SNOW WHITE vs ELSA]
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vICX-6dMOuA Cleopatra VS Marilyn Monroe]
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8SFxKONVlk English sub - The first U.S presidential debate - Donal Trump vs Hillary Clinton](00:00~23:26)
*The King Of Fruit p48~p51
*Cornfield Volcano p53~p55
===week 40: 10/03-10/09===
===week 40: 10/03-10/09===
#[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/39251?ref=editor# How interpreters juggle two languages at once - Ewandro Magalhaes]
#[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/18073?ref=editor#post_comment_1 How To Wake Up Better]
#[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/18632?ref=editor#post_comment_1 What your cat really thinks of you.]
#[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/37574?ref=editor Who We Can Love]
*The Smithsonian's latest p10~p13
*The Weight of Gold p14~p17
===week 41: 10/10-10/16===
===week 41: 10/10-10/16===
#[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/10845?ref=ted The most dangerous four-letter word: Dick Simon at TEDxBeaconStreet]
#[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/39102?ref=new When Your BFF Is In a Relationship (ft. Colleen & Joshua)]
#[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/43927?ref=new ProTip // 4 Common English Problems Taiwanese Students Have]
*Misfired missile p18~p19
*The Factory Factor p26~p29
===week 42: 10/17-10/23===
===week 42: 10/17-10/23===
#[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/17826?ref=ted Colin Grant- The son of a difficult father]
#[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/13848?ref=hot-week How Frozen Should Have Ended - Reissued]
#[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/42668#post_comment_3 What Happens To North Korean Defectors?]
*Waxy disease p36~p39
*A cockroach survival guide p40~p43
===week 43: 10/24-10/30===
===week 43: 10/24-10/30===
[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/40647?ref=teded How did Hitler rise to power? - Alex Gendler and Anthony Hazard]
[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/10733?ref=teded#post_comment_4 The loathsome, lethal mosquito - Rose Eveleth]
[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/20174?ref=teded TED-Ed:你是說猴子?棉頂狨猴的語言 - 安妮·薩維奇]
#The Coolest Cover Band p.48~51
#The Crystal Skulls p.52~55
===week 44: 10/31-11/06===
===week 44: 10/31-11/06===
[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/44160 Is it bad to hold your pee? - Heba Shaheed]
[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/38874?ref=new Why Is There Homosexuality?]
[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/28201?ref=new What is Marxism?]
#Need a Friend? Rent a Friend In Japan p.6~9
#A Diner's Dream p.10~13
===week 45: 11/07-11/13===
===week 45: 11/07-11/13===
#[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/45033?ref=teded The Egyptian Book of the Dead: A guidebook for the underworld]
#[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/36334?ref=teded#post_comment_1 How to Level Up Your Productivity]
#[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/44312?ref=editor#post_comment_2 What happens to our bodies after we die?]
#Rooftop rescue p.18~21
===week 46: 11/14-11/20===
===week 46: 11/14-11/20===
#[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/45337?ref=new#post_comment_1 10 Things Your Eye Color Reveals About You]
#[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/45399?ref=teded How the sandwich was invented | Moments of Vision 5 - Jessica Oreck]
#[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/40848?ref=teded#post_comment_2 The power of the placebo effect - Emma Bryce]
#The Mystery of Webb Hill p.30~33
#Rust in Red Square p.36~39
===week 47: 11/21-11/27===
===week 47: 11/21-11/27===
*[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/44885?ref=ted Tim Urban: Inside the mind of a master procrastinator]
*[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/4126?ref=editor DRAW MY LIFE - Harry Potter]
*[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/33864?ref=editor Nice Guys]
#Taiwan is Top p.44~47
#Untold Thanksgiving History p.48~51
===week 48: 11/28-12/04===
===week 48: 11/28-12/04===
#Jamie's Italian comes to Taipei p.12~13
#Penang cuisine p.52~p.55
#[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/22464 How we turned the tide on domestic violence]
#[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/44892?ref=editor#post_comment_1 The Oldest Child Is Smarter and Here's Why]
#[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/43216?ref=editor 5 Fairy Tales That Were Way Darker Than You Realized as a Kid]
===week 49: 12/05-12/11===
===week 49: 12/05-12/11===
===week 50: 12/19-12/25===
#[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/14711?ref=ted Williams - Dream big, live small]
===week 51: 12/26-01/01===
#[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/45376?ref=editor Long Distance Relationship-LDR]
#[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/44887?ref=editor Discovering KOREAN DRAMA]
#Tempest titles p.14~17
#Lyrics as Literature p.18~21
===week 50: 12/12-12/18===
#beating technophobia p.26~29
#another look at sandy hook p.30~33
#[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/45291?ref=new The Types Of Students In Your Class]
#[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/43947?ref=new Having a Sister]
#[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/41387?ref=teded Real life sunken cities - Peter Campbell]
===week 51: 12/19-12/25===
#going out in style p.41~43
#Harbin international ice and sculpture festival p.44~47
===week 52: 12/26-01/01===
#[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/46550?ref=new Australian vs British SLANG]
#[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/46401?ref=new Top 10 Miyazaki Films]
#[https://tw.voicetube.com/videos/47027?ref=teded What really happens to the plastic you throw away]
#Bedbugs Are Back p.52~55
#Dogs Allowed? p.56~p.59
===week 01: 01/02-01/08===
===week 01: 01/02-01/08===
===week 02: 01/09-01/15===
*<span style='color:red'>未放</span>
===week 03: 01/16-01/22===

