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* Prompt 17: Show Taiwan's president and officials in diplomatic meetings with leaders from the U.S. and Japan. Military personnel share handshake moments, emphasizing international cooperation. Use official settings like conference rooms or military bases.
* Prompt 17: Show Taiwan's president and officials in diplomatic meetings with leaders from the U.S. and Japan. Military personnel share handshake moments, emphasizing international cooperation. Use official settings like conference rooms or military bases.
* Prompt 18: The final scene should be a time-lapse of Taiwan’s coastline at sunrise, symbolizing resilience and hope. Overlay the conclusion text stating, "Through strengthened infrastructure and international support, Taiwan can maintain resilience against the threat of a blockade."
* Prompt 18: The final scene should be a time-lapse of Taiwan’s coastline at sunrise, symbolizing resilience and hope. Overlay the conclusion text stating, "Through strengthened infrastructure and international support, Taiwan can maintain resilience against the threat of a blockade."

2024年11月15日 (五) 16:40的最新修訂版本






五分鐘介紹影片大綱:台灣如何應對中共的封鎖作戰 1. 開場引言 (1分鐘)

  • 主題引導:介紹影片目標——分析中共圍台軍演的背景與台灣的應對策略。
  • 問題陳述:中共三次圍台軍演的目的為何?台灣應如何準備?
  • 過渡:接下來,我們將分段分析中共軍演的特徵與戰略,並討論台灣的對應措施。

2. 中共圍台軍演的背景 (1.5分鐘)

  • 三次軍演回顧:
   * 2022年8月4日:裴洛西訪台引發的四天軍演。
   * 2024年聯合利劍A:賴清德就職後的2天軍演。
   * 2024年聯合利劍B:賴清德國慶演說後的11小時軍演。
  • 軍事與政治信號:
   * 利用軍演施壓台灣,透過封鎖、心理戰達成目標。
   * 中共透過「鈞正平工作室」等渠道傳遞反台獨立場,批評賴清德提出的「互不隸屬」主張及台灣軍費增長。

3. 封鎖台灣的戰略思維 (1.5分鐘)

  • 封鎖戰略重點:
   * 封鎖核心:避免直接戰爭,企圖讓台灣社會崩潰,透過心理壓力迫使投降。
   * 解放軍的軍事優勢:
       * 航母戰鬥群與無人機群的長時間滯空能力。
       * 中程導彈與精準打擊的威脅,封鎖外部援助力量。
       * 2024年展示核武器第二擊能力,加強對台威脅。
  • 軍備現狀:
   * 解放軍在無人機與造艦能力的技術提升。
   * 北斗衛星的精確制導,支援其戰略目標。

4. 台灣的應對策略 (1.5分鐘)

  • 能源保障:
   * 台灣超過一半電力依賴天然氣,需發展替代能源如地熱、儲能技術與微電網。
  • 水與糧食自給:
   * 地下水開發與糧食自給率提升,推動黃小玉(馬鈴薯)等替代作物。
  • 通訊與基礎設施:
   * 面對海纜切斷與衛星訊號受阻,發展自給自足的網路通信方案。
  • 醫療與物流:
   * 強化應急醫療資源與分配系統,確保在封鎖期間的物資供應與運輸。

5. 結尾與未來展望 (1分鐘)

  • 台灣的長期準備:面對封鎖,台灣需做好長期的基建與制度調整,以撐過戰略封鎖。
  • 國際支持的重要性:台灣需要國際盟友的協助,如美日合作應對中共封鎖。
  • 總結:台灣儘管面臨巨大的威脅,但透過強化基礎設施與戰略準備,可以在壓力下維持韌性。



五分鐘影片生成影片的提示與每一章節的呈現方式: 1. 開場引言 (1分鐘)

  • 影片提示:展示台灣和中國地圖,並標示台灣海峽,強調地理位置和戰略重要性。畫面中出現新聞剪報和軍事演習的相關報導片段。
   * 背景音樂:緊張且低沉的音效,營造危機感。
   * 字幕提示:影片目標——分析中共圍台軍演的背景與台灣的應對策略。台灣應如何準備以應對封鎖?

2. 中共圍台軍演的背景 (1.5分鐘)

  • 影片提示:
   * 2022年裴洛西訪台:展示新聞畫面或簡報,特寫美國政府與台灣的互動,然後轉至中共軍演畫面,強調導彈發射、艦艇部署及台灣上空的軍機。
   * 2024年聯合利劍A、B:快速剪輯賴清德就職與國慶演說片段,接著展示中共軍艦、軍機、戰車等演習的畫面。
   * 解說重點:軍事威脅與政治施壓,利用心理戰術讓台灣陷入恐慌。鈞正平工作室發表的言論片段或相關微信截圖,強調中國對台灣的反應。
   * 字幕提示:中共三次圍台軍演的背景,並利用這些行動來達成對台的壓力策略。

3. 封鎖台灣的戰略思維 (1.5分鐘)

  • 影片提示:
   * 封鎖台灣的戰略目標:展示軍事分析圖,顯示航母戰鬥群、無人機群的活動範圍以及中程導彈的精準打擊能力。
   * 畫面轉換:航母、無人機、導彈的真實畫面或模擬場景,顯示解放軍的軍事力量。
   * 解說重點:講解封鎖作戰的核心理念:先讓台灣社會心理崩潰,隨後進行收復。
   * 字幕提示:封鎖台灣的戰略背後,解放軍的長期軍事準備與技術提升。

4. 台灣的應對策略 (1.5分鐘)

  • 影片提示:
   * 能源保障:展示台灣發電站、太陽能、地熱與儲能設施等畫面,特寫微電網及備援電力系統的建設。
   * 水與糧食:畫面切換到台灣的農業場景,如馬鈴薯種植場、地下水開發設施,顯示糧食自給率提升的重要性。
   * 通訊與基礎設施:展示海底電纜、衛星影像,以及緊急通信基站的畫面,強調台灣如何應對通訊中斷危機。
   * 醫療與物流:展示醫療資源儲備、醫療人員訓練與物流系統,特寫醫療物資與緊急救援車輛。
   * 字幕提示:台灣在面對封鎖期間的應對措施與必要的基礎設施提升。

5. 結尾與未來展望 (1分鐘)

  • 影片提示:
   * 台灣的未來準備:展示長期基建計畫的設計圖、施工場景以及政策討論會議,強調台灣如何強化自身防禦。
   * 國際支持畫面:展示台灣與美日等盟國的合作畫面,如軍事會議、國際援助與外交談判。
   * 字幕提示:結論強調,透過強化基礎設施與國際支持,台灣有能力應對中共的封鎖威脅。


範例:依照上述所列之五個章節之「呈現方式」,完善每一個段落的細節(包含人物、景物)以豐富影片的說服力及教育意義,將每個畫面以英文的生成prompt表示(生成影片網站的規則為每次生成五秒鐘至十秒鐘),以此規則並依據上述整理之所有要點依序排列出每個段落的prompt: 五分鐘影片生成影片的提示與每一章節的呈現方式:

1. Opening Introduction (1 minute)

  • Prompt 1: A high-resolution map of Taiwan and China, zoomed in on the Taiwan Strait with strategic points labeled. Use bold red and blue lines to show military zones and sea routes. The background music is tense, creating a sense of impending conflict.
  • Prompt 2: Split-screen showing clips from news broadcasts discussing Taiwan’s defense strategy and China’s military exercises. The screen flashes with images of Chinese warships and military jets flying near Taiwan.
  • Prompt 3: A dramatic slow zoom-out from the Taiwan Strait map, fading into a high-contrast headline reading "Analyzing Taiwan's Response to China's Blockade Strategy." Tense music builds up in the background.

2. The Background of China's Military Exercises (1.5 minutes)

  • Prompt 4: A news clip showing U.S. Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s plane landing in Taiwan, followed by Chinese military jets taking off. The camera then switches to missiles being launched from Chinese shores. Fast transitions add urgency to the narrative.
  • Prompt 5: A sequence of Taiwan’s President Lai Ching-te taking office, followed by Chinese military exercises labeled "Joint Sword A." Overlay text details the duration and scale of the military exercises.
  • Prompt 6: A military satellite view showing Chinese warships and aircraft positioning around Taiwan. Display missile trajectories aimed towards the island. In the background, overlay footage of Chinese social media headlines from “钧正平工作室” critiquing Taiwan’s military spending.
  • Prompt 7: Close-up shots of Chinese propaganda posts criticizing Taiwan’s "non-subordinate" stance, with bold Chinese characters and fiery imagery. The visuals reflect growing political pressure.

3. Strategic Thinking Behind the Blockade (1.5 minutes)

  • Prompt 8: A military strategy diagram showing circles of naval and air control zones around Taiwan. Highlight the areas with aircraft carriers, drone swarms, and missile launch sites. The scene should feel intense and highly analytical.
  • Prompt 9: A visual simulation of Chinese aircraft carriers deploying drones and jets in Taiwan's airspace. Show UAVs flying in formation, underscoring the long-duration hovering capabilities of Chinese forces. Use high-tech graphical effects to represent missile tracking paths.
  • Prompt 10: A cut to a Chinese missile launch site with engineers preparing medium-range missiles. The missiles are launched, and their trajectories are displayed as red lines targeting ships or land-based installations. Overlay commentary on precision-strike threats.
  • Prompt 11: Display a simulation of a nuclear submarine surfacing near Taiwan with the background text explaining China’s second-strike capability, enhanced by a modernized nuclear force. The underwater view transitions to satellites orbiting overhead, giving the impression of all-encompassing surveillance.

4. Taiwan's Response Strategies (1.5 minutes)

  • Prompt 12: Footage of Taiwan’s natural gas facilities and solar panel farms. Showcase geothermal plants and a large battery storage facility. Use clean, eco-friendly visuals to contrast with the stark military scenes from earlier.
  • Prompt 13: Agricultural scenes with farmers harvesting potatoes in rural Taiwan. Show irrigation systems being implemented to boost groundwater usage. Use peaceful imagery of crops, water resources, and modern farming technologies.
  • Prompt 14: Illustrations of undersea communication cables, transitioning to satellite-based communication networks. Simulate potential damage to sea cables by submarines, followed by Taiwan’s emergency response in establishing backup satellite networks.
  • Prompt 15: A bustling hospital setting with medical staff preparing supplies and distributing them efficiently. Ambulances and trucks are loaded with logistics boxes for food, medical kits, and essential resources. The screen transitions to Taiwan's logistics centers, ensuring supply chains remain operational during emergencies.

5. Conclusion and Future Outlook (1 minute)

  • Prompt 16: A futuristic scene showing Taiwan's urban infrastructure projects, including energy grids, communication towers, and defense networks. Diagrams with labeled improvements showcase long-term preparations.
  • Prompt 17: Show Taiwan's president and officials in diplomatic meetings with leaders from the U.S. and Japan. Military personnel share handshake moments, emphasizing international cooperation. Use official settings like conference rooms or military bases.
  • Prompt 18: The final scene should be a time-lapse of Taiwan’s coastline at sunrise, symbolizing resilience and hope. Overlay the conclusion text stating, "Through strengthened infrastructure and international support, Taiwan can maintain resilience against the threat of a blockade."

