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week 49: 12/05-12/11
第 319 行: 第 319 行:
===week 50: 12/12-12/18===
===week 50: 12/12-12/18===
*#Hitting the hour mark.(10:41)
*#Hope there's nothing wrong(go?).(10:43)
*#I got held up.
*#I'm no snob.我不是勢利眼(17:01)
===week 51: 12/19-12/25===
===week 51: 12/19-12/25===
*Did we just get scolded?我們剛剛被批評了嗎(21:05)
*She's gonna notice if they're gone.(34:23)
*It's no big deal.(34:24)
===week 52: 12/26-01/01===
===week 52: 12/26-01/01===
===week 01: 01/02-01/08===
===week 01: 01/02-01/08===
===week 02: 01/09-01/15===
===week 03: 01/16-01/22===

2017年1月14日 (六) 18:19的最新修訂版本

week 35: 8/29-9/04

【艾倫秀】便利超商的荒謬商品 (Ellen Show Memorable Monologue: Cup Sizes)

  1. gulp
    • (v.)吞下,吞咽,狼吞虎咽地吃;忍氣吞聲
  2. sneak
    • (vi.)鬼鬼祟祟做事(vt.)偷偷摸摸地做鬼鬼祟祟的人,旅行鞋
  3. desert
    • 沙漠,不毛之地;功過,功罪,應得的賞(a.)沙漠的,荒無人煙的(v.)(vi.)逃跑掉
  4. stomach
    • 胃,食欲,欲望,肚子(vt.)消化,忍受
  5. fax
    • 傳真(vt.)傳真
  6. liquid
    • 液體,流體,流音(a.)液體的,透明的,明亮的,流動的,易變的

你是不是也曾經說過這八個謊言呢!(8 Little Lies You've Probably Told)

  1. on silent
    • 調靜音
  2. due
    • (a.)應支付的,到期的;預定應到達的,預期的;應有的,正當的;充分的應得物
  3. sparkly
    • 閃閃發光的
  4. chew
    • (vt.)咀嚼,嚼碎(vi.)咀嚼,細想咀嚼,咀嚼物
  5. fungus
    • 菌類,蘑菇

week 36: 9/05-9/11

【阿滴英文】我學習英文的歷程分享 (How I Learned English!)

  1. vlog
    • 影音日誌;影音部落格(由video和blog拼綴而成,指含有視頻內容的部落格)
  2. constantly
    • (ad.)不變地,不斷地,時常地
  3. practically
    • (ad.)實際上,事實上;幾乎,簡直
  4. cram
    • (vt.)塞滿,填滿,猛吃(vi.)貪吃塞滿
  5. enlightenment
    • 啟迪,教化
  6. effort
    • 努力,艱難的嘗試
  7. explicitly
    • 明確地
  8. expectation
    • 期待,期望,指望,預料
  9. quote
    • 引用(vt.)引述,舉証,報價(vi.)引用

【阿滴英文】台灣人一定會有的英文名字? (Taiwanese English Names // 台灣人一定會有的英文名字?)

  1. adapt
    • (vt.)使適應,使適合;改編,改寫(vi.)適應
  2. glory
    • (v.)光榮,榮譽;壯麗,輝煌�自豪,得意,狂喜
  3. credit
    • (v.)信任,信譽,信用,信貸,賒欠�榮譽,光榮,稱贊,給予榮譽
  4. diploma
    • 文憑,畢業証書
  5. literal
    • (a.)逐字的,字面上的,文字的,字母的印刷錯誤
  6. the rest of life
    • 餘生

week 37: 9/12-9/18

【艾倫秀】什麼!當艾倫變成總統的那一天?? (Ellen for President- talk show)

  1. penal
    • (a.)刑事的,刑法的,受刑的,受罰的,懲罰的
    • If you break the penal code,you'll get the result of penalization.
  2. secretary
    • 秘書,書記,大臣,部長,寫字桌
    • This person is the secretary of the president, who told me the president can meet us on 4pm.
  3. briefed
    • 介紹
    • She briefed him on last week's record.
  4. furthermore
    • 而且,此外
    • He made a wonderful performance, furthermore, he got NO.1 in this competition.
  5. illegal
    • (a.)違法的,不合規定的
    • This illegal organization is the biggest one that police wanted.
  6. henceforth
    • (ad.)自此以後,今後
    • The boss announced that it would henceforth salary increases.
  7. privilege
    • 特權,特別恩典,基本人權,特免(vt.)給與…特權,特免
    • Everybody in the entire world have the privilege.
  8. horn
    • 角,角質,喇叭(a.)角制的(vt.)用角觸,長角於
    • You should honk the horn to say thank you to the driver who made way to you.
  9. urgent
    • (a.)緊急的,急切的,催促的
    • The situation is more urgent right now.
  10. flattered
    • 受寵若驚
    • She felt flattered when the boss commended her.
  11. blurry
    • (a.)模糊的,不清楚的,汙臟的
    • Her eyes were getting blurred and she had to wear glasses.
  12. bumper
    • 緩沖器,滿杯,豐收(a.)大勝利的
    • The bumper sticker on that car is funny.

week 38: 9/19-9/25

【艾倫秀】超搞笑!艾倫在你耳裡惡搞 Ellen in Your Ear at Dunkin' Donuts!