2017年1月17日 (二) 13:56的最新修訂版本


  • 每週3則影片&敦煌小書。(2016/08/29 IEP)
  • 每週3則影片&地球村兩篇文章(抽考單字和片語+朗讀)。(2016/09/24 修改)

week 35: 8/29-9/04



  1. 如果妙麗是主角的話,劇情會怎麼走
  2. 這是斯巴達!原來古代的戰爭是這樣
  3. 【艾倫秀】超帥出櫃雙胞胎在艾倫秀現身說法!
  4. 誰是夏洛克‧福爾摩斯?

week 36: 9/05-9/11

  • A Midsummer night's dream:p1~p42


  1. 精靈寶可夢:玩家不能說的秘密!
  2. 20個你不知道的強檔動畫片小秘密
  3. 當你減重時你的脂肪去哪了

week 37: 9/12-9/18



  1. 用最道地的用法說shit
  2. 試著在一個禮拜內成為韓星?
  3. 冰雪奇緣:去你的期末考

week 38: 9/19-9/25

  • 9/22(四)未放上維基
  • a midsummer night's dream p43~58


week 39: 9/26-10/02



  • The King Of Fruit p48~p51
  • Cornfield Volcano p53~p55

week 40: 10/03-10/09

  1. How interpreters juggle two languages at once - Ewandro Magalhaes
  2. How To Wake Up Better
  3. What your cat really thinks of you.
  4. Who We Can Love


  • The Smithsonian's latest p10~p13
  • The Weight of Gold p14~p17

week 41: 10/10-10/16


  1. The most dangerous four-letter word: Dick Simon at TEDxBeaconStreet
  2. When Your BFF Is In a Relationship (ft. Colleen & Joshua)
  3. ProTip // 4 Common English Problems Taiwanese Students Have
  • Misfired missile p18~p19
  • The Factory Factor p26~p29

week 42: 10/17-10/23

  1. Colin Grant- The son of a difficult father
  2. How Frozen Should Have Ended - Reissued
  3. What Happens To North Korean Defectors?


  • Waxy disease p36~p39
  • A cockroach survival guide p40~p43

week 43: 10/24-10/30

How did Hitler rise to power? - Alex Gendler and Anthony Hazard

The loathsome, lethal mosquito - Rose Eveleth

TED-Ed:你是說猴子?棉頂狨猴的語言 - 安妮·薩維奇


  1. The Coolest Cover Band p.48~51
  2. The Crystal Skulls p.52~55

week 44: 10/31-11/06

Is it bad to hold your pee? - Heba Shaheed

Why Is There Homosexuality?

What is Marxism?


  1. Need a Friend? Rent a Friend In Japan p.6~9
  2. A Diner's Dream p.10~13

week 45: 11/07-11/13

  1. The Egyptian Book of the Dead: A guidebook for the underworld
  2. How to Level Up Your Productivity
  3. What happens to our bodies after we die?


  1. Rooftop rescue p.18~21

week 46: 11/14-11/20

  1. 10 Things Your Eye Color Reveals About You
  2. How the sandwich was invented | Moments of Vision 5 - Jessica Oreck
  3. The power of the placebo effect - Emma Bryce


  1. The Mystery of Webb Hill p.30~33
  2. Rust in Red Square p.36~39

week 47: 11/21-11/27


  1. Taiwan is Top p.44~47
  2. Untold Thanksgiving History p.48~51

week 48: 11/28-12/04

  1. Jamie's Italian comes to Taipei p.12~13
  2. Penang cuisine p.52~p.55
  3. How we turned the tide on domestic violence
  4. The Oldest Child Is Smarter and Here's Why
  5. 5 Fairy Tales That Were Way Darker Than You Realized as a Kid

week 49: 12/05-12/11

  1. Williams - Dream big, live small
  2. Long Distance Relationship-LDR
  3. Discovering KOREAN DRAMA


  1. Tempest titles p.14~17
  2. Lyrics as Literature p.18~21

week 50: 12/12-12/18

  1. beating technophobia p.26~29
  2. another look at sandy hook p.30~33
  3. The Types Of Students In Your Class
  4. Having a Sister
  5. Real life sunken cities - Peter Campbell

week 51: 12/19-12/25

  1. going out in style p.41~43
  2. Harbin international ice and sculpture festival p.44~47

week 52: 12/26-01/01

  1. Australian vs British SLANG
  2. Top 10 Miyazaki Films
  3. What really happens to the plastic you throw away


  1. Bedbugs Are Back p.52~55
  2. Dogs Allowed? p.56~p.59

week 01: 01/02-01/08

  • 未放