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*[https://playoverwatch.com/en-us/heroes/genji/ Genji] 鬥陣特攻:Genji介紹  
*[https://playoverwatch.com/en-us/heroes/genji/ Genji] 鬥陣特攻:Genji介紹  
The cyborg Genji Shimada has made peace with the augmented body he once rejected, and in doing so, he has discovered a higher humanity.
The cyborg Genji Shimada has made peace with the augmented body he once rejected, and in doing so, he has discovered a higher humanity.
As the youngest son of the master of the Shimada ninja clan, Genji lived a life of luxury and privilege. He had little interest in the family's illegal businesses, and although he excelled at and enjoyed his ninja training, he spent most of his time pursuing a playboy lifestyle. Many within the clan considered the carefree Genji to be a dangerous liability, and they resented his father for coddling and protecting him. Following the clan leader's untimely death, Genji's older brother, Hanzo, demanded that Genji take a more active role in their late father's empire. Genji refused, enraging Hanzo. The tension between the brothers built to a violent confrontation that left Genji on the verge of dying.
As the youngest son of the master of the Shimada ninja clan, Genji lived a life of luxury and privilege. He had little interest in the family's illegal businesses, and although he excelled at and enjoyed his ninja training, he spent most of his time pursuing a playboy lifestyle. Many within the clan considered the carefree Genji to be a dangerous liability, and they resented his father for coddling and protecting him. Following the clan leader's untimely death, Genji's older brother, Hanzo, demanded that Genji take a more active role in their late father's empire. Genji refused, enraging Hanzo. The tension between the brothers built to a violent confrontation that left Genji on the verge of dying.Hanzo believed that he had killed his brother, but Genji was rescued by Overwatch and the intervention of Dr. Angela Ziegler. The global security force saw Genji as a potential asset in its ongoing operations to combat the Shimada clan. As Genji's injuries left him clinging to life, Overwatch offered to rebuild his body in exchange for his help. He was put through an extensive process of cyberization, which enhanced his natural speed and agility and augmented his superlative ninja skills. Transformed into a living weapon, Genji single-mindedly set about the task of dismantling his family's criminal empire.
*島田Genji原本十分排斥現在這個半人半機械的身體,如今他已經接受這個事實,並且能夠運用自如,同時發現更高層次的人性真諦。作為島田忍者氏族的最小的兒子,Genji生活了奢侈和特權的生活。 他對家庭的非法業務沒有興趣,雖然他出色地完成了他的忍者訓練,但他花了大部分時間來追逐花花公子的生活方式。 許多家族認為無憂無慮的Genji是一個危險的責任,他們憎惡他的父親溺愛和保護他。 繼氏族領導人不幸逝世後,Genji的哥哥Hanzo要求根基在他們已故父親的帝國中發揮更積極的作用。 Genji拒絕,激怒Hanzo。 兩兄弟之間的緊張關係造成了一場暴力抗,使Genji處於死亡的邊緣。
*島田Genji原本十分排斥現在這個半人半機械的身體,如今他已經接受這個事實,並且能夠運用自如,同時發現更高層次的人性真諦。作為島田忍者氏族的最小的兒子,Genji生活了奢侈和特權的生活。 他對家庭的非法業務沒有興趣,雖然他出色地完成了他的忍者訓練,但他花了大部分時間來追逐花花公子的生活方式。 許多家族認為無憂無慮的Genji是一個危險的責任,他們憎惡他的父親溺愛和保護他。 繼氏族領導人不幸逝世後,Genji的哥哥Hanzo要求根基在他們已故父親的帝國中發揮更積極的作用。 Genji拒絕,激怒Hanzo。 兩兄弟之間的緊張關係造成了一場暴力抗,使Genji處於死亡的邊緣。Hanzo相信他殺了他的兄弟,但Genji被Overwatch和Angela Ziegler博士的干預救出。Overawtch認為,這支全球維安部隊認為在往後對抗島田組的戰鬥中,。由於Genji的傷勢使他堅持生活,Overwatch提出重建他的身體,以換取他的幫助。他經歷了一個廣泛的網絡化過程,這提高了他的自然速度和敏捷性,並增強了他的最高級的忍者技能。變形成一個活的武器,Genji一心一意地設定了拆除他的家庭的犯罪帝國的任務。

2017年1月3日 (二) 19:22的修訂版本

  • Genji 鬥陣特攻:Genji介紹

The cyborg Genji Shimada has made peace with the augmented body he once rejected, and in doing so, he has discovered a higher humanity. As the youngest son of the master of the Shimada ninja clan, Genji lived a life of luxury and privilege. He had little interest in the family's illegal businesses, and although he excelled at and enjoyed his ninja training, he spent most of his time pursuing a playboy lifestyle. Many within the clan considered the carefree Genji to be a dangerous liability, and they resented his father for coddling and protecting him. Following the clan leader's untimely death, Genji's older brother, Hanzo, demanded that Genji take a more active role in their late father's empire. Genji refused, enraging Hanzo. The tension between the brothers built to a violent confrontation that left Genji on the verge of dying.Hanzo believed that he had killed his brother, but Genji was rescued by Overwatch and the intervention of Dr. Angela Ziegler. The global security force saw Genji as a potential asset in its ongoing operations to combat the Shimada clan. As Genji's injuries left him clinging to life, Overwatch offered to rebuild his body in exchange for his help. He was put through an extensive process of cyberization, which enhanced his natural speed and agility and augmented his superlative ninja skills. Transformed into a living weapon, Genji single-mindedly set about the task of dismantling his family's criminal empire.

  • 島田Genji原本十分排斥現在這個半人半機械的身體,如今他已經接受這個事實,並且能夠運用自如,同時發現更高層次的人性真諦。作為島田忍者氏族的最小的兒子,Genji生活了奢侈和特權的生活。 他對家庭的非法業務沒有興趣,雖然他出色地完成了他的忍者訓練,但他花了大部分時間來追逐花花公子的生活方式。 許多家族認為無憂無慮的Genji是一個危險的責任,他們憎惡他的父親溺愛和保護他。 繼氏族領導人不幸逝世後,Genji的哥哥Hanzo要求根基在他們已故父親的帝國中發揮更積極的作用。 Genji拒絕,激怒Hanzo。 兩兄弟之間的緊張關係造成了一場暴力抗,使Genji處於死亡的邊緣。Hanzo相信他殺了他的兄弟,但Genji被Overwatch和Angela Ziegler博士的干預救出。Overawtch認為,這支全球維安部隊認為在往後對抗島田組的戰鬥中,。由於Genji的傷勢使他堅持生活,Overwatch提出重建他的身體,以換取他的幫助。他經歷了一個廣泛的網絡化過程,這提高了他的自然速度和敏捷性,並增強了他的最高級的忍者技能。變形成一個活的武器,Genji一心一意地設定了拆除他的家庭的犯罪帝國的任務。

  • Hanzo 鬥陣特攻:Hanzo介紹