  1. variety
    • 多種多樣,各種不同的;種類
    • Golden Retriever is one of the variety of dogs.

【艾倫秀】如何做選擇? (Ellen Show: So Many Choices)

  1. prescription
    • 處方,藥方;指示,命令,規定;時效,根據時效取得的權利
    • To use the correct way to use the prescription can be effective.
  2. cluttered
    • 雜亂的
    • his home was cluttered with many books.
  3. scope
    • 範圍,機會,廣度,眼界,觀察儀器,導彈射程
    • Her scope of work is to contact client.
  4. flavor
    • 滋味,香料(vt.)加味於
  5. deodorant
    • 除臭藥,防臭劑(a.)止臭的,防臭的
  6. spray
    • 水沫,浪花,水花,噴霧,噴霧器,小樹枝(vt.)噴霧,掃射,噴射(vi.)噴,濺散
  7. armpit
    • 腋窩

week 39: 9/26-10/02

【TED】擁有不浪費的人生 (Why I live a zero waste life | Lauren Singer | TEDxTeen)

  1. direct
    • (a.)直接的,徑直的;直截了當的,直率的(ad.)徑直地,直接地(vt.)管理,指導,指揮
  2. alignment
    • 隊列,結盟,校直
  3. necessary
    • (a.)必須的,需要的,必然的,不可缺少的必需品
  4. sentimental
    • (a.)感傷性的,感情脆弱的
  5. implementing
    • 實現
  6. protested
    • 抗議
  7. solution
    • 解決,解決方法;溶解,溶液
  8. culminating
    • (a.)達絕頂的,終極的,最後的
  9. sustainable
    • (a.)足可支撐的,養得起的,可以忍受的

week 40: 10/03-10/09

艾瑪華森:女性與其他弱勢者的權利不是特權,是應得權利 (Emma Watson' full speech at UN on Sept 20,2016)

  1. standard
    • 標準,水準,水平,規格,規範,規定;旗幟(a.)標準的,一般的
  2. refuge
    • 避難所,安全地帶,避難,庇護(vi.)躲避(vt.)庇護
  3. societyu
    • u社會;c團體,社會;u上流社會
  4. equality
    • u同等,平等;相等,等式
  5. interaction
    • 相互作用;干擾
  6. seminer
    • 研究會,討論發表會
  7. politics
    • 政治,政治學;政綱,政見,策略
  8. commitment
    • 委託,實行,承擔義務,贊助

week 41: 10/10-10/16

【跟著名人學英文】艾希頓庫奇獲得了美國青少年「終極票選獎」,與大家分享他的人生三大事!Ashton Kutcher-The Best Teen Choice Awards Acceptance Speech

  1. broader
    • 寬闊的,廣大的,概括的,一片(比較級)
  2. fraud
    • 騙子,欺騙,欺詐,詭計
  3. industry
    • u勤勞,勤奮;工業,產業
    • In the industry we do, still have many things we need to promote.
    • 在我們做的這個產業,還有很多東西我們需要去提升。
  4. award
    • 獎品,決定,判決(vt.)頒發,賞給
    • He got the mayor's award when he graduated from primary.
    • 他小學畢業時拿到市長獎。
  5. brutally
    • (ad.)獸性地;殘忍地
    • Let's be brutally honest to start the meeting.
    • 讓我們正經點開始會議吧。
  6. recipient
    • (a.)領受的,容易接受的,感受性強的領受者,容納者,容器
    • The award recipient went on the podium to said the award-winning reflections.
    • 這個得獎者上台講他的得獎感言。
  7. geriatric
    • 老年人
    • We took grandma out of the geriatric home.
    • 我們從養老院帶奶奶出來。

