
在2024年7月19日 (五) 16:01由游士賢對話 | 貢獻所做的修訂版本

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event year Influence
1 Revision of the University Act 1994 1.The beginning of autonomy of university and selection of the Principle.
2.Abandoning the Common Required Courses List.
2 410 Education Reform 1994
3 The Commission on Education Reform in Executive Yuan 1994~1996
4 Legalization of parent-teacher association 1994
5 Reforming of teacher policies 1989~1995~1999
6 The Establishment and Development of Community Colleges 1998~
7 The first 21 reform 1999
8 Educational Fundamental Act 1999
9 The Compilation and Administration of Education Expenditures Act 2000
10 Grade 1-9 Curriculum 1998~2004~~2018