week 42: 10/17-10/23

  1. signal (n.) 信號、訊號
    • When she gave (them) the signal, they all cheered.
    • 當她發出信號後,他們都歡呼起來。
    • The fireworks were a signal that the festival had started.
    • 煙火是節日開始的信號。
  2. risk (n.) 風險、危險
    • There's a high risk of another accident happening in this fog.
    • 這麼大的霧可能再次造成事故。
    • We want clean rivers and lakes, where you can swim without risk to your health.
    • 我們需要清理河流與湖泊,讓我們游泳不會危及健康。
  3. presentation (n.) 報告,演講,陳述;授予,頒發
    • The speaker gave an interesting presentation on urban transport.
    • 講者對城市的交通發表了有趣的談話。
    • The presentation of prizes and certificates will take place in the main hall.
    • 獎品和證書的頒發儀式將在大廳舉行。
  4. predicted (v.) 預言;預料,預計
    • It's still not possible to accurately predict the occurrence of earthquakes.
    • 現在仍然無法準確預報地震發生。
    • Who could have predicted that within ten years he'd be in charge of the whole company?
    • 誰能預料到十年內他會掌管整個公司?
  5. beyond (pre.)(adv.) 在…較遠的一邊;遠於
    • In the distance, beyond the river, was a small town.
    • 在河對岸的遠處有一座小鎮。
    • From the top of the hill we could see our house and the woods beyond.
    • 站在這個小山頭,能看到我們的房子和遠處的森林。
  6. stoned (adj.) (服用毒品後)神智恍惚的,飄飄然的
    • They spent the evening getting stoned.
    • 他們整個晚上都在吸食毒品,神智恍惚。
  7. tactless (adj.) 不得體的,不圓滑的,不明智的
    • It was tactless of you to invite his ex-girlfriend.
    • 妳邀請他的前女友很不明智。
  8. resist (v.) 反抗;回擊;抵抗;抵制;阻擋;抗拒
    • The soldiers resisted (the enemy attacks) for two days.
    • (面對敵人的進攻)士兵們抵抗了兩天。
  9. Gemini (n.) 雙子座

week 43: 10/24-10/30

  • 吸血鬼日記第一集
  • 不理解的
  1. Matt's that friend since childhood that you start dating because you owe it to yourselves to see if you can be more.
  2. I think you've had too much to drink.
  3. Trust me, you're not going to want to witness this.
  4. She's a dead ringer for Katherine.
  5. Let's just cut to the chase, let's just go straight for Elena.
  6. Is that supposed to be you moving on?
  • 可學習的
  1. I'm gonna get us a drink.
  2. Wait till you see what I can do with the fog.
  3. When'd you get here?
  4. Did not suit you.
  5. I've managed to keep my self busy.
  6. That's very clumsy of you.
  7. I take that as an invitation.
  8. Can we just give it a rest?
  9. Are you sober yet?

week 44: 10/31-11/06


  • 不理解的
  1. If I sit here long enough I'll end up talking myself out of it instead of doing what I started the day, saying I was going to do.(12:02)
  2. Stefan's not the one to brag.(16:20)
  3. I didn't know you were coming over.(17:24)
  • 可學習的
  1. Gran tried to explain it all, but she was looped on the liquor. So I kinda tuned out.
  2. Is she going to make a full recovery?
  3. I'm sorry for barging in.
  4. You say it like, every relationship is doomed to end.
  5. He's on the rebound and has raging family issues.
  6. Sleep tight.

week 45: 11/07-11/13

吸血鬼日記第二集20:02~end 不理解的

  1. So that's your game now dealing?(28:22)


  1. I didn't even have to force her into it.(28:05)
  2. Just ignore him.(28:11)
  3. I vote for none of the above.(28:43)
  4. The town could use a bit of a wake-up call.(33:14)
  5. What are you up to?(33:18)
  6. Give sb my best.(33:28)
  7. She is big on sth.(34:13)
  8. She kind of wigs out.It's like her thing.(34:40)
  9. Stick with the status quo.(39:35)

week 46: 11/14-11/20

吸血鬼日記第三集~19:33 有問題的

  1. This could have gone a completely different way.(01:52)


  1. Why the about-face? 你怎麼變卦了?(02:25)
  2. I'm all ears. 我洗耳恭聽(03:46)
  3. BTW By the way
  4. Hope you don't mind.(17:49)

week 47: 11/21-11/27


  • 可學習的
    1. I'm sure his answer differs from mine.(21:42)
    2. Everything that used to matter doesn't anymore.(22:10)
    3. You suffered a great loss.(27:20)
    4. Otherwise you wouldn't put an alternate meaning behind everything you say.(33:24)
    5. Tanner's m.i.a . 失蹤人員(37:01)
    6. I'm pissed at you.我對你很生氣(37:04)
    7. This was over the line.(37:38)

week 48: 11/28-12/04


  • He'll finally treat you like one.(10:47)
  • purge 淨化、清洗(11:25)
  • You're in no position to question me.(11:49)
  • You're gonna need it if you want to get rid of him.(13:32)
  • I have to go to the party anyway. (18:56) anyway似乎打錯字幕

week 49: 12/05-12/11


  • 不理解的
    1. Do you have another dance in you?(28:33)
  • 可學習的
    1. You look smashing!(20:55)
    2. I doubt that.我懷疑(21:27)
    3. I dreaded.我懼怕(22:50)
    4. I burden you with all of my drama.(31:07)
    5. I got all snotty.我煩透了(32:28)

week 50: 12/12-12/18


  • 不理解的
    1. Hitting the hour mark.(10:41)
    2. Hope there's nothing wrong(go?).(10:43)
    3. I got held up.
  • 可學習的
    1. I'm no snob.我不是勢利眼(17:01)

week 51: 12/19-12/25


  • Did we just get scolded?我們剛剛被批評了嗎(21:05)
  • She's gonna notice if they're gone.(34:23)
  • It's no big deal.(34:24)

week 52: 12/26-01/01

week 01: 01/02-01